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8                                                                                 Antilliaans Dagblad Donderdag 5 maart 2020

                                      LEZERS AAN HET WOORD                                          HET WEER OP
  Illegale vuilstort                                                                                DE ANTILLEN
  naast school
                                                                                                  Verwachting voor  N
  Vannacht werd ik even na drie                                                                   vanmiddag 12 uur
  uur wakker door woedend blaf-                                                                   windkracht 4 - 5 bft  W  O
  fende buurhonden en ik ging                                                                     golfhoogte 1 - 2 m  Z
  kijken wat er loos was. Mannen
  met een witte pick-up gooiden                                                                    BOVENWINDSE EILANDEN
  witte zakken neer en reden snel                                                                          Sint Maarten
  weg, voordat ik de kans kreeg
  het nummer van de auto te                                                                                     28
  noteren.                                                                                        Saba  25  Philipsburg
                                                                                                   The Bottom
  Bij daglicht bleken deze zakken                                                                            Oranjestad
  afval te bevatten en stonken                                                                        St. Eustatius 27
  verschrikkelijk. De plaats van
  storting was voor een gesloten                                                                   BENEDENWINDSE EILANDEN
  overheidsgebouw, grenzende
  aan het Coromoto College. De
  wind zal de stank zeker het                                                                            29      30
  onderwijzend personeel en de                                                                   Oranjestad
  leerlingen bereiken met alle                                                                       Aruba  Willemstad
  ongewenste gevolgen van dien.                                                                              Curaçao
  Heb meteen nummer 917 van
  de politie gebeld en om een
  bezoek van het X-team   ,,Bij daglicht bleken deze zakken afval te bevatten en stonken verschrikkelijk.”         FOTO’S JULIE KOOIJMAN  30
  gevraagd. De politie zou in de                                                                        28  Kralendijk  Bron:
  loop van de dag komen kijken.  mentum and have made great  spread of the virus and it is  much-needed medical supplies  Bonaire
  Opgemerkt wordt, dat deze  contribution to the world. Presi-  great contribution to all man-  to China. When I met with  Venezuela
  plaats dicht bij het Curaçaosch  dent Xi Jinping personally chai-  kind.  leaders of the Curaçao govern-
  Museum ligt, waar veel toeris-  red a meeting to direct the out-  Thanks to the concerted efforts  ment and officials from its
  ten komen.              break response, and called for  of the people of all ethnic  ministry of Health, I could also
  Het is een zeer verontrustend  confidence, unity, science-based  groups throughout the country,  feel their support and apprecia-
  verschijnsel, dat men nu in  approach and targeted response  China has made positive pro-  tion of China’s fight against the
  wijken ook aan illegale vuilstort  as guidelines for China’s epide-  gress in controlling the epide-  epidemic.
  doet, vooral in een periode, dat  mic control efforts. The govern-  mic. Since mid-February, the  The epidemic respects no bor-
  uiterste hygiëne noodzakelijk is  ment organizations and rele-  number of newly diagnosed  ders and the fight against it
  in verband met het voorkomen  vant institutions are operating  cases in China has steadily  should leave no one behind. I
  van ziektes op ons eiland.  efficiently, building up a com-  declined, and the number of  noticed that the Netherlands
        Julie Kooijman, Curaçao  prehensive and multi-level  cured cases has increased rapid-  have taken necessary and reaso-
                          control system, including the  ly. On February 18th, for the  nable measures for the purpose
  Work together, win the  lockdown of Wuhan city as the  first time, the number of cured  of strengthening epidemic  VANDAAG
                          key area, the full participation of  cases exceeded the number of  prevention and control. The
  battle against Covid19  all government officials in epi-  newly diagnosed. On March  Dutch Caribbean autonomous  Halfbewolkt met kans op
  Recently the epidemic of Covid-  demic prevention and control,  3rd, 2.652 patients were cured,  countries have also issued he-  een lichte bui in de ochtend.
