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PEOPLE & ARTS Friday 9 February 2018
Eastwood makes real heroes the stars in 'The 15:17 to Paris'
By LINDSEY BAHR bodyweight dips out of no-
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Not where."
too long ago, childhood Stone jumped in: "Most
friends Anthony Sadler, men can't do that in their
former U.S Air Force Air- 20s! People put celebrities
man 1st Class Spencer up on a pedestal but he
Stone and former Oregon lives up to everything."
National Guardsman Alek Re-creating the event itself
Skarlatos were flying to Los wasn't traumatic as much
Angeles to meet with Clint as it was surreal — produc-
Eastwood about the movie tion had found or made
he was making about their replicas of the clothes they
lives. had worn that day (and
In August of 2015 they fa- hadn't worn since).
mously thwarted a terror Eastwood brought Mark
attack on a Paris-bound Moogalian, the first man
train from Amsterdam by who tried to take down El-
tackling Ayoub El-Khazzani, Khazzani and was shot in
a man who authorities said the neck, to play himself
has ties to radical Islam, too.
who had boarded the train "It was a lot of fun honestly.
with a Kalashnikov rifle, pis- We don't really look at is as
tol and box cutter — a story a traumatic thing because
tailor-made for Eastwood's no one died. It's done such
fascination with real-life In this Jan. 27, 2018 photo, Spencer Stone, from left, Alek Skarlatos, and Anthony Sadler, pose for positive things for our lives
modern heroes. a portrait to promote the film "15:17 to Paris" at the Four Seasons Hotel in Los Angeles. and given us such good
The guys thought maybe Associated Press perspective on things too,"
he was going to introduce and we asked for the night soned actors interpreting behind them, seeing all the Stone said.
him to the actors he'd cho- to think about it." the roles, like Bradley Coo- sights they hadn't seen the Sadler said it was like a re-
sen to play them. All had They ultimately said yes, per in "American Sniper" first time around. And they union. Skarlatos added
a dream scenario. Sadler of course — How do you and Tom Hanks in "Sully." got to hang out with East- that it felt like closure.
thought Michael B. Jor- say no to Clint Eastwood? The film follows Sadler, wood off set — dinners, "It's kind of great feeling,
dan would be cool for him, And three weeks later, af- Stone and Skarlatos' lives drinks, and even gym time like we're finally putting it
Stone had visions of Chris ter having an acting class from childhood up to that with the living legend. behind us in a way," Skarla-
Hemsworth and Skarlatos request denied from East- fateful moment on the "He's no joke," Skarlatos tos said.
had landed on Zac Efron. wood himself (he didn't train. said. "Spencer and I were And now? Besides hoping
But Eastwood had anoth- want them to look like they For the three Sacramento- talking trash one day about to meet actress Margot
er plan: They would play were acting, he told them) area men, it was the ex- how many dips we could Robbie eventually, all three
themselves. cameras were rolling. Their perience of a lifetime. Not do and Clint butts in and is are going to try their hand
"He just sprung it on us!" said film "The 15:17 to Paris" only were they starring as like 'When I was 75, I could at acting professionally.
Stone. opens nationwide Friday. themselves in a major mo- do 25 dips' and we're like, "It was the most fun two
"We said yes right away," Eastwood has been drawn tion picture, they got to 'Let's see what you can months of my life, our lives,"
Skarlatos added. "Then the lately to extraordinary true re-trace their trip across do right now!' The man is Sadler said. "If we can make
doubt started creeping in stories, but usually with sea- Europe with a film budget 87-years-old and does 10 it our careers, why not?"q
Internet pioneer, songwriter John Perry Barlow dies at 70
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — the internet as a funda- Valley School in Colorado.
John Perry Barlow, an in- mental place of freedom, Barlow graduated from
ternet activist and lyricist where voices long silenced Wesleyan University in 1969.
for the Grateful Dead, has can find an audience and He later returned to Wyo-
died.The digital-rights group people can connect with ming, where he ran a cat-
Electronic Frontier Founda- others regardless of physi- tle ranch for nearly two
tion said Barlow died early cal distance," Cindy Cohn, decades and dabbled in
Wednesday in his sleep at the EFF's executive director, Republican politics. He had
home in San Francisco. said in a statement. been battling a variety of
He was 70. The cause of Barlow was born in rural debilitating illnesses since
death was not immediately Sublette County, Wyoming, 2015, according to sup-
known.Barlow co-founded in 1947 and grew up in porters who organized a
the EFF in 1990 to cham- Pinedale, where his parents benefit concert for him in
pion free expression and were ranchers. October.“John had a way
privacy online. In a 1996 Barlow has said he grew up of taking life’s most difficult
manifesto, the "Declara- as a devout Mormon be- things and framing them as
tion of the Independence fore leaping into the coun- challenges, therefore ad-
of Cyberspace," he argued terculture of the 1960s. He ventures,” Weir said in an
that the U.S. and other gov- befriended Bob Weir, one In this June 5, 2014, file photo, founder of the Electronic Frontier online post Wednesday.
ernments shouldn't impose of the Grateful Dead's Foundation John Perry Barlow, co-founder & vice chairman of “He was to be admired
their sovereignty on the founding members, when the Electronic Frontier Foundation, communicates with former for that, even emulated.
"global social space we are they were boarding school NSA contractor Edward Snowden via video at the 2014 Personal He’ll live on in the songs we
Democracy Forum, at New York University in New York.
building.""He always saw classmates at the Fountain Associated Press wrote.”q