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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Thursday 3 augusT 2023
            European militaries evacuate foreign nationals from


            By SAM MEDNICK
            Associated Press
            NIAMEY, Niger (AP) — For-
            eign nationals lined up out-
            side  an  airport  in  Niger’s
            capital  to  wait  for  French
            military  evacuation  flights
            Wednesday  as  defense
            officials  of  a  regional  bloc
            gathered to discuss how to
            respond to last week’s mili-
            tary coup in the West Afri-
            can nation.
            France,  Italy  and  Spain  all
            have  announced  evacu-
            ations  of  their  citizens  and
            other  Europeans  in  the
            capital,  Niamey,  following
            concerns  they  could  be-
            come  trapped  after  sol-
            diers  detained  democrati-
            cally elected President Mo-
            hamed Bazoum and seized
            power.  The  West  African   French soldiers assist mostly French nationals in a bus waiting to be airlifted back to France on a
            regional bloc ECOWAS has     French military aircraft, at the international Airport in Niamey, Niger, Tuesday, Aug. 1, 2023.
            threatened to use force to                                                                         Associated Press
            restore  Bazoum  to  power,  citizens in the impoverished  mately  100  troops  it  has  in  day,  hundreds  of  people
            but  the  military-ruled  gov-  country  of  more  than  25  the  country,  largely  con-  lined  up  outside  the  ter-
            ernments of two of Niger’s  million people.               nected to the U.N. mission  minal  at  Niamey’s  airport
            neighbors  have  sided  with  The  U.S.  government  has  in neighboring Mali.         hoping to leave, after one
            the  coup  leaders  and  yet  to  announce  any  de-      Defense Minister Boris Pisto-  of  the  French  flights  was
            warned  that  they  would  cision  on  evacuation  for  rius said he spoke Tuesday  canceled  the  night  be-
            consider  any  intervention  American  forces,  diplo-    with  the  German  com-      fore.  Some  slept  on  the
            an act of war.               mats, aid workers and other  mander  at  the  air  base  in  floor, while others watched
            A two-day  meeting of de-    U.S. citizens in Niger, an im-  Niamey  who  told  him  the  television  or  talked  on  the
            fense chiefs of the 15-mem-  portant counter-terror base  German forces are in close  phone.A  passenger  who
            ber bloc opened Wednes-      for the United States in the  contact  with  the  Nigerien  did not want to be named
            day  in  Nigeria’s  capital  to  Sahel.  Some  Americans,  military. “He told me clearly  because  of  fears  for  per-
            discuss  next  steps.  Abdel-  however, have left with the  they are not at all worried  sonal safety, said they tried
            Fatau Musah, the ECOWAS  help of the Europeans.           about  their  safety  at  the  to shield their children from
            commissioner  for  political  France has evacuated 736  moment,” Pistorius said.       what  was  happening,  tell-
            affairs,  peace  and  stabil-  people  on  three  flights,  in-  U.S.  officials  have  stayed  ing  them  “just  that  they’re
            ity, said the meeting would  cluding 498 French citizens  engaged  in  trying  to  roll  going  home.”  The  passen-
            deal  with  how  to  “negoti-  as  well  as  people  from  Ni-  back the armed takeover,  ger  said  they  feared  repri-
            ate with the officers in the  ger  and  at  least  10  other  with Secretary of State Ant-  sal attacks against civilians
            hostage  situation  that  we  countries,  and  fourth  flight  ony  Blinken  calling  Niger’s  if Niger’s regional neighbors
            find ourselves in the Repub-  was  being  readied,  the  president  late  Tuesday  to  follow through on threats to
            lic  of  Niger.”  ECOWAS  on  French   Foreign   Ministry  express “continued unwav-   intervene militarily.
            Sunday  also  announced  said. About half of the 1,200  ering support.”                During  Tuesday’s  evacua-
            sanctions against the coup  French  citizens  registered  A  U.S.  pullout  from  Niger  tion flights at the airport, a
            leaders  including  a  block  at  the  French  Embassy  would  risk  Washington’s  passenger who also did not
            on energy transactions with  have  asked  to  be  evacu-  longstanding  counter-ter-   want  to  be  named  over
            Niger, which gets up to 90  ated, the ministry said.      ror investments in the West  fears  for  personal  safety
            percent  of  its  power  from  An   Italian   military   air-  African  country,  including  said  that  Nigerien  soldiers
            neighboring  Nigeria,  ac-   craft  landed  in  Rome  on  a major air base in Agadez  raised  middle  fingers  at
            cording to the International  Wednesday  with  99  pas-   that is key to efforts against  waiting  evacuees  as  the
            Renewable  Energy  Agen-     sengers, including 21 Amer-  armed extremists across the  soldiers  sped  off  after  es-
            cy. Power transmission from  icans  and  civilians  from  Sahara and Sahel. The Unit-  corting  an  Italian  military
            Nigeria to Niger was cut off  other  countries,  the  Italian  ed States has roughly 1,000  convoy to the airport.
            as  of  Tuesday,  an  official  defense  ministry  said.  Ital-  forces  in  Niger,  and  helps  On Sunday, ECOWAS said it
            at  one  of  Nigeria’s  main  ian Foreign Minister Antonio  train some Nigerien forces.  would use force against the
            electricity companies said,  Tajani  said  the  flights  took  Leaving  Niger  would  also  junta if it didn’t release and
            speaking  on  condition  of  place  with  the  permission  risk  yielding  the  country  reinstate the president with-
            anonymity  because  they  of the new government.          to  the  influence  of  Russia  in  a  week.  The  announce-
            were  not  authorized  to  Germany,  which  has  en-      and its Wagner mercenary  ment  was  immediately  re-
            comment on the issue. The  couraged its civilians in Ni-  group, which already has a  jected by neighboring Mali,
            official  did  not  clarify  how  ger to evacuate on French  significant presence in Mali,  Burkina  Faso  and  Guinea,
            much of Niger’s power the  flights, said that it does not  the Central African Repub-  all of which are run by mu-
            cut  represented,  but  any  currently  see  any  need  lic, and Sudan.                tinous soldiers who toppled
            cut  would  further  squeeze  to  evacuate  the  approxi-  Before   sunrise   Wednes-  their governments.q
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