P. 15
CLASSIFIED Thursday 5 OcTOber 2017
FDA claims ‘Love’ is not a real dOCTOR ON dUTY
ingredient in bakery’s granola Dr. Samuels
CONCORD, Mass. (AP) — Tel. 583 0877
San Nicolas
A Massachusetts bakery’s Dr. Every
granola may be made TIME SHARE FOR SALE Tel. 584 4484
with love, but federal of- Divi Phoenix Resort EMERGENCIA 911
ficials say it shouldn’t be control contract. 1 bdrm unit # 633 sleeps up to 6
listed as an ingredient on Gates said the company peoples week 1 and 2. have 37
the package. has gotten a positive re- weeks left. deed
Nashoba Brook Bakery, action from people since Price $37,000 for 2 weeks.
in Concord, was taken to news of the letter began to POLICE 100
task by the U.S. Food and circulate. 215 9067397 ORANJESTAD 527-3140
Drug Administration for list- “It taps this feeling that a _________________________________208098 NOORD 527-3200
ing “love” as an ingredient lot of Americans have that TIME SHARE FOR SALE STA. CRUZ 527-2900
on its Nashoba Granola la- there are ways in which Divi Village SAN NICOLAS 584-5000
bel. In a letter posted this the government can over- one bedroom $6,500 POLICE TIPLINE 11141
week on the FDA website, reach, and it seems kind of for details FIRE DEPT. 582-1108
the agency said federal silly,” Gates said. “Because email: HOSPITAL 527-4000
regulations require that in- it’s about the word love, _________________________________208180 DENTAL CLINIC 587-9850
gredients “must be listed it’s cathartic. ... It makes Marriott Ocean Club AMBULANCE 582-1234
by their common or usual it something that people 1 br Ocean View Gold $4500 IMSAN 524-8833
name.” can smile at.”Bakery co- 2 br Ocean View Gold $8500 RED CROSS 582-2219
“’Love’ is not a common or owner and chief baker Stu- Marriott surf club Women in Difficulties
usual name of an ingredi- art Witt said the company 2 br Ocean View Gold $8500 PHARMACY
ent, and is considered to has been open nearly 20 3 br Ocean View Gold $14,500
be intervening material years, and has been selling More weeks availiable Oranjestad:
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because it is not part of the granola nearly that long. call:(297)630-1307 San Nicolas
common or usual name of “Love,” has been listed on Centro Medico Tel. 584 5794
the ingredient,” the FDA the label from the begin-
wrote. ning, he said. Costa Linda Beach Resort
The agency said in a state- “We feel very strongly that 2 br week 40 room# 5014 INFORMATION 118
ment Wednesday that love is a big part of what Ocean View $9000 TAXI-TAS 587-5900
listing “love” as an ingre- we do,” he said, adding 2 br week 41 room #4019 PROF. TAXI 588-0035
dient was just one of sev- that much care is put into Pool/Ocean View $9000 SERVICE AUA 583-3232
eral violations, including a baking the company’s call:(297)630-1307 A1 TAXI SERVICES 587-8850
failure by the company to rustic, European-style sour- 280-2828
clean and sanitize its bak- dough bread.“Because cruIse shIP
ing equipment and facility it’s such a long process, Renaissance Suites
properly. there’s so much room for 1 br week 41 room #2517
The information about the error if you’re not really Pool/Ocean View $6000
use of “love” was included caring and putting a lot of 1 br week 42 room #2501
but is not among the agen- love into it,” he said. “I al- Pool/Ocean view $6000 October 6
cy’s top concerns, the FDA ways say, with our granola, call:(297)630-1307 Monarch
said.The bakery’s CEO, you need to mix it, mix it October 8
John Gates, told The As- thoroughly, and then when Freewinds
sociated Press the bakery you’re done, mix it again, I Know How To Sell Your Time Aruba Airport 524-2424
will be “fully cooperative” and mix it again.” Share American Airlines 582-2700
with the FDA. He also said Witt said it’s up to the gov- 31 years exp of the whole Avianca 588-0059
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the bakery has a “cleaning ernment to say whether business Jet Blue 588-2244
contract of $100,000 per “love” should come off the In aruba Local Time share Surinam 582-7896
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