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P. 18
LOCAL Monday 17 July 2023
Ayo & Casibari: Aruba’s famous rock formations
(Oranjestad)—The Ayo and ing several boulders that Both sites are open free to
Casibari Rock Formations lay on top or lean on each the public, 24 hours a day.
are known locally as one other. The best aspect of However, unless you are
of the crucial sites to have the Casibari Rock Forma- taking a trip with a profes-
in your “off-road” trip itiner- tion is the accompanying sional tour guide, there are
ary. These naturally formed view when you climb up no guides at the sites to
rock formations as just one the top of the round, flat help you climb the rock.
of the few places on the is- bolder. For this position, you So, do be careful when
land that hold a rich history the Black Stone Beach, and is usually quiet, as it is situ- can see the majority of the trudging on the boulders,
of our culture and of our close to the Natural Bridge. ated farther away from the island and the ocean in the and make sure to befriend
ancestors. The Ayo is a fenced terrain busier parts of the island. south. Right in front of the any roaming goats you see
that consists of several giant However, this is just anoth- entrance, there is the Casi- along the way!
Ayo boulders, resting neatly on er charm of the site: the bari Café and Grill, a great
The Ayo Rock Formation top of or side by side each quiet area and the refresh- place to get refreshments *Mondi: what we call our
is located in the northern other, adding gorgeous ing breeze offer a sense of and snack before continu- Aruban wilderness. We
part of the island, right on natural architecture to the comfort and peace. ing your off-road adven- don’t have forests, or des-
the road that leads you to surrounding “mondi”*. This ture! erts, but we do have mon-
is also one of the few sites Casibari di!
to contain prehistoric mark- Probably the busier rock
ings of our indigenous an- formation site, the Casi-
cestors. The Ayo Rock for- bari is situated more in the
mation contains stairs that center of the island, much
lead you to the top of the closer—and more acces-
highest boulder, offering a sible—to the general pub-
breath-taking view of the lic. Just like Ayo, Casibari
Aruban backyard. The Ayo is a fenced area contain-
Helpful tips for your stay on Aruba
(Oranjestad)—When trav- Police: 100 lets used on the island: type Supermarket hours
eling to another country, Police Tipline: 11141 A with two flat prongs; type Supermarket hours may
especially for the first time, Ambulance: 911 B with two flat and one vary depending on where
it is always better to be Fire Dept: 115 grounding prong, and on you are staying on the is-
over-prepared than under- Oranjestad: HOH hospital: occasion, type F with two land. Generally though,
prepared. That is why we +297-527-4000 round prong and two earth most supermarkets are
have a list of basic—but San Nicolas: ImSan: +297- clips on the side. However, open from 8am to 9 or
important—information that 527-8833 Type A is most commonly 10pm, Monday through
we think may come in han- found in homes and estab- Saturday. On Sundays, su-
dy to Aruba’s visitors. Electrical power lishments. permarkets generally close
Aruba generally operates earlier; mostly around 2pm. one for $45 an hour.
Emergency services on 110V to 127V supply Drinking water
Even though most people voltage and 60Hz. There The water that flows Taxis Safety
don’t even want to think are also three types of out- through the sinks of every Prices for taxi fair are set Aruba is one of the safest
about having to contact house, hotels and other by the Department of Pub- islands in the Caribbean,
emergency services—es- establishments is distilled lic Traffic and are based and many tourist that visit
pecially not while on their and perfectly safe to drink. on destination rather than have often told us how
vacation, it is still important Aruba’s drinking water ex- mileage. Most taxis can they feel safe to explore
to know what number to ceeds WHO’s international take up to five passengers, the island or walk around
dial in case of the unlikely standards for water qual- but this may vary depend- at night. However, rare in-
event of an accident or se- ity, so there is no need to ing on the vehicle. Taxis are cidents do occurs, so keep
vere incident. buy bottled water from the pretty much always avail- yourself and your belong-
store. able and you can ever hire ings safe.