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                                                                                         world news Dialuna 11 aPRil 2022

                              In France, it’s Macron vs. Le Pen, again, for presidency

            (AP) — Incumbent Emman-                                   minds:  the  soaring  costs  for
            uel Macron will face far-right  The  election  outcome  will  food, gas and heating due to
            nationalist Marine Le Pen in  have  wide  international  in-  rising inflation and the reper-
            a winner-takes-all runoff for  fluence as Europe struggles to  cussions of Western sanctions
            the  French  presidency,  after  contain the havoc wreaked by  on Russia.
            they  both  advanced  Sunday  Russian  President  Vladimir
            in  the  first  round  of  voting  Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.  Polling  agency  projections
            in  the  country’s  election  to  Macron  has  strongly  backed  put both Macron and Le Pen
            set up another head-to-head  European  Union  sanctions  on  course  to  improve  their
            clash of their sharply oppos-  on  Russia  while  Le  Pen  has  2017  first-round  showings,
            ing visions for France.      worried  about  their  impact  highlighting  how  French
                                         on  French  living  standards.  politics have become increas-
            Polling  agency  projections  Macron  also  is  a  firm  sup-  ingly polarized. Macron was
            and a partial official count of  porter of NATO and of close  expected to capture a sizeable
            votes  showed  France  teeing  collaboration among the Eu-  first-round  lead  of  around  Macron that they urged their  blue  ballot  envelope  in  the
            up a repeat of the 2017 runoff  ropean Union’s 27 members.  28%  support,  ahead  of  Le  supporters  Sunday  to  shift  northern  town  of  Henin-
            that made Macron the coun-                                Pen’s  projected  23%-24%  their  second-round  votes  to  Beaumont,  she  said  “given
            try’s youngest-ever president  With  two-thirds  of  votes  of  the  vote.  Melenchon  was  the  incumbent.  Melenchon,  the  situation  in  the  country
            — but with no guarantee this  counted, Macron and Le Pen  credited with about 20% sup-  addressing  supporters  who  and  in  the  world,”  the  elec-
            time that the outcome will be  had pulled comfortably clear  port.                     sometimes shed tears, repeat-  tion  outcome  could  deter-
            the same.                    of  hard-left  leader  Jean-Luc                           edly said: “We must not give  mine “not only the next five
                                         Melenchon, out of the two-   Both  Macron  and  Le  Pen  one vote to Mrs. Le Pen.”     years,  but  probably  the  next
            Addressing   his   support-  candidate  runoff  in  third  now need to reach out to vot-                            50 years” in France.
            ers  who  chanted  “five  more  place.                    ers who backed the 10 presi-  Describing  herself  as  “pro-
            years,”  Macron  warned  that                             dential  candidates  defeated  foundly  worried,”  defeated  In the 27-member EU, only
            “nothing  is  done”  and  said  Macron, a 44-year-old politi-  on  Sunday  to  win  in  round  conservative  candidate  Val-  France  has  a  nuclear  arsenal
            the next two weeks of cam-   cal  centrist,  won  by  a  land-  two.                   erie Pecresse warned of “the  and a U.N. Security Council
            paigning  for  the  April  24  slide  five  years  ago  but  he                        chaos  that  would  ensue”  if  veto.
            second-round  vote  will  be  is  bracing  for  a  far  tougher  Le Pen seemed to target Me-  Le  Pen  was  elected,  saying
            “decisive for our country and  second  round  against  his  lechon’s left-wing supporters  the  far-right  leader  has  nev-  To beat Le Pen in the runoff,
            for Europe.”                 53-year-old political nemesis.  in  particular  by  promising  er  been  so  close  to  power.  Macron must pick apart her
                                         Le  Pen  is  promising  seismic  “social  justice”  and  fixes  for  Pecresse said she would vote  years-long  rebranding  effort
            Claiming that Le Pen would  shifts for France — both do-  “a France torn apart.”       for Macron in the runoff.    to make herself seem less ex-
            align  France  with  “populists  mestically and internationally                                                     treme,  a  makeover  that  has
            and  xenophobes,”  he  said:  — if elected as the country’s  “The French people honored  Pollsters  suggest  that  just  a  even highlighted her love of
            “That’s not us.”             first woman president.       me by qualifying me for the  few  percentage  points  could  cats. Macron has accused Le
                                                                      second round,” Le Pen said.  separate  the  familiar  foes  in  Pen  of  pushing  an  extrem-
            “I  want  to  reach  out  to  all  Macron  for  months  had  Her  supporters  celebrated  the second round. The run-  ist  manifesto  of  racist,  ruin-
            those who want to work for  looked like a shoo-in to be-  with  champagne  and  inter-  off  campaign  is  likely  to  be  ous  policies.  Le  Pen  wants
            France,”  he  said.  He  vowed  come France’s first president  rupted her speech with chants  far  more  confrontational  to  roll  back  some  rights  for
            to “implement the project of  in  20  years  to  win  a  second  of “We’re going to win!”  than  round  one,  which  was  Muslims,   banning   them
            progress, of French and Eu-  term.  But  National  Rally                               largely overshadowed by the  from wearing headscarves in
            ropean  openness  and  inde-  leader Le Pen, in a late surge,  Yet some of her defeated ri-  war in Ukraine.        public, and drastically reduce
            pendence we have advocated  tapped into the foremost is-  vals  were  so  alarmed  by  the                          immigration  from  outside
            for.”                        sue  on  many  French  voters’  possibility of Le Pen beating  After Le Pen dropped off her  Europe.

