Page 5 - MIN JUS 6 NOV 2015
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AWEMainta Diabierna, 06 November 2015                                                                         5

                                                                               Hilton Aruba Hotel ta aclarea:

                                                                     Personanan aresta
                                                                       NO ta empleado
                                                                             di e hotel                                                                                   NOS a wordo alerta cu re-

Be emotional about                                                                                            cientemente dos empleado
leadership                                                                                                    di un contratista a wordo
                                                                                                              aresta durante un desacu-
PwC Masterclass Leadership 2015                                                                               erdo cu a tuma lugar pafo
                                                                                                              di tereno di nos hotel.
                                                                                                              E contratisa, cu a wordo
                                                                                                              contrata p’un proyecto
                                                                                                              chikito di verf, no ta den
                                                                                                              servicio mas di e hotel. E
                                                                                                              caso aki no ta relata n’e
                                                                                                              compania cu actualmente
                                                                                                              ta verf e exterior di e edi-
                                                                                                              E bienestar, siguridad y
                                                                                                              proteccion di nos clien-
                                                                                                              tenan y miembronan di
                                                                                                              nos ekipo ta di suma
                                                                                                              importancia pa nos y nos
                                                                                                              lo sigui haci tur cos posibel
                                                                                                              pa garantisa cu tur nos
                                                                                                              practicanan y
                                                                                                              standardnan ta cumpli cu
                                                                                                              e normanan estricto di sig-
                                                                                                              uridad y proteccion.
                                                                                                              Pa cualkier otro pregunta,
                                                                                                              por tuma contacto cu auto-
                                                                                                              ridadnan local cu a atende
                                                                                                              cu e incidente aki.

Logistic details                       On Tuesday 17 November 2015, PwC organises its annual Masterclass
Date: Tue. 17 November 2015            Leadership Event. The theme of this year’s masterclass is Emotional
Masterclass: 8:45-17:00hrs             Intelligence. Emotional Intelligence is considered to be one of the
(registration starts at 8.15hrs)       most important competencies in modern day leadership.
Location: Renaissance                  Keynote speaker
Convention Center                      Our Masterclass Leadership 2015 will be given by Mrs. Rúna
Oranjestad, Aruba                      Bouius. Rúna is a specialist in Inspirational Leadership & Conscious
Language: English                      Capitalism. During the masterclass Rúna will inform, inspire and
Your investment:                       entertain you on the emerging leadership model for the 21st century
$ 500,- per participant,               with highlights on Emotional Intelligence.
excluding BBO+BAZ                      Join our masterclass together with your fellow directors,
                                       management team members and future leaders. You will enjoy
Registration (before 10 Nov.)          an inspiring day with lots of practical advice about Emotional
For more information and               Intelligence and effective leadership to renew and further strengthen
to register please contact             your leadership skills.
Geraldine Nadall via email:            Be emotional about Leadership!            Visit our website for more details
or phone: (+297) 5221647     

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