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Aruba Living Today

                                                                                       January 7, 2020
                                                                                       T: 582-7800
                                                                                                                                           Page 13
                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
            Bolton willing to testify in impeachment trial if subpoenaed

            By  ZEKE  MILLER,  MARY
            CLARE JALONICK and ERIC
            WASHINGTON       (AP)   —
            Former  White  House  na-
            tional security adviser John
            Bolton said he is "prepared
            to  testify"  if  he  is  subpoe-
            naed  by  the  Senate  in
            its  impeachment  trial    of
            President Donald Trump, a
            surprise statement that bol-
            stered  Democrats  in  their
            push for new witnesses.
            Bolton,  who  left  the  White
            House     in   September,
            said  Monday  that  he  has
            weighed  the  issues  of  ex-
            ecutive  privilege  and  af-
            ter  "careful  consideration
            and  study"  decided  that
            he would comply with any
            Senate  subpoena.  “If  the
            Senate  issues  a  subpoena
            for my testimony, I am pre-
            pared to testify,” he said.  In this July 31, 2019 file photo, then National security adviser John Bolton speaks to media at the White House in Washington.
                 Continued on Next Page                                                                                                     Associated Press
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