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Diaranson, 30 di Maart 2022|5

       Minister Rocco Tjon a reuni cu diferente departamento di

       husticia den cuadro di proyecto di edificio ex-Codemsa

       Dialuna  durante dia,  Minister di  to. Pronto lo bay entrega y presenta esaki na APFA, pa di e
       Husticia y Asunto Social sr. Rocco Tjon  forma ey, mas tarda den luna di mei, por presenta e concepto
       a reuni cu e diferente departamentonan  di Ley pa cu esaki den Parlamento di Aruba, p’asina e proyec-
       di Husticia. Manera a wordo anuncia al- to aki por wordo aproba y p’e trabounan mes por cuminsa.
       gun luna atras, e proyecto caminda di- Di e forma aki,  e trahadornan lo por traha bou di circunstan-
       ferente departamento di Husticia lo bay  cianan hopi mas mihor, y lo por brinda un mihor servicio na
       muda p’e edificio di ex-Codemsa, ta den  nos comunidad.
       pleno ehecucion.
                                                                Adicionalmente, e proyecto aki lo percura pa baha gastonan,
       Den cuadro di esaki, a reuni cu Cuerpo  cual lo resulta cu por bay haci hopi mas cu e recursonan limi-
       Policial,  Inmigracion, Bureau City Ins- ta cu nos tin.
       pector y CEA, caminda a logra determi-
       na e necesidadnan
       concreto cu nan tin
       mester di dje, p’asi-
       na  nan  por  ubica                              ARUBA
       nan trahadornan.                                 IMP   CT                                     Job Opportunity
       Pues  un  proyecto                               CO-WORKING SPACE                  COMMUNITY MARKETING OFFICER
       sumamente impor-                                 CENTER FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP
       tante pa Ministerio
       di Husticia.

                                         ABOUT ARUBA IMPACT
       E proyecto aki ta                 Aruba Impact, Co-working Space and
       importante,           pa          Center for Entrepreneurship, is a recently
       motibo cu ora ubi-                established innovative and inspirational
       ca e diferente  de-               social enterprise, powered by P.A.N.A.
       partamentonan di                  Foundation and Pering Group, to stimulate
                                         economic growth while solving social
       husticia bou  di  un              and environmental challenges, through
       solo edificio, esaki              entrepreneurship.
       lo percura pa pro-
       cesonan  ta mihor                 Aruba Impact collaborates with purpose
                                         driven organizations to accelerate change.
       alinia  pa trabou-                Besides offering a coworking environment,           REQUIREMENTS
       nan por wordo mi-                 the Center for Entrepreneurship offers
       hor  ehecuta,  tam-               advisory services, coaching, mentorship,            • Bachelor degree in Marketing or
       be lo percura pa                  education, thought leadership, and help               Communication, or equivalent experience;
                                                                                             • A minimum of 3 years of work experience
       brinda un mihor                   create a world where people and the                   in related fields;
                                         environment thrive.
       servicio na  henter                                                                   • Proficient in Google and Facebook
       nos comunidad.                                                                          Analytics;
       Locual tambe ta                                                                       • Excellent communication skills, in
       hopi      importante,             JOB DESCRIPTION                                       Papiamento, English, Dutch and Spanish;
                                                                                             • Excellent customer service skills;
       ta cu lo percura p’e              The Community Marketing Officer                     • Attention to detail and ability to multitask
                                         combines creative marketing and
       trahadornan tin e                 communication skills and technical                  • Digital skills;
       espacio y circuns-                savviness to devise, implement, and                 • Experience in dealing with new media
       tancianan necesa-                 manage Aruba Impact’s online and offline              including website, Facebook, lnstagram,
                                                                                               Linkedln - both on the user and admin side.
       rio pa por haci nan               marketing and communication efforts,                • Solid knowledge of MS Word, Outlook,
       trabounan, locual                 while building a vibrant entrepreneurial              Excel, PowerPoint;
       nan  tin derecho                                                                      • Experience with Design & Video editing is a
       riba dje. Nan con-                As Community Marketing Officer you                    plus;
       dicionnan di tra-                 are tasked with creating online content,            • Team player;
                                                                                             • Flexible, independent, and proactive.
       bou lo ta hopi mas                driving brand awareness, and coordinating
       mihor di locual nan               marketing campaign activities and events.
       ta actualmente.                   If you are a ‘people person’ with great             Please submit your resume and
       Por ultimo, e man-                customer service skills, creative and               motivation letter via email to:
       datario a indica di               solution driven, this opportunity is for you.
       a ricibi e draft final,
       den cual a delinia                                                                    Deadline is April 8th, 2022.
       e necesidadnan di
       cada  departamen-
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