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SPORTS Friday 9 February 2018
Champion swimmer accuses Olympic coach of underage sex abuse
By PHUONG LE champion in the 200-me- USA Gymnastics, Larry Nas-
Associated Press ter individual medley who sar, was sentenced recent-
SEATTLE (AP) — A U.S. Olym- placed fifth in that event ly to decades in prison for
pic champion swimmer has in the 2012 Olympics, ac- sexual abusing young girls
accused a team coach of cused Hutchison of "groom- in his care. The case led to
sexually abusing her starting ing" her for sexual abuse a reckoning for the gym-
when she was 16, the lat- when she was 13 and he nastics governing body,
est misconduct allegations was her coach at a Seattle- with top executives resign-
against those charged with area swim club. ing and the entire board of
caring for young athletes. "I never thought I would directors planning to step
Ariana Kukors, now 28, also share my story because I down as requested by the
told authorities that Sean was able to leave a horri- U.S. Olympic Committee.
Hutchison took thousands ble monster and build a life Kukors' attorney in Califor-
of sexually explicit photo- I could have never imag- nia, Robert Allard, com-
graphs of her, according ined for myself," she said pared his client's case to
to a search warrant docu- in a statement released the one against Nassar.
ment filed by a federal through her attorneys "Much like the USOC knew In this July 25, 2011, file photo, Ariana Kukors, of the United
agent. Wednesday. about Larry Nassar years States, holds her bronze medal for the women's 200-meter Indi-
vidual Medley final at the FINA 2011 Swimming World Champi-
She told officers that he "But in time, I've realized before his arrest and did onships in Shanghai, China.
kissed and touched her that stories like my own are nothing, USA Swimming Associated Press
when she was 16 and en- too important to go unwrit- had notice in 2010 that
gaged in sexual activity ten." Sean Hutchison was in- tic or sexual relationship tectives are working to de-
with her when she was 17 at Hutchison, 46, who was an volved in an inappropriate and the investigation was termine what crimes are
the Pan Pacific Swimming assistant coach on the 2008 coach-athlete relationship closed without penalties. within the statute of limita-
Championships in Victoria, U.S. Olympic team, said the with Ariana and took no Hutchison left coaching tions, where else they may
British Columbia, the docu- two were in a relationship actions to protect her or afterward but remains a have occurred and wheth-
ment said. after the 2012 Olympics other swimmers," he said in member of USA Swimming er other potential victims or
Hutchison denies abusing and that she lived in his Se- a statement. as the owner of member witnesses exist.
Kukors and has not been attle home for more than a USA Swimming said that club King Aquatic near Se- Kukors said she came for-
charged with a crime. year. Kukors' statement was the attle, the organization said. ward to empower other
U.S. authorities and police "At no time did I ever abuse first time it learned of the Emails to the club were victims.
seized electronic devices Ariana Kukors or do any- allegations and that "our not immediately returned "Not for the sake of you
from his Seattle apartment thing with her that was not hearts go out to Ariana and Thursday. knowing my story, but for
this week that they say may consensual," he said in a the difficulty she has gone Police in the Seattle suburb the little girls and boys
contain evidence, the Se- statement released by his through to reach this point of Des Moines began inves- whose lives and future
attle PI reported . attorney. "I absolutely deny of disclosure." tigating Jan. hangs in the grasp of a hor-
Hutchison faced an inves- having any sexual or ro- It said it was notified in 23 after getting a report ribly powerful and manipu-
tigation by USA Swimming mantic relationship with her January of a case against from Seattle police about lative person," she said.
in 2010 over his ties to Ku- before she was old enough Hutchison filed with the U.S. allegations of sex crimes at "That they may not have to
kors but it was closed with to legally make those de- Center for SafeSport. a pool. go through the same pain,
no misconduct found. USA cisions for herself. Prior to USA Swimming said it hired They were alleged to have trauma, horror and abuse.
Swimming, the national that time, I did nothing to a private investigator in occurred between 2002 That their parents, mentors
governing body for the 'groom' her." 2010 after learning of ru- and 2007. and guardians are bet-
sport, said Thursday that The investigation comes mored relationship be- Authorities, which noti- ter able to spot the signs
it learned of the under- amid scrutiny over the su- tween Hutchison and Ku- fied the U.S. Department of grooming and realize its
age abuse allegations this pervision of people who kors, who was then 21. of Homeland Security be- tragic consequences be-
week. work with young athletes. The organization said both cause of potential crimes fore it's too late," she said.
Kukors, the 2009 world Former sports doctor for parties denied a roman- outside the state, say de- q
Ski school gives city kids
their first shot on the slopes
By TED SHAFFREY to allow kids to master the
Associated Press sport, to be able to intro-
VERNON, N.J. (AP) — In duce them to winter ac-
the mountains of north- tivities as a way to improve
west New Jersey, a group their life health and fit-
of schoolchildren are do- ness," said Malliet, who also
ing something they do not hopes to increase diversity
have the opportunity to do among winter sports ath-
back home in Newark: ski. letes and fans by helping to
Schone Malliet created remove geographic, social
the National Winter Activ- and economic barriers.
ity Center in Vernon to of- Growing up in the Bronx,
fer kids from New York City, Malliet said he was not
Newark and the surround- exposed to skiing until he
ing region what may be went for the first time with a
their first chance to learn fellow Marine in Utah. Adult In this Tuesday, Jan. 30, 2018 photo, Schone Malliet, CEO of the National Winter Activity Center in
the winter sport. "This place ski instructors help them Vernon, N.J., speaks to The Associated Press about his program.
is a sacred place. It's built tackle the slopes.q Associated Press