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P. 13
BUSINESS Monday 8 april 2024
Small town businesses embrace total solar eclipse HEALTH
crowd, come rain or shine on Monday DOCTOR ON DUTY
By MARCIA DUNN ternoon, the sky cleared. Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
AP Aerospace Writer Visiting from Campbell, Tel. 527 4000
WAXAHACHIE, Texas (AP) California, Ed Yuhara stud- San Nicolas
— The last time a total so- ied weather patterns be- Imsan 24 hours
lar eclipse passed through fore settling on northern Tel.524 8833
this Texas town, horses and Texas to view the eclipse Women in Difficulties
buggies filled the streets with his wife, Paula, and a PHARMACY ON DUTY
and cotton fetched 9 cents few friends. “It turns out it
a pound. Nearly 150 years will be the exact opposite,” Oranjestad:
later, one thing hasn’t he said while touring the Dakota : Tel.588 7364
San Nicolas:
changed: the threat of museum. Centro Medico:Tel. 584 5794
clouds blocking the view. He was in Oregon for Oc-
Overcast skies are forecast tober’s “ring of fire” solar OTHER
for Monday’s cosmic won- eclipse, but got rained out. Dental Clinic 587 9850
der across Texas, already Rain or shine, the Yuharas Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
packing in eclipse chasers and friend Liz Gibbons plan Urgent Care 586 0448
to the delight of small town on celebrating. “It’s a visual Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
businesses. and physical experience +297 588 0539
Women in Difficulties
As the moon covers the and at my age, which is 75, EMERGENCY
sun, daytime darkness will Kalee Hume stands alongside her handmade eclipse-themed I will never see one again,”
follow a narrow corridor — soaps at her shop in downtown Waxahachie, Texas, on Saturday, Gibbons said. Police 100
from Mexico’s Pacific coast April 6, 2024. Totality won’t sweep across Oranjestad 527 3140
527 3200
to Texas and 14 other states Associated Press the U.S. like this again until Sta. Cruz 527 2900
all the way to Maine and 2045, sidestepping almost San Nicolas 584 5000
the eastern fringes of Can- The next one is centuries Stacie Kenyon is invit- all of Texas. Police Tipline 11141
ada. The best U.S. forecast: away “so we figured we’d ing people to watch the “It just blows me away,” Ambulancia 911
northern New England. go all out,” explained own- eclipse from her Main Street Moosa said as he served up Fire Dept. 115
Like other communities er Kalee Hume. Marketplace in the heart of a large breakfast crowd. Red Cross 582 2219
along the path of totality, Nazir Moosa, who owns the Liberty Hill’s historic down- “The hotels rooms are TAXI SERVICES
Waxahachie, a half-hour’s Celebrity Cafe and Bakery, town — and escape inside booked and everything Taxi Tas 587 5900
drive south of Dallas, is pull- winced when he heard the the boutique if it rains. else ... it’s very good news Prof. Taxi 588 0035
ing out all the stops with a weather report, but noted: “We were really hopeful, for Waxahachie.”q Taxi D.T.S. 587 2300
weekend full of concerts “It’s weather. You can’t but now with this weather it Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
and other festivities. control it.” is kind of a bummer,” Ken- A1 Taxi Serv. 280 2828
It’s the region’s first total so- North of Austin, Williamson yon said. “We will just have Women in Difficulties
lar eclipse since 1878. The County residents hope the to wait and see.” TRAVEL INFO
next one won’t be for al- eclipse puts the area’s new In Waxahachie, there’s a Aruba Airport 524 2424
most another 300 years. park on the map. The River sense of deja vu around the American Airlines 582 2700
“I feel so lucky that I don’t Ranch County Park, which town of 45,000 residents. Avianca 588 0059
have to go anywhere,” the opened in July on the out- A banner in the museum’s Jet Blue 588 2244
Ellis County Museum’s Su- skirts of the city of Liberty front window, displaying Surinam 582 7896
zette Pylant said Saturday Hill, is sold out and ready to newspaper headlines from Women in Difficulties
as she welcomed visitors in host hundreds on Monday the July 29, 1878, eclipse, AID FOUNDATIONS
town for the eclipse. “I get “It still has that new park detailed the cloudy skies all
to just look out my window, smell,” said Sam Gibson, morning. But just before the FAVI- Visually Impaired
Tel. 582 5051
walk out my door and look the park’s assistant office moon lined up between
up.” administrator. the sun and Earth that af- Alcoholics Anonymous
Tel. 736 2952
She’s praying the weather Narcotics Anonymous
will cooperate, as are the Tel. 583 8989
owners of all the shops clus- Fundacion Contra Violencia
tered around the historic Relacional Tel. 583 5400
courthouse made of red Centre for Diabetes
sandstone and pink gran- Tel. 524 8888
ite in the center of town. Child Abuse Prevention
Tel. 582 4433
They’re bracing for a few
hundred thousand visitors Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
Women in Difficulties
for Monday’s 4 minutes, 20 General Info
seconds of totality, close to
the maximum of 4 minutes, Phone Directory Tel. 118
28 seconds elsewhere on
the path.
The Oily Bar Soapery is
hosting a Bubble Black-
out all weekend, with
eclipse-themed soaps and
giveaways. Among the
handmade soaps: “Luna,”
“Solar Power,” “Mother
Earth” and “Hachie Eclipse
of the Heart.”