Page 16 - Min.TTC Feb 18, 2015
P. 16

                                                                                    Wednesday 18 February

IMF Reports That

Aruba’s Economy

Has Promising


ORANJESTAD - The Prime       with growth above 4.5
Minister of Aruba Mike       percent largely reflected
Eman received the most       in developments in the
recent report from the       tourism sector. Growth is
IMF (International Mon-      projected to rise to 2.25
etary Funds) on Friday,      percent in 2015 as the
February 13, 2015. The       tourism sector is expect-
results of the report are    ed to continue to grow,
very positive for Aruba      domestic demand is slat-
and detail the upward        ed to recover together
growth of the economy        with key public-private
for the island.              partnership (PPP) proj-
A delegation of IMF staff    ects e.g. Green Corridor
have been on the is-         and Ring Road 3.  
land having discussions      In 2014, the fiscal defi-
with Aruba’s economic        cit narrowed to 5.25%
stakeholders and per-        as the authorities un-
forming a rigorous inves-    dertook major structural
tigation into the most       reforms to address the
recent financial situa-      fiscal challenges. The
tions   on economic de-      most effective reforms
velopments and policies.     applauded by the IMF
Based on information         include changes in AOV,
available at the time of     APFA and AZV. The AMF
these discussions, the IMF   foresees a meaningful
reported that Aruba’s        fiscal consolidation to
economy is recovering        take hold this year. The
from a double-dip reces-     proposed budget plan
sion caused by the glob-     aims to reduce the 2015
al financial crisis and the  deficit to 3.75 percent of
shutdown of the island’s     the GDP.   
oil refinery.                The conclusion of the
The IMF advises that the     report shows positive re-
authorities have under-      sults and states “The au-
taken major reforms,         thorities’ growth pillar an-
aiming for at surplus by     chored around renew-
2018 and the adjustment      able energy offers prom-
plan contains the neces-     ising potential.”   Given
sary measures needed         Aruba’s abundance of
for Aruba to meet their      natural resources, it is
targets.                     plausible for a long-term
The findings show a          path for economic diver-
strong recovery in 2013      sification. q
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