  19 has caught everyone’s atten-  the cancellation of large-scale  which was 22 times more than  alth reminds and raised vigilan-  De wind waait uit oostelijke
  tion. It’s not only a major threat  public events, the guidance to  the confirmed patients the  te, to protect the health and  richting en is matig, wind-
  to the safety and health of Chi-  residents for self-quarantine,  same day. The figures are inspi-  safety of their citizens and fo-  kracht 3 tot 5; nu en dan
  nese people, but also a great  the deployment of medical staff  ring and illustrate that the epi-  reign nationals. As long as  krachtig in uitschieters. De
  challenge to global public health  and supplies across the country,  demic is preventable, controlla-  these measures are science-ba-  zee is rustig tot vrij rustig
  security. According to data of  and the construction and put  ble and the disease curable.  sed, professional and appropria-  met golfhoogtes tussen 1 en
  the past a few days, the overall  into use of two specialized hos-  There is no reason to panic and  te, I think people will accept.  1,5 meter.
  situation of China’s epidemic  pitals with 2.500 beds within 15  we should assess the situation  We will uphold the concept of
  prevention and control continu-  days, et cetera. Above measures  in an objective, rational and  building a community of shared  MORGEN
  es to improve. The growth rate  have demonstrated China’s  scientific way. Now the govern-  future for mankind and are
  of confirmed Covid-19 cases has  speed and scale during this  ments at various levels in China  willing to strengthen communi-  halfbewolkt met een plaatse-
  slowed down, and most provin-  fight, as well as the strengths of  are strengthening personnel  cation and collaboration with  lijk bui van korte duur in de
  ces and cities except Hubei have  China’s system.  health management according  countries around the world  ochtenduren.
  no new cases. However, a few  II. Prevent the disease from  to local conditions, to prevent  including the Netherlands, as
  foreign countries are reporting  spreading and live up to the  the epidemic from rebounding.  well as the WHO, to enhance
  quickly increasing number of  responsibility as a major coun-  III. Work together to win the  the mutual understanding and
  patients and the Netherlands  try. China’s efforts to fight  battle against the epidemic.  trust among all parties. The
  also has confirmed cases. More-  against the epidemic and the  Acting with openness, transpa-  aims are to effectively prevent
  over, Saint Martin of this region  progress to prevent its spread to  rency and a high sense of res-  the transnational spread of the
  has two cases confirmed days  other countries have been re-  ponsibility, the Chinese authori-  epidemic and maintain regional
  ago, attracting continuous pu-  cognized worldwide. The WHO  ties shared information of the  and global public health securi-
  blic attention. Here I would like  director-general dr. Tedros  epidemic with relevant parties  ty. Let’s keep united as one,
  to introduce to Dutch Caribbe-  Adhanom Ghebreyesus said on  in a timely manner. We keep  work together, and achieve the
  an friends of the situation about  Munich Security Conference  close communication with the  final victory of combating the
  China’s fight against the epide-  that the steps China took to  WHO, the neighboring and  Covid-19 epidemic!
  mic.                    contain the outbreak at its sour-  relevant countries, and carry out  Li Yigang
  I. Be united as one to fight  ce have bought the world time,  international cooperation. After  Consul General of the People’s
  against the disease. Since the  even though those steps have  two-month epidemic prevention  Republic of China in Willemstad,
  epidemic breakout, the Chinese  come at greater cost to China,  and control, China’s strategy  Curaçao
  government has always put  but it’s slowing the spread to  and experience are worth lear-
  people’s life safety and health as  the rest of the world. China is  ning from. Meanwhile, various  Ingezonden brieven geven uitsluitend de
                                                                           opvatting van de auteur weer. Alleen het
  priority. Under the strong lead-  fighting the outbreak aggressi-  countries and international  commentaar vertolkt de mening van de krant.  Woensdag 4 maart
  ership of the Communist Party  vely to protect its own people  organizations have offered  De redactie behoudt zich het recht voor
  of China Central Committee  and the people of the world.  timely source of help, providing  ingezonden brieven te weigeren, dan wel te    4562
                                                                              redigeren of in te korten.
  with Comrade Xi Jinping at its  The UN secretary-general Mr.  aid supplies to China. The
  core, China has adopted the  António Guterres praised Chi-  Dutch king, prime minister and  Antilliaans Dagblad
                                                                          Brieven (maximaal 250 woorden) voorzien
  most comprehensive, rigorous  nese people’s contribution that  minister of Foreign Affairs have  van naam, adres en telefoonnummer sturen  5783
  and thorough measures to pre-  they are suffering from daily  expressed their condolences  aan: Redactie Antilliaans Dagblad,
  vent and control the disease.  inconveniences and have given  and support by telegram and  Postbus 725, Willemstad, Curaçao,   0971
                                                                                 fax (9)7472257
  With extraordinary efforts, we  up parts of normal lives. They  letter in succession. The Dutch  E-mail:
  have contained its spread mo-  made sacrifice to contain the  business community donated
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