Page 26 - TTC
P. 26
LOCALTuesday 16 February 2016
Super Bowl Celebration at Moomba Beach a Hit!
wearing a Broncos-shirt,
so she would have had a
great night anyway.
The half-time performanc-
es were stunning, espe-
cially Beyoncé of course,
but nothing beat Lady
Gaga’s star-spangled
national anthem and on
Aruba goosebumps were
out in full force as well.
The finger foods were
great, the drinks plentiful
and cold and the atmo-
sphere could not be bet-
ter, so here’s our conclu-
sion: MooMba was the
absolute best place to
watch the Super Bowl
MOOMBA BEACH - Even on part of the total fun pack-
Aruba, thousands of miles age of watching the game
away from where the ac- at MooMba Beach with a
tion took place, the atmo- group of fellow fans. ``Just
sphere was electrifying, the the fact of sitting outside in
shouts and cheers deafen- the breeze, your feet in the
ing and the fans going wild sand, the ocean as a back-
on Super Bowl Sunday. The drop for this unique event, is
result, the Broncos win of truly amazing,’’ said one of
24-10 over the Panthers was the ladies present. She was