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                                                                                                           local Wednesday 1 March 2023
            Workshop held about available funds for projects related to the

            history of slavery in Aruba

            (Oranjestad)—On      Friday  based  on  concrete  ex-
            morning,  an  informative  amples,  participants  were
            and educational workshop  guided  through  the  think-
            was  held  in  regards  to  the  ing  and  writing  process
            Dutch foundations, namely  to  come  up  with  the  best
            the  Mondriaan  Fondation  ways  to  make  their  ideas
            and the Foundation for Cul-  concrete when filling in ap-
            tural Participacion that are  plications  for  funding.  To
            available  to  give  support  make  this  possible,  three
            to  projects  related  to  the  key  questions  were  posed
            commeration  of  160  years  that  will  help  each  peti-
            of  slavery  abolition  in  the  tioner  during  orientation.
            Dutch kingdom.               These three questions were:
                                         1.  What  is  the  role  of  the
            This  workshop  was  made  community  involved  and
            possible thanks to a collab-  who  is  involved?;  2.  What
            oration  between  the  Min-  is  the  goal  and  impact  of
            istery  of  Culture  of  Aruba,  the  project?;  3.  Identify
            The Commission for Slavery  key partners to collaborate
            Awareness Aruba, National  with.
            Library  of  Aruba,  Founda-
            tion  for  Cultural  Participa-  The  goal  is  to  get  more
            tion  and  Mondriaan  Foun-  people approved for avail-
            dation. Cultural advisors at  able funding to make their
            the Mondriaan Foundation  ideas concrete
            and  FCP  were  present  to  Minister  Xiomara  Maduro
            provide  information  in  re-  opened  and  closed  the
            gards  to  current  arrange-  workshop  to  highlight  the
            ments and available funds  goal  of  this  workshop,
            for  projects  and  initiatives  which  is  to  get  more  peo-
            for the 6 island in the Dutch  ple approved for available
            Caribbean,  The  Nether-     funding to make their ideas
            lands  and  Surinam  in  or-  concrete.  It  is  known  that
            der to bring awareness on  there are various initiatives
            the  history  and  effects  of  of  individuals  with  difficul-
            slavery.  The  workshop  was  ties to get funding for their
            modernized  by  Yolanda  ideas.  By  receiving  con-
            Richardson  and  given  by  crete  information  and  ex-
            Dyonna  Bennett,  Gyonne  tensive explanation on dif-
            Goedhoop      and    Tibisay  ferent  questions  and  con-
            Sankatsing Nava.             cerns  surrounding  finance,
                                         those  interested  can  real-
            The  informative  and  inter-  ize  their  ideas  regading
            active workshop              awareness  on  the  history
            The  program  consisted  of  and abolition of slavery on
            one  informative  section  Aruba.
            and  an  interactive  sec-
            tion. During the first half of  Thank  you  to  those  who
            the  morning,  an  extensive  lend a hand
            presentation  was  given  Minister  Maduro  expressed
            about  who  can  and  how  her gratitude to the Nation-
            to apply for funding, focus  al Library of Aruba, moder-
            points  of  each  foundation  ator  Yolanda,  representa-
            and the importance about  tives  from  the  Dutch  foun-
            the impact of every initiave  dations,  Dyonne,  Gyonne,
            regarding the topic of slav-  Tibisay  and  all  the  partici-
            ery awareness. These focal  pants for their positive con-
            points vary in the ability to  tribution  to  the  workshop.
            develop different perspec-   The  Minister  of  Culture
            tives on the history of slav-  hopes to see more people
            ery,  establishing  networks  in  Aruba  collaborate  with
            of  community,  expanding  each other so they can be
            the ability of the communi-  successful  in  their  petition
            ties to help themselves and  for funding for projects that
            stimulate  the  healing  pro-  will  surely  contributed  to
            cess.                        the  expansion  of  Aruba’s
            During  the  interactive  sec-
            tion of the workshop, work
            groups  were  formed  and
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