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a8    local
                      Saturday 9 July 2022

            Presentation of Leerorkest at Laura Wernet Paskel School

            Oranjestad  -  On  July  6,
            2022,  the  Prime  Minister  of  This project is an initiative of
            Aruba,  Mrs.  Evelyn  Wever-  the Ministries of Education,
            Croes,  paid  a  visit  to  the  Social  Affairs,  and  Justice
            Laura Wernet Paskel school  of  Aruba  and  the  Nether-
            for  a  presentation  of  the  lands.

                                                                      Leerorkest  introduced  the  Minister said.               am very proud of these chil-
                                                                      young  pupils  of  the  2,  3,                            dren  and  am  very  grate-
                                                                      4,  and  5  grades  to  instru-  The  principal  of  the  Laura  ful  to  have  such  a  great
                                                                      ments they are not familiar  Wernet  Paskel  school  Mrs.  project  available  for  our
                                                                      with at these young ages. It  Bernadetta Figueroa-Geer-   schools, where the leerork-
                                                                      is remarkable to state that  man,  was  happy  with  the  est helps us reach our goals
                                                                      these children are very pas-  presentation  of  the  "leer-  of forming citizens with love
                                                                      sionate  about  music.“I  am  orkest".   She   mentioned  and  passion  for  music,"
                                                                      sure  that  with  this,  we  are  that the grade 2 pupils re-  teacher Etta said.
                                                                      planting  a  seed  in  every  ceived a general music ed-
                                                                      child for music to become  ucation, the grade 3 pupils  The Prime Minister thanked
                                                                      part  of  their  lives.  Maybe  were able to select their in-  teacher  Etta  and  pupils  of
                                                                      on a professional level or to  strument of choice and re-  the  Laura  Wernet  Paskel
                                                                      relax and enjoy," the Prime  ceived classes for one year  School  and  the  leerorkest
                                                                                                   from  variious  music  teach-  for  this  great  project  of  in-
                                                                                                   ers.                         stilling love and passion for
                                                                                                                                music  in  our  children.  The
                                                                                                   During  the  presentation,  Prime Minister also congrat-
                                                                                                   they   showed    everyone  ulated  them  on  the  suc-
                                                                                                   what  they  learned  in  one  cessful project.q
                                                                                                   year.  “I  have  to  say  that  I
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