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Aruba’s Nature is

                                                                                      Thursday                                  to be Cherished
                                                                                      September 5, 2024
                                                                                      T: 582-7800
                                                                                                                                                 Page 7
                 A r u b a ’ s   O N L Y   E n g l i s h   n e w s p a p e r
                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper
            The world is pumping out 57 million tons of plastic pollution a year

            A man walks on a railway track littered with plastic and other waste materials on Earth Day in Mumbai, India, April 22, 2024.            Associated Press
                                                                                                                                                    Page 2
            By SETH BORENSTEIN                  fill New York City's Central Park with  or  is  properly  burned.  For  15%  of  gineering professor. The other big-
            AP Science Writer                   plastic waste as high as the Empire  the  world's  population,  govern-  gest plastic polluting cities are New
            The  world  creates  57  million  tons  State  Building,  according  to  re-  ment fails to collect and dispose of  Delhi;  Luanda,  Angola;  Karachi,
            of plastic pollution every year and  searchers at the University of Leeds  waste, the study's authors said — a  Pakistan and Al Qahirah, Egypt.
            spreads it from the deepest oceans  in the United Kingdom. They exam-   big reason Southeast Asia and Sub-  India leads the world in generating
            to the highest mountaintop to the  ined waste produced on the local  Saharan  Africa  produce  the  most  plastic  pollution,  producing  10.2
            inside of people's bodies, accord-  level at more than 50,000 cities and  plastic waste. That includes 255 mil-  million tons a year (9.3 million met-
            ing  to  a  new  study  that  also  said  towns across the world for a study  lion people in India, the study said.  ric tons), far more than double the
            more  than  two-thirds  of  it  comes  in Wednesday's journal Nature.   Lagos,  Nigeria,  emitted  the  most  next  big-polluting  nations,  Nigeria
            from the Global South.              The  study  examined  plastic  that  plastic  pollution  of  any  city,  ac-  and Indonesia.
            It's enough pollution each year —  goes  into  the  open  environment,  cording  to  study  author  Costas
            about  52  million  metric  tons  —  to  not  plastic  that  goes  into  landfills  Velis,  a  Leeds  environmental  en-    Continued on Page 2
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