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16                                                          AWEMainta                                          Diaranson, 30 Juni 2021

        Independent auditor’s report                                           Abbreviated Financial Statements 2020

        Our Opinion                                                            Abbreviated Statement of Financial Position
        The abbreviated financial statements, which comprise the abbreviated statement of financial   As at December 31, 2020 (In AWG’000)
        position as at December 31, 2020, the abbreviated statement of income for the year ended   Assets                                2020    2019
        December 31, 2020 and notes to the abbreviated financial statements, are derived from the   Property, plant and equipment                                                     349     97
        audited financial statements of Fatum Life Aruba N.V. (‘the Company’) for the year ended   Investment properties                 2,150     2,347
        December 31, 2020.                                                     Investment in associated companies                       38,336    40,275
                                                                               Investment securities                                   634,093    578,239
        In our opinion, the accompanying abbreviated financial statements are consistent, in all material   Loans and receivables      105,978    109,460
        respects,  with  the  audited  financial  statements  of  the  Company,  as  described  in  note  2    Cash and cash equivalents     44,303    29,527
        “Significant Accounting Policies”.                                     Reinsurance assets                                         757      763
                                                                               Deferred acquisition costs                                3,860     4,303
        The Abbreviated Financial Statements                                   Due from affiliated companies                              206      206
        The abbreviated financial statements do not contain all the disclosures required by International   Total Assets               830,032   765,217
        Financial Reporting Standards. Reading the abbreviated financial statements and the auditor’s
        report thereon, therefore, is not a substitute for reading the audited financial statements and   Equity
        the auditor’s report thereon. The audited financial statements, and the abbreviated financial   Share capital                     400      400
        statements do not reflect the effects of events that occurred subsequent to the date of our   Share premium                     24,528    24,528
        report on the audited financial statements.                            Reserves                                                  5,010     2,255
                                                                               Retained earnings                                        57,209    51,340
        The Audited Financial Statements and Our Report Thereon                Total Equity                                             87,147    78,523
        We expressed an unmodified audit opinion on the audited financial statements in our report
        dated June 29, 2021.                                                   Liabilities
        The Board of Directors’ Responsibility for the Abbreviated Financial Statements  Insurance contracts                           710,320    666,539
                                                                               Due to affiliates
                                                                                                                                        19,037    10,340
        The Board of Directors is responsible for the preparation of the abbreviated financial statements
        in accordance with the basis as described in note 2 “Significant Accounting Policies”.  Profit tax payable                       1,580     1,871
                                                                               Other liabilities                                        11,948     7,944
        Auditor’s Responsibility                                               Total Liabilities                                       742,885   686,694
        Our responsibility is to express an opinion on whether the abbreviated financial statements
        are consistent, in all material respects, with the audited financial statements based on our   Total equity and liabilities    830,032   765,217
        procedures, which were conducted in accordance with International Standard on Auditing
        810, Engagements to Report on Summary Financial Statements.            Abbreviated Statement of Income
                                                                               For the year ended December 31, 2020 (In AWG’000)
        Aruba, June 29, 2021                                                                                                             2020    2019
        Grant Thornton Aruba                                                   Net result from insurance activities                    (15,283)   (13,556)
                                                                               Net income from investing activities                     37,600    32,397
        Original signed by Herbert van Elferen                                 Net income from all activities                           22,317    18,841

                                                                               Net impairment gains/(losses) on financial assets        (1,030)    204
                                                                               Operating expenses                                      (13,867)   (12,170)
                                                                               Finance charges                                           (608)    (531)
                                                                               Operating profit                                          6,812     6,344
                                                                               Share of profit of associated companies                    637     2,547
                                                                               Profit before taxation                                    7,449     8,891
                                                                               Taxation                                                 (1,580)    (1,960)
                                                                               Profit for the year                                       5,869     6,931

                                                                               Solvency requirements (In AWG’000)                        2020    2019

                                                                               Minimum regulatory capital                               52,964    48,936
                                                                               Regulatory capital held                                  87,147    78,523
                                                                               Surplus                                                  34,183    21,731

        Notes to the Abbreviated Financial Statements

        1. Incorporation and principal activities of the Company  prepared  in  accordance  with  International  Financial  Reporting   currency of the primary economic environment in which the entity
        Fatum Life Aruba N.V. (the Company) is a Company domiciled in   Standards (IFRS) issued by the International Accounting Standards   operates (the ‘functional currency’). The financial statements are
        Aruba and has its registered office at L.G. Smith Boulevard #162.   Board (IASB). The abbreviated financial statements do not contain   presented  in  thousands  of  Aruban  Florins,  which  is  also  the
        The Company was incorporated on 7 March 2008, however offi-  all  the  disclosures  required  by  International  Financial  Reporting   Company’s presentation and functional currency.
        cially started its operations on 1 January 2009. Fatum Life N.V.   Standards.
        (the parent) was incorporated in Curacao on 27 December 2002.                                 (b) Transactions and balances in the financial statements
        The address of the registered office is, Cas Coraweg 2, Curacao.   The  abbreviated  financial  statements  and  the  audited  financial   Foreign  currency  transactions  are  translated  into  the  functional
        The ultimate parent of the Company is Guardian Holdings Limited,   statements have been prepared under the historical cost conven-  currency using the exchange rates prevailing at the dates of the
        Trinidad and Tobago.                           tion, as modified by financial assets and financial liabilities at fair   transactions. Foreign exchange gains and losses resulting from the
                                                       value through profit or loss.                  settlement of such transactions and from the translation at year-end
        The Company is engaged in life insurance operations.                                          exchange rates of monetary assets and liabilities denominated in
                                                       The preparation of financial statements in conformity with IFRS   foreign currencies are recognized in the statement of income.
        These financial statements were authorized for issue by the Board   requires  the  use  of  certain  critical  accounting  estimates.  It  also
        Directors of Fatum Life Aruba N.V. on 28 June, 2021.  requires management to exercise its judgment in the process of   Property, plant and equipment
                                                       applying the Company’s accounting policies. The areas involving a     All property, plant and equipment are stated at historical cost less
        2. Significant Accounting Policies             higher degree of judgment or complexity, or areas where assump-   accumulated  depreciation.  Historical  cost  includes  expenditures
        These  explanatory  notes  are  an  extract  of  the  detailed  notes     tions and estimates are significant to the financial statements, are   that are directly attributable to the acquisition of the items.
        included in the audited financial statements.   disclosed in Note 3.
                                                                                                      Subsequent costs are included in the asset’s carrying amount or
        Basis of preparation                           Foreign currency translation                   recognized as a separate asset, as appropriate, only when it is
        These  abbreviated  financial  statements  are  derived  from  the     (a) Functional and presentation currency  probable that future economic benefits associated with the item
        audited financial statements of the Company which have been   Items included in the financial statements are measured using the   will flow to the Company and the cost of the item can be measured
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