Page 18 - AHATA
P. 18

                Wednesday 25 april 2018
            Aruba to Me

                                                                        Group of loyal Aruba Visitors

                                                                        honored at the Marriott Surf Club

                                                                        PALM BEACH - Recently Jonathan Boek-      &  Mrs.  Nancy  La  Cava.  Both  couples
            ORANJESTAD  –  Aruba  Today  likes  to  welcome  readers    houdt from Aruba Tourism Authority had  were  honored  as  Distinguished  Visitors.
            to participate in our newspaper. You can see that in our    the great pleasure to honor a group of  The honorary titles are presented in the
            Honored Guest-publications, specials like on Valentine’s    loyal  Aruba  visitors  at  the  Marriott  Surf  name of The Aruba Tourism Authority as
            Day  and  on  other  occasions.  Throughout  the  year  you   Club.                                   a token of appreciation for visiting Aru-
            are always welcome to send us your vacation picture(s)                                                ba all these years. They love Aruba for
            together with completing the sentence: Aruba to me is       The honorees are Mr. William & Mrs. An-   the weather, friendliness and cleanliness
            …….. (Email:
                                                                        nette  O’Brien  together  with  Mr.  Dale  of the island.q
            For today’s newspaper we received a great picture from
            Elizabeth Griffin, Scotch Plains, NJ. She wrote to us: “Aru-  Mr. James and Mrs. Stephanie
            ba to me is my favorite slice of paradise and so I return
                                                                      McGowan honored at the Divi Phoenix
            again and again!”q

              Aruba Tourism Authority
              honored loyal and friendly

              visitors at Divi & Tamarijn Resort

              EAGLE BEACH - Recently the Aruba Tourism Authority
              honored Goodwill Ambassadors visitors and of Aruba
              as  a  token  of  appreciation  for  visiting  the  island  for
              more than 28 and more consecutive years.

              Honorees  were:  Tim  &  Donna  Campbell  resident  of
              Auburn New York. Ms. Darline de Cuba representing
              the  Aruba  Tourism  Authority,  and  Francis  Ridderstap
              bestowed  the  certificate  of  the  Ambassadors  and
              handed some presents to the honorees and thanked
              them for choosing Aruba as their vacation destination
              and as their home away from home for so many years      PALM BEACH - Recently James and Steph-     They  were  honored  as  Goodwill  Ambas-
              on behalf of the Government of Aruba. Visitors love     anie McGowan were honored at the Divi  sadors  by  Jonathan  Boekhoudt  of  Aruba
              Aruba for the people are very welcoming, the beau-      Phoenix.  They  were  joined  by  their  kids  Tourism  Authority  with  20  consecutive
              ty of the island, the climate, the water and surf, the   and  Divi  Phoenix  staff/family  at  the  cer-  years visits to the island. They are from Bos-
              beaches, the very tasty food, and it’s truly one home   emony.                                     ton and like the island especially for their
              away from home.q                                                                                   Divi Phoenix staff/family, sun and fun.q
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