Page 17 - AWM 10MARCH2018
P. 17
Diasabra, 10 Maart 2018 AWEMainta 17
Gradicimento di
Parokia Sagrado
Curason di Hesus AUCTION
Savaneta / On April 12, 2017, at 11 AM, at the Conference Room of the Chamber of
Commerce, Aruba, will be auctioned in public, ex. 3:268 jo. 3:254 Civil Code
Pos Chikito of Aruba:
1. A residential house locally known as:
standing on a parcel of public land, 650 m2 in size, situated at San Nicolas in
Aruba, locally recorded as "kadastrale meetbrief nummer 5 M 42/1992". The
lease rights expire on November 12, 2052.
Starting bid: Afl. 149.000,--
2. A condominium locally known as:
Locally recorded as First Department Section K number 4066-A apartment
index # 33, consisting of the exclusive right to use a two bedroom townhouse
with 2 bedrooms and a garden, as well as a 1/34 undivided share in the
Jardines del Mar resort and facilities situated in Eagle, Aruba, at the Dr. E.
Oduber Boulevard 2-33;
Starting bid: to be announced
3. A residential house, locally known as
standing on full ownership land, 400 m2 size, situated in Savaneta in Aruba, locally
recorded as Fourth Division Section E number 573, indexnumber D 5360.
NA nomber di Rev. Pastoor Andres Ma-
kowiec di Parokia Sagrado Curason di He- Starting price: Afl. 98.000,--
sus Savaneta/Pos Chikito, Conseho Paroki- 4. A residential house, locally known as
al Sagrado Curason di Hesus ta gradici tur
parokiano, pueblo di Aruba en general y tur SERO PRETO 16-F
esnan cu a contribui di un forma of otro cu standing on a parcel of full ownership land, ca. 467 m2 in size, situated at San
compra di un rifa pa recaudacion di fondo Nicolas in Aruba, locally recorded as "kadastrale meetbrief nummer 5 M
42/1992". This property includes a 1/44 undivided share in parcel 1-R-333 to
pa trabounan di mantencion na nos misa, un be used as a road (“mandelige weg”)
danki di curason. Starting bid: to be announced
E rifa lo tuma luga cu sorteo di Diario diado-
mingo, 11 di maart pa 3’or di atardi. Gana-
dornan lo ta e ultimo 4 cifranan di e 1, 2 y 3 • The auction is subject to the general conditions for foreclosure auctions and
special auction conditions which will be determined by civil law notary T.R.
premionan. • Johnson.
The auction will take place by raising bids (in Dutch: “bij opbod”) and by
E ganadornan ta keda invita dia 18 di maart decreasing bids (in Dutch: “bij afmijning”), in one session.
• Seller has the right to not accept any bid, at his sole discretion.
pa 10’or di mainta na misa Sagrado Curason • The auction may be stopped or postponed at any time.
• A private written bid can be submitted until March 28, 2018, 5 PM.
di Hesus Savaneta pa otorgacion di nan pre-
For more information:
mionan cual lo tuma luga na final di e Santa
Misa. Masha danki pa bo aporte di curason WWW.JOHNSONNOTARY.COM
pa Sagrado Curason di Hesus.