Page 3 - RIU HOTEL
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Thursday 4 January 2018
Aruba’s Happy Information Officers are at Your Service!
(ARUBA.COM) bile and can be found in
ORANJESTAD - Make the numerous areas across
Happy Information Of- the island, including the
ficers your first stop for city center, the Cruise
information when roam- terminal and Palm Beach
ing around Aruba. The area. You can recognize
Happy Information Offi- them by their sea green
cers are a one-stop shop t-shirts featuring the hap-
of information, staffed by py information slogan. In
friendly, professional and addition, we also offer
trained officers with ex- an Aruba tourism kiosk
tensive local knowledge. located at Plaza Daniel
They can provide you Leo straight across the
with reliable information renaissance entrance, at
on attractions, activities the entrance of the main
and events, help you with street. Here you will also
any questions you may find a Happy Information
have or give you up-to- officer ready to help.
the-minute advice for Wherever you go, look
your vacation in Aruba. up or visit the Happy In-
To ensure your access to formation Officers to help
them, the Happy infor- you get the most out of
mation officers are mo- your stay in Aruba.q