Page 13 - AHATA
P. 13

                                                                                                           local Saturday 30 November 2024
            The Bushiribana Gold Mill Ruins and its history

                                                Aruba Island Gold Mining Compa-
                                                ny Ltd, the gold mill at Bushiribana
                                                was constructed in the area where
                                                most gold was found by locals. The
                                                story  of  gold  on  Aruba  actually
                                                dates  back  to  1725,  when  a  first
                                                exploration  for  gold  on  the  island
                                                was  commissioned  by  the  Dutch
                                                West  India  Company.  Under  the
            (Oranjestad)—The       Bushiribana  leadership  of  Mr.  Paulus  Printz,  a
            Gold  Mill  Ruins  is  one  of  the  most  three-year search was conducted
            visited places by tourists on the is-  on Aruba, to no avail. Though they
            land,  as  it  lies  along  the  northern  found some gold, it was enough to
            coast line near the mini pool and  motivate a further search, and the
            on  the  way  to  the  Natural  Bridge.  assignment  was  discontinued  by
            Despite  its  seemingly  plain  ap-  Printz himself.
            pearance, this ruin represents one
            of  the  most  important  histories  of  It  wasn’t  until  100  years  later,  in
            the island: The Aruban Gold Rush.   1824, when a young boy found a  local merchant who then sold the  primitive methods to dig and carve
                                                lump of gold while out herding his  lump for $70. Unbeknownst to the  out gold from the rocks. Aruba Is-
            Built  in  1872  by  English  company  father’s sheep. His father took it to a  boy and his father, they quite liter-  land  Gold  Mining  Company  Ltd.
                                                                                    ally  struck  gold,  and  as  word  got  was no different, but used a unique
                                                                                    out,  a  gold  fever  spread  among  method that involved grinding the
                                                                                    the  locals  who  started  searching  rocks and letting the dust be blown
                                                                                    for  more  gold.  About  25  pounds  away by the strong northeast wind,
                                                                                    worth was found.                    leaving clumps of gold behind. The
                                                                                                                        next step was melting the gold and
                                                                                    At the same time, the Aruban gov-   letting it attach to quicksilver in or-
                                                                                    ernment  took  immediate  actions,  der to obtain pure gold. All these
                                                                                    and  informed  Curacao  that  gold  processes were done at the Bushiri-
                                                                                    was found. At first, everyone could  bana Gold Mill.
                                                                                    look for gold, as long as they sold it
                                                                                    to the government. However, after  The gold mill itself had a short life-
                                                                                    some time, the government decid-    span: only 10 years in service, but
                                                                                    ed to implement stricter rules and  its structure remained relatively sol-
                                                                                    banned local search parties.        id till this day, and is now a histori-
                                                                                                                        cal remnant. q
                                                                                    Over the years, concession-holding
                                                                                    had seen different companies from     Sources: Etnia Nativa & goldminer-
                                                                                    around the world, all of which used    

                                                                      Ever heard of the cah’i orgel?

                                                                      A key instrument in Aruban folklore music

                                                                      the old and young.           reer  became  one  of  the  the  cah’i  orgel  produces
                                                                                                   composers  for  the  Aruban  music similar to that of a pi-
                                                                      The  origin  of  the  cah’i  or-  national anthem.        ano,  and  is  accompanied
                                                                      gel  is  said  to  have  come                             often  by  someone  else
                                                                      from  Europe  around  150  Rufo  Wever  was  a  young  playing the “wiri”, a percus-
                                                                      years  ago.  A  cross  breed  musician  in  1937  when  he  sion  instrument  made  out
                                                                      between  the  barrel  piano  established  his  own  cah’i  of  steel  and  reminiscent
                                                                      and  the  organ,  the  most  orgel business on the island.  to  the  Spanish  guiro.  Back
                                                                      popular stories said that the  Before that he experiment-  then, you would often also
                                                                      instrument  came  from  ei-  ed with his uncle’s cah’i or-  find  someone  playing  the
                                                                      ther  England  or  Germany,  gel, and he over the years  triangle alongside the cah’i
                                                                      but  made  its  way  to  Italy  he learned to build and re-  orgel and wiri. In Aruba, the
                                                                      down to Venezuela, where  pair the instrument. In fact,  cah’i orgel and wiri is used
                                                                      in 1881, Mr. Horatio Sprock  he was incredibly  skilled  in  for traditional music genres,
                                                                      (1866-1949)  from  Curacao  this, and he was one of the  such  as  the  Aruban  waltz,
                                                                      was  first  introduced  to  it.  few  to  have  recognized  tumba, mazurka and more.
                                                                      After that, Sprock made his  from the start that the cah’i
                                                                      own cah’i orgel “Josefina”,  orgel  is  an  instrument  that  Fun fact: another name for
                                                                      and  successfully  debuted  needs preserving.             the  cah’i  orgel  is  the  “tin-
                                                                      it  on  the  streets  of  Barqui-                         gilingi box.”
                                                                      simeto.  Back  in  Curacao,  As  mentioned,  the  cah’i
                                                                      he  started  his  own  cah’i  orgel is a music box. made   Source: “E Cilinder Magico
            (Oranjestad)—The cah’i or-   bean.  This  instrument  is  a  orgel  business  along  with  from  mahogany  wood,  it   entre Aruba y Curaçao” by
            gel music box is an impor-   staple in our folklore music,  his brother Luis. In Aruba, it  contains  a  cylinder  with  a   Marilyn Alcalá-Wallé, Herta
            tant and unique instrument  and  its  significance  in  the  is said that the cah’i orgel  maximum  of  eight  music   Parabirsing-Balentina and Ni-
                                                                                                                                     dia Rosaria-Wallé.
            that is used on the ABC is-  traditions of Aruba has and  was  introduced  by  Rufo  pieces. By rotating the lever
            lands  in  the  Dutch  Carib-  continues to bring together  Wever, who later in his ca-  on the front side of the box,
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