Page 13 - HOH
P. 13
local Monday 31 october 2022
Louise Rasmijn: the value of an exceptional cashier
ORANJESTAD – The ability of mak- was observing interactions with dif-
ing rapid calculations while main- ferent tourists, be it Brazilian, Ven-
taining and giving attention, al- ezuelan and American, and told
ways with a smile. It can be said Louise that he was fascinated by
that Louise Rasmijn, 65, made the way in which she switched
sure to elevate being a cashier to from one language to the next.
a very high level. It’s not for noth-
ing that until now, despite being And a customer who definitely left
retired, she is still being asked to a lasting impression was the Wilders
come back to work. couple. The controversial Dutch
politician was in Aruba on vaca-
Many in Aruba and also abroad tion and came to the store. He was
know Louise. She was a cashier for accompanied not only by his wife
39 years at Boolchand’s. “In reality but also bodyguards, because
I worked for 38 years. For a time I of continuous threats against his
stopped working, exactly one year tion with the owner was something person. But the couple was very
I stayed home taking care of my that came of itself, and continued curious about Aruba and how
child. But I couldn’t find myself at after Louise was approached by Arubans deal with tourism, and
home and I was called back, so I the manager of Boolchand’s and so started chatting to the cashier. opposite. If we recommend a per-
went back to work. And they con- offered a job. “I said OK”, and the Even though some people knew of son, right away they get the job.”
sidered it as me being on a long rest is history. Wilders’ expressions and might not Her own child got the opportunity
vacation”, Rasmijn said with a even want to see him in the store, to get a vacation job and one of
laugh. What’s more, for the Bool- The transition to the electronics for Louise, it was simple. “He was a her nieces also. What’s more, the
chand’s family, Louise has been store was relatively simple. Back customer and you need to treat owners wanted to convince the
working with them for 40 years. then, the store was in the Main them well.” niece to stay at work because they
“They thought that number was Street, across Palais Oriental. Lou- appreciate the job she does. “This
prettier.” ise experienced the entire devel- Louise would even receive tips
opment of the business and met a from customers who were thank- despite the fact that Saskia one
lot of customers in electronics. day closed the door at 6pm and
But how does a person who always ful for the service, but she didn’t didn’t let people waiting outside
worked find themselves at home, take the money. “I had a pot, ‘cli- come in. And the person turned
something they didn’t want to do Louise knows most photographers ent for client’, that I would use if out to be the owner.” Instead of
when they were younger? The an- in Aruba who would find equip- someone didn’t have enough to getting angry, the owner found
swer is her only granddaughter, Isa- ment with her and she enjoys the buy something.” Furthermore, she appreciation for the young girl, af-
bella. Louise was married at a very pictures that they take and share gave courses to cashiers of other ter speaking to her for a long time.
young age, and when she was 17 on Facebook. But she also met a stores to share her knowledge, She grew in the job and became
she went to the Netherlands where lot of visitors. For example, a tour- knowledge that Louise developed management assistant.
she got the opportunity of working ist couple who every day came herself during her career.
in HEMA. “At HEMA I worked as a to the store during their stay. On What Louise Rasmijn considers im-
cashier and I loved the work a lot.” their last day in Aruba, the young The reason why Louise considers
woman offered Louise apologies Boolchand’s as part of her family is portant for people to realize is how
for coming to the store every day. her ex-bosses treat the personnel.
That experience helped her when because it is so, in her experience. Not everyone is aware that they
she came back to Aruba, where “My husband just wanted to see “In the past, a business didn’t hire made efforts for everyone. “A lot
at first she worked at La Moderni- your smile”, she told Louise. someone if they already have fam- of people don’t know how the
sta. “The place too sophisticated Another tourist, a Dutch person, ily working. We were precisely the Boolchand’s family would make
for a ‘mondi’ person like me”, Lou- efforts for all of us. If it wasn’t for
ise told our reporter with a laugh. my granddaughter I would still be
On top of it, she didn’t feel like she working there.”
could sell. Her talent was in manag-
ing the cash register. So she went Her granddaughter changed her
to work at Palais Oriental, where life perspective, where now she
she built a good relationship with can enjoy being at home and tak-
the owner who taught her the trick ing care of a child. “My mother
of the trade. The human connec- looked after grandkids and great-
grandchildren. My mother looked
after my child, and now I look af-
ter my child’s child. She can go to
work without worrying because her
child is with me.”
And Louise enjoys every achieve-
ment of her granddaughter, who
with barely two years of age al-
ready knows how to send What-
sApp, the proud grandmother tells.
A granddaughter so used to her
that to take her midday nap she
needs to be on her grandmother’s
The same dedication she put into
her work, now Louise puts into her
grandchild. Does it make her hap-
py? “Super.”q