Page 26 - ARUBA BANK
P. 26

                     Saturday 16 June 2018

            Central Bank of Aruba partners with equensWorldline to launch

            Instant Payments in Aruba

            OrAnjestAd  –  today,  the  be  processed  via  the  new
            Centrale  Bank  van  Aruba  payments      infrastructure.
            (CBA)  signed  a  contract  The  contract  with  equen-
            with  equensWorldline  se,  sWorldline will have a dura-
            the european leader in the  tion of five years.
            payments  and  transac-      Statement by Mrs. Jeanette
            tional  services  industry,  to  R.  Semeleer,  President  of
            provide  a  new  central  in-  the CBA:
            frastructure for instant pay-  “We  want  to  modernize                                                             to support Aruba in its ma-
            ments,  replacing  the  cur-  our  payments  infrastruc-                                                            jor  development  towards
            rent CBA clearing & settle-  ture  to  improve  efficiency                                                          24/7/365 payments.”
            ment  system  per  january  and  be  geared  for  the  fu-
            2019.                        ture  developments  in  the                                                            About  the  Centrale  Bank
                                         payments  industry.  Based                                                             van Aruba
            With the implementation of  on  its  excellent  track  re-                                                          The  main  purpose  of  the
            the  new  Instant  Payments  cord  and  experience,  the                                                            Centrale  Bank  van  Aruba
            Clearing  and  Settlement  choice  for  equensWorld-                                                                (CBA) is to contribute to the
            Mechanism  (IP  CSM),  Aru-  line was evident. It provides                                                          financial stability and eco-
            ba  will  switch  completely  varying degrees of business                                                           nomic  well-being  of  the
            from a traditional payment  process  outsourcing,  and                                                              Aruban  community.  The
            processing to a new instant  has  a  complete  back-up                                                              CBA accomplishes this mis-
            payments      infrastructure.  system that guarantees the                                                           sion  by  implementing  an
            As  of  2019,  all  interbank  availability  and  continuity                                                        effective  monetary  policy
            payments  in  Aruban  florin  of  the  payments  process-                                                           aimed  towards  maintain-
            initiated in Aruba will be in-  ing  which  enables  us  to                                                         ing  the  value  of  the  florin,
            stantly processed 24/7/365.  take this major step without                                                           by  promoting  the  sound-
            The replacement of the ex-   having  to  make  extensive                                                            ness  and  integrity  of  the
            isting CBA clearing and set-  technical  and  operational                                                           financial  system,  and  by
            tlement  system  by  a  new  investments  ourselves.  Fur-                                                          providing  an  efficient  and
            instant payments infrastruc-  thermore,   equensWorld-                                                              reliable payments system.
            ture is an important step to-  line  demonstrated  that  it                                                         Besides  these  core  tasks,
            wards the modernization of  understands  the  needs  of                                                             the CBA is  also  the sole  is-
            the payment system of Aru-   the  Aruban  community,                                                                suer  of  florin  banknotes
            ba, and the Aruban bank-     which are translated in po-                                                            and  florin  coins,  and  acts
            ing institutions are dedicat-  tential  use  cases  that  we                                                        as  banker  to  the  Govern-
            ed to work closely together  may want to launch in the                                                              ment  of  Aruba.  In  addi-
            with the CBA to realize this  future,  such  as  online  and                                                        tion,  it  regulates  the  flow
            major project. By switching  in-store  instant  payments.                                                           of  international  payments,
            to instant payments, Aruba  We are pleased and proud                                                                manages the available for-
            creates  a  new  solid  foun-  that,  by  partnering  with                                                          eign exchange reserves of
            dation  for  future  innova-  equensWorldline,  we  will                                                            Aruba,  and  supervises  the
            tions  and  next-generation  be  the  frontrunner  for  the                                                         spending thereof.
            payment  solutions  for  the  implementation  of  instant                                                           The  CBA  has  adopted  a
            island.                      payments  in  the  Caribbe-                                                            strategic  plan  “Bela  yen:
            equensWorldline  will  pro-  an.”                                                                                   Nos  Plan  Strategico  2016-
            vide  the  instant  payment  Statement  by  Mr.  Michael                                                            2020”  (Bela  Yen)  with  the
            system  in  the  local  curren-  Steinbach,  CEO  equen-                                                            ambition to be a prominent
            cy,  the  Aruban  florin,  and  sWorldline:  “For  the  past  understand  what  Aruba  from P2P, P2B, in store, on-  central bank in the region,
            the  system  will  be  based  years,  we  have  been  stat-  wants to achieve, and we  line and corporate use cas-  driven by a culture of integ-
            on international standards.  ing  that  instant  payments  can  accommodate  this  es.  Covering  the  full  value  rity,  excellence,  and  inno-
            After  implementation,  in-  will  become  the  new  nor-  need with our modern and  chain, from payment initia-    vation.
            terbank  payments  such  mal.  As  of  2019,  when  the  instant-capable  infrastruc-  tion  and  channel  solutions  For  more  information  on
            as  credit  transfers,  batch  new  system  is  implement-  ture.  Our  solution  supports  to  back-office  process-  the Centrale Bank van Aru-
            processing  and  request  ed,  this  will  clearly  be  the  all  possible  use  cases  for  ing  and  clearing  &  settle-  ba, please visit the website
            for  payment  messages  will  case  in  Aruba.  We  fully  instant  payments,  ranging  ment,  we  are  fully  geared q
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