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A2    U.S. NEWS
             Wednesday 19 February 2025

             Supervisor in D.C. federal prosecutors’ office told to resign after

             dispute over investigation

             By ALANNA DURKIN RICHER                                                                                            Cheung’s  letter  recapping
             and ERIC TUCKER                                                                                                    her dispute with Martin did
             Associated Press                                                                                                   not  describe  the  nature
             WASHINGTON (AP) — A top                                                                                            of  the  contract  or  which
             supervisor  in  the  federal                                                                                       agency  was  involved.  A
             prosecutors’ office in Wash-                                                                                       spokesperson  for  the  U.S.
             ington said she was forced                                                                                         attorney’s  office  declined
             to resign following a dispute                                                                                      to comment, and a spokes-
             with her boss over a direc-                                                                                        person  for  the  Justice  De-
             tive  that  she  scrutinize  the                                                                                   partment said failing to fol-
             awarding of a government                                                                                           low orders “is not an act of
             contract  during  the  Biden                                                                                       heroism.”
             administration,  according                                                                                          The conflict was the latest
             to a letter reviewed by The                                                                                        to  roil  the  Justice  Depart-
             Associated Press.                                                                                                  ment  and  to  result  in  the
             Denise Cheung, a longtime                                                                                          resignation of a career of-
             Justice Department official                                                                                        ficial  who  was  unwilling  to
             who led the office’s criminal                                                                                      follow  a  Trump  administra-
             division, wrote in a resigna-                                                                                      tion mandate.
             tion  letter  that  interim  U.S.                                                                                  Cheung  did  not  explain
             Attorney Ed Martin ordered                                                                                         the  reason  for  her  depar-
             her to seek a freeze on as-  The  logo  for  the  Justice  Department  is  seen  before  a  news  conference  at  the  Department  of   ture in an email to her col-
             sets related to the contract  Justice, Aug. 23, 2024, in Washington.                                               leagues  Tuesday  morning,
             and to issue grand jury sub-                                                                      Associated Press   but   encouraged   them
             poenas despite her believ-  for  her  resignation  after  counts because of a crimi-  sue  such  a  letter”  to  the  to  continue  to  fulfill  their
             ing there was an insufficient  she resisted his demand to  nal investigation.         bank, telling Martin that the  commitment  to  “pursu-
             basis for doing so.         tell  a  bank  not  to  release  Cheung  said  she  “lacked  “quantum of evidence did  ing  justice  without  fear  or
             Cheung  said  Martin  asked  any funds from certain ac-  the  legal  authority  to  is-  not support that action.”  prejudice.”q
            U.S. Postal Service head DeJoy to step down after 5 years marked

            by pandemic, losses and cost cuts

            Associated Press             the    American     people  DeJoy took the helm of the  tics  business  before  taking  could particularly hurt rural
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Louis  through  an  unprecedent-        postal  service  in  the  sum-  office and was the first post-  mail delivery.
            DeJoy,  the  head  of  the  ed pandemic and through  mer  of  2020  during  Presi-     master  general  in  nearly  DeJoy  has  disputed  that
            U.S.  Postal  Service,  intends  a  period  of  high  inflation  dent  Donald  Trump’s  first  two decades who was not  and told a U.S. House sub-
            to  step  down,  the  federal  and  sensationalized  poli-  term. He was a Republican  a career postal employee.    committee  during  a  con-
            agency said Tuesday, after  tics.”                        donor who owned a logis-     DeJoy  developed  a  10-     tentious  September  hear-
            a  nearly  five-year  tenure                                                           year plan to modernize op-   ing  that  the  Postal  Service
            marked by the coronavirus                                                              erations and stem losses. He  had  embarked  on  long-
            pandemic, surges in mail-in                                                            previously  said  that  postal  overdue   investments   in
            election ballots and efforts                                                           customers should get used  “ratty”  facilities  and  mak-
            to stem losses through cost                                                            to  “uncomfortable”  rate  ing  other  changes  to  cre-
            and service cuts.                                                                      hikes  as  the  postal  service  ate “a Postal Service for the
            In  a  Monday  letter,  Post-                                                          seeks to stabilize its financ-  future”  that  delivered  mail
            master    General    DeJoy                                                             es and become more self-     more quickly.
            asked  the  Postal  Service                                                            sufficient.                  DeJoy  also  oversaw  the
            Board of Governors to be-                                                              The  plan  calls  for  making  postal  service  during  two
            gin  looking  for  his  succes-                                                        the  mail  delivery  system  presidential  elections  that
            sor.                                                                                   more  efficient  and  less  saw spikes in mail-in ballots.
            “As  you  know,  I  have                                                               costly by consolidating mail  Ahead  of  the  2020  presi-
            worked  tirelessly  to  lead                                                           processing  centers.  Critics,  dential  election,  a  federal
            the 640,000 men and wom-                                                               including members of Con-    judge  limited  one  of  the
            en  of  the  Postal  Service  in                                                       gress  from  several  states,  postal  service’s  cost-cut-
            accomplishing  an  extraor-  Postmaster  General  of  the  United  States  Louis  DeJoy  speaks   have  said  the  first  consoli-  ting  practices  after  finding
            dinary  transformation,”  he   during a news conference, Dec. 20, 2022, in Washington.  dations slowed service and  it  contributed  to  delays  in
            wrote.  “We  have  served                                             Associated Press  that  further  consolidations  mail delivery.q
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