Page 9 - ATA MRT 25
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LOCALWednesday 25 March 2015

Representing 35 Years of Visiting Aruba:

ATA Presents Commemorative Emerald Coin to Family Lutzker

DRUIF BEACH - Re- home,’ but also due to
cently the Lutzker the great weather and the
family was awarded friendly Aruban hospitality.
a well-deserved Em- The symbolic honorary title
erald Coin, repre- is presented to the Lutzker
senting and honor- family on behalf of the Min-
ing their 35 consec- ister of Tourism, Transporta-
utive years of visiting tion, Primary Sector and
the island. Culture Mr. O. Oduber as
During a special a token of appreciation to
reception held in guests who visit Aruba for
honor of this com- 35-or-more consecutive
memorative event, years.
Mr. Aaron Lutzker Mr. and Mrs. Lutzker also
and his wife Mrs. celebrated their 55th Anni-
Karen Lutzker were versary in Aruba: Congrat-
honored with the ulations!
special Emerald You hold a special place in
Coin accompanied the hearts of Arubans.q
with the title Emer-
ald Ambassadors,

which certificate was pre-
sented to them by Mrs. Dar-
line de Cuba, representing
the Aruba Tourism Authority
together with Brisley Flan-
negin Front Office Manag-
er and Astrid Muller Gener-
al Manager of Caribbean
Palm Village.
The Lutzker family is well
known on the island, espe-
cially for Mrs. Lutzker’s his-
tory of reaching out to the
Aruban community.
Mr. & Mrs. Lutzker are from
Tampa, Florida and their
main reason for returning
year after year is not only
because they feel Aruba
is their ‘home-away-from-
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