                         Food prices soar to record levels on Ukraine war disruptions

            (AP)  —  Prices  for  food  Nations said Friday.                                       is No. 2.                    from  Russia  and  Ukraine
            commodities  like  grains                                 FAO said the war in Ukraine                               have  threatened  food  short-
            and vegetable oils reached  The  U.N.  Food  and  Agri-   was  largely  responsible  for  “There is, of course, a mas-  ages  in  countries  in  the
            their  highest  levels  ever  culture  Organization  said  the 17.1% rise in the price of  sive  supply  disruption,  and  Middle East, Africa and parts
            last month largely because  its  Food  Price  Index,  which  grains,  including  wheat  and  that  massive  supply  disrup-  of  Asia  where  many  people
            of Russia’s war in Ukraine  tracks  monthly  changes  in  others  like  oats,  barley  and  tion  from  the  Black  Sea  re-  already  were  not  getting
            and  the  “massive  supply  international prices for a bas-  corn.  Together,  Russia  and  gion  has  fueled  prices  for  enough to eat.
            disruptions”  it  is  causing,  ket of commodities, averaged  Ukraine  account  for  around  vegetable  oil,”  Schmidhuber
            threatening  millions  of  159.3  points  last  month,  up  30% and 20% of global wheat  told reporters in Geneva.  Those nations rely on afford-
            people in Africa, the Mid-   12.6% from February. As it is,  and corn exports, respective-                          able  supplies  of  wheat  and
            dle  East  and  elsewhere  the  February  index  was  the  ly.                         He  said  he  couldn’t  cal-  other  grains  from  the  Black
            with  hunger  and  mal-      highest level since its incep-                            culate  how  much  the  war  Sea region to feed millions of
            nourishment,  the  United  tion in 1990.                  While predictable given Feb-  was  to  blame  for  the  record  people who subsist on subsi-
                                                                      ruary’s steep rise, “this is re-  food prices, noting that poor  dized bread and bargain noo-
                                                                      ally  remarkable,”  said  Josef  weather  conditions  in  the  dles,  and  they  now  face  the
                                                                      Schmidhuber,  deputy  direc-  United States and China also  possibility of further political
                                                                      tor  of  FAO’s  markets  and  were  blamed  for  crop  con-  instability.
                                                                      trade division. “Clearly, these  cerns. But he said “logistical
                                                                      very high prices for food re-  factors”  were  playing  a  big  Other  large  grain  producers
                                                                      quire urgent action.”        role.                        like the United States, Can-
                                                                                                                                ada,  France,  Australia  and
                                                                      The  biggest  price  increas-  “Essentially, there are no ex-  Argentina  are  being  closely
                                                                      es  were  for  vegetable  oils:  ports through the Black Sea,  watched  to  see  if  they  can
                                                                      that  price  index  rose  23.2%,  and exports through the Bal-  quickly ramp up production
                                                                      driven  by  higher  quotations  tics is practically also coming  to fill in the gaps, but farm-
                                                                      for sunflower seed oil that is  to an end,” he said.      ers  face  issues  like  climbing
                                                                      used for cooking. Ukraine is                              fuel and fertilizer costs exac-
                                                                      the  world’s  leading  exporter  Soaring food prices and dis-  erbated  by  the  war,  drought
                                                                      of sunflower oil, and Russia  ruption  to  supplies  coming  and supply chain disruptions.
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