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AWEMainta Diabierna, 12 Februari 2016                                                                                     27

e graduadonan exito den nan futuro.”                                    Brand Identity and Brand Image – Caroline Arends

Den e siguiente por admira e variedad di topiconan di                   Effects of Meditation on Students’ Stress Levels and Concentration –
thesis di e graduadonan:                                                Sahony Encarnacion

A Quantitative Exploratory Study on the Factors that Influence Couples  Service Quality: Importance and Performance – Allen Josiah
when Choosing a Wedding Destination:
A Case Study of Aruba – Deanna Pinilla                                  Wedding Tourism: A Stronger Niche Market for Aruba as a Tourism
                                                                        Destination – Rijuenne Tromp

Measuring the Level of Awareness and Loyalty on the Core Spirit Brands  Effects of Tourist Servicescape Based on Visitors’ Satisfaction: Research
– Zilha Wever                                                           & Analysis of Aruba’s Tourist Oriented Directional Signage Manage-
                                                                        ment – Marisol Vrolijk
HR Management:
Employee Reward Preferences – Beverly Maasdamme                         Gendered Leadership: Condemned or Condoned through the Gender
                                                                        Lens? – Angeline Arends
Aruba Five Star Destination:
Identifying Employee Competencies – Prociano Nurse                      The Impact of Cultural Intelligence on the Job Performance of Immi-
                                                                        grants – Denise Marulanda
The Relationship between Leadership Behaviors and Organizational
Culture – Edine Ammerlaan                                               Workplace Spirituality and its Effects on Job Satisfaction –
                                                                        Arthur Donata
Destination Branding: Marketing the destination brand Aruba to
different generations – Erwin-Milton Arends                             Consumers’ Intention Towards Organic Food Purchase – Julika Thijsen

Research on Motivational Factors to attend a Music Festival:            The Use and Influence of Social Media from Tourists Visiting Aruba –

The Case of the Annual Soul Beach Festival in Aruba – Shinton Arends Vivian Chow
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