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Wednesday 28 June 2023
Paul McCartney’s rediscovered photos show Beatlemania from the inside
By JILL LAWLESS derness and vulnerability to
Associated Press these images.”
LONDON (AP) — Is there In January 1964, McCart-
really a new way to look ney took his camera with
at The Beatles, one of the the band to Paris, captur-
most filmed and photo- ing the city at the height of
graphed bands in history? its French New Wave cool.
Yes, says Britain’s National While there, The Beatles
Portrait Gallery, which is learned that “I Want to
providing a fresh perspec- Hold Your Hand” was a No.
tive with an exhibition of 1 hit in the United States.
band’s-eye-view images Within days, they were on a
that Paul McCartney cap- plane to New York, where
tured as the group shot to their Feb. 9 performance
global fame. on “The Ed Sullivan Show”
Gallery director Nicho- was watched by 73 million
las Cullinan said the ex- people, and nothing was
hibit, subtitled “Eyes of the ever the same again.
Storm,” is a chance “to see, The U.S. section of the ex-
for the very first time, Beatle- hibit shows the band’s
mania from the inside out.” increasingly frenetic life.
The seed for the exhibit was Many of the shots were tak-
sown in 2020, that year of en from planes, trains and
lockdown projects, when Visitors look at pictures during a preview of Paul McCartney Photographs 1963-64: Eyes of the chauffeur-driven automo-
McCartney dug out 1,000 Storm exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery in London, Britain, Tuesday, June 27, 2023. biles and show crowds of
Associated Press
forgotten photos he’d screaming fans and rows
taken in 1963 and 1964, rooms in provincial British portant story about cultural depict “a parochial post- of police. Sometimes, Mc-
as the Fab Four went from theaters to stadium shows history British cultural history war British celebrity” -- con- Cartney turned his lens
emerging British celebri- and luxury hotels. and international cultural certs in provincial cinemas back on the newspaper
ties to world megastars. He “It was a crazy whirl- history,” she said. “This is a alongside now-obscure and magazine photogra-
and his team asked if the wind that we were living moment when British cul- bands like Peter Jay and phers looking at him.
National Portrait Gallery through,” McCartney writes ture took over the world for the Jaywalkers, 16-night One striking shot was taken
was interested in displaying in a note present at the start a while.” variety-style Christmas through the back window
them. of the exhibit. “We were just The display begins in late shows at London’s Finsbury of a car as a crowd chased
“I think you can probably wondering at the world, ex- 1963, shortly after Mc- Park Astoria. the band down a Manhat-
guess our response,” Cul- cited about all these little Cartney acquired a Pen- Cullinan said the photos tan street, a scene echoed
linan said as he introduced things that were making up tax 35mm camera. The convey a “sense of inti- in the band’s first feature
the exhibition to journalists our lives.” early black-and-white im- macy” missing from profes- film, “A Hard Day’s Night,”
in London on Tuesday. Rosie Broadley, who curat- ages include portraits of sional photos of the band. made later that year.
The show includes 250 pho- ed the show, said the gal- The Beatles, their parents, “This wasn’t The Beatles be- McCartney also took pic-
tos taken in England, France lery soon realized the trove girlfriends, crew and col- ing photographed by press tures of strangers a girl seen
and the United States that “wasn’t just interesting pic- leagues, including manag- photographers of paparaz- through a train window,
illustrate The Beatles’ jour- tures by a famous person.” er Brian Epstein. zi but peer-to-peer,” he ground crew at Miami air-
ney from cramped dressing “It’s actually telling an im- Broadley said these images said. “So there’s a real ten- port goofing around.q
Ryan Seacrest will host ‘Wheel of Fortune’ after Pat Sajak retires next year
LOS ANGELES (AP) — The Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Sajak have been on the
category? “Proper Name.” Eve.” show since the early 1980s.
The answer? Ryan Seacrest, “I’m truly humbled to be “I can’t wait to continue
who will become the new stepping into the foot- the tradition of spinning
“Wheel of Fortune” host steps of the legendary the wheel and working
after Pat Sajak’s retirement Pat Sajak,” Seacrest said alongside the great Vanna
next year. in a statement. “I can White,” Seacrest’s state-
Seacrest and Sony Pic- say, along with the rest of ment said. He also said
tures Television announced America, that it’s been a he was looking to learn
Tuesday that Seacrest has privilege and pure joy to as much as possible from
signed a multiyear deal watch Pat and Vanna on Sajak during the transition
to host the long-running our television screens for an period. The show tapes in
game show starting with unprecedented 40 years, Southern California, where
Season 42. Sajak recently making us smile every night Seacrest also hosts a popu-
announced the upcoming and feel right at home with lar nationally syndicated
41st season would be his them.” Seacrest in his state- morning drivetime radio
last on the show. ment also praised Vanna show. In February, Seacrest
It’s the latest hosting gig White, another mainstay announced he would
for Seacrest, the popular of “Wheel of Fortune,” and leave the New York-based Pat Sajak attends a ceremony honoring Harry Friedman with a
“American Idol” host who signaled she would remain televised morning show star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in Los Angeles on Nov. 1,
also now rings in the new on the show after Sajak’s “Live with Kelly and Ryan” 2019, left, and Ryan Seacrest attends the Walt Disney Television
2019 upfront in New York on May 14, 2019.
year for many on “Dick retirement. Both White and after six years. q Associated Press