Page 21 - HOH
P. 21
Saturday 21 May 2022 locAl
Weekly update on the development of COVID-19 has been
published with the recovery of 609 people
the amount of death caused by or of 39% per day.
related to COVID-19 is at 213.
Currently, Aruba has 4 people hos-
This data illustrates that the new pitalized because or for reasons re-
COVID-19 cases have a weekly av- lated to COVID-19, of which all is in
erage of 89 positive cases a day, general care.q
along with a weekly positivity rate
OranjestaD - Directie Volksge- health agency reported that this
zondheid, also known as DVG, week, 609 people recovered from
publishes weekly updates on the coronavirus, and a total of 623 new
development of COVID-19 here on cases were registered.
the Island.
The amount of active cases for
In this week’s update, the public COVID-19 for today is of 295 and
Honoring of a loyal visitor at Marriott Ocean Club
EAGLE BEACH ̶ Recently, Aruba Tourism, as a token of appreciation
Tourism Authority representative to the guests who visit Aruba be-
Marouska Heyliger had the great tween the 10-20-35 and more con-
pleasure in honoring many loyal secutive year mark.
Aruba visitors with their distinctive The wonderful visitors loves com-
certificates. These certificates are ing to the Island for All the new
a way to say “Masha Danki” for friends she has made over the past
continuously choosing Aruba as a 20 years, the beaches and beauti-
favorite vacation destination. The ful water, the weather and always
titles are as following: 10+ years perfect facilities, amazing restau-
“Distinguished Visitor”, 20+ years rants and the friendly, helpful and
“Goodwill Ambassador” and 36+ fun people of Aruba.
years “Emerald Ambassador”.
Heyliger together with the repre-
The honorees are Chris and Ellen sentatives of Marriott Ocean Club
Kodack, residents of New York, presented the certificates to the
who have been honored as Distin- honorees, handed over some pres-
guished Visitors. ents and also thanked them for
choosing Aruba as their favorite
The symbolic honorary title is pre- vacation destination and as their
sented on behalf of the Minister of home-away-from-home.q
aruba to Me
OranjestaD –We would Smyma Beach, Florida our Aruba To Me section,
like to portrait you! By in- who wrote to us saying, do note that by submitting
viting you to send us your “We love Aruba for so photos, text or any other
favorite vacation picture many reasons and one of materials, you give permis-
while enjoying our Happy them is to celebrate life. sion to The Aruba Today
Island. Complete the sen- We come here to cel- Newspaper, Caribbean
tence: aruba to me is ……. ebrate birthdays and an- Speed Printers and any of
niversaries and build won- its affiliated companies to
Send your picture with that derful memories. Aruba use said materials, as well
text (including your name to me means celebrating as names, likeness, etc.
and where you are from) the magical moments of for promotional purposes
to: life and savoring the Island without compensation.
mand we will publish your life.”
vacation memory. Isn’t Thank you to our es- Last but not least: check
that a special way to keep teemed visitors for sharing out our website and Face-
your best moments alive? with us what Aruba means book page! Thank you for
to them. supporting our free news-
For today we have our paper, we strive to make
lovely visitors Gina and When accepting our in- you a happy reader every
Jerry Schneider from New vitation to be featured in day again.q