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                                                                                                           LOCAL Saturday 29 July 2017

                 Chef Jermain de Rozario Brings His Innovative Cuisine to Windows on Aruba

                DRUIF BEACH - This July and August, Windows  Chef  and  currently  cooks  in  a  famous  late  the United Kingdom.
                on  Aruba  is  pleased  to  welcome  the  night talk show on RTL 4 in Holland. Also he  Windows on Aruba will serve Chef Jermain de
                esteemed  Chef  Jermain  de  Rozario,  who  is currently featured in a television program  Rozario’s  3-course  lunch  menu  with  a  wine
                will  present  a  3-course  lunch  and  5-course  called  De  Nieuwe  Garde,  which  follows  pairing on Friday, August 4 at 1pm. The lunch
                dinner to its guests.                         several  of  the  country’s  up-and-coming  will  be  accompanied  by  a  demonstration
                 Chef Jermain de Rozario is a talented young  chefs and sommeliers.                        by  mentalist  Guy  Bavli,  who  is  currently
                celebrity chef from Holland who, after having  In  addition  to  this  recognition,  he  also  performing  every  Thursday  and  Friday  at
                worked under Chef Soneil Badhoer from The  recently became a member of the JRE, an  the  Alhambra  Casino.  Windows  on  Aruba
                Lindenhof (2-star Michelin), has now opened  association of talented young gastronomes  will serve Chef Jermain’s 5-course dinner on
                his own restaurant, De Rozario. Chef Jermain  with  350  members  and  160  hotels  spread  Saturday,  July  29  and  Saturday,  August  4
                cooks  with  his  own  unique  style,  crossing  across  16  countries:  Belgium,  Denmark,  at 7:30pm, accompanied by live jazz. Chef
                boundaries  by  combining  classic  recipes  Germany,  France,  Ireland,  Italy,  Croatia,  Jermain  will  be  present  at  all  seatings  to
                with his love of Indonesian flavors.          Luxembourg,  Nederland,  Austria,  Poland,  explain each dish as it is served. Don’t miss
                In the past year, he has been a judge for Top  Romania,  Slovenia,  Spain,  Switzerland  and  this once-in-a-lifetime culinary opportunity!q
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