Page 13 - HOH
P. 13
local Tuesday 14 March 2023
Activities for National Hymn and Flag Day on March 18th announced
(Oranjestad)—During a
press conference, the dif-
ferent activities that will
take place in the next
couple of days were an-
nounced. This all ties into
the celebrations for Nation-
al Hymn and Flag Day on
March 18th. This year, the
slogan for this celebration
is “Union is the force behind
our beloved island rock.”
The president of the Cel-
ebratory Committee for
National Holidays (CCDN),
Lyonel Dirksz, informed that
there will be various activi- The musical academy Har- that will perform alongside ementary schools 1st and the exhibition carries the
ties that will be organized pa y Cuarta will open this the children from Carib- 2nd grade”, “elementary name ‘Aruban Diaspora’,
by the committee. This in- musical program, which bean Combo and students schools 3rd and 4th grade” where we begin exploring
cluded the Hymn and Flag begins around 8pm when from the Rufo Wever Music and “elementary schools the first visitors of the island
festival which took place the members of the gov- School. 5th and 6th grade.” that later became inhabit-
this past weekend on Plaza ernment arrive. The Culture After the protocol perfor- Exposition Aruban Diaspora ants up until the modern
Betico Croes, and also in- Orchestra will be accom- mances, there will be a at the National Archives world of today. This is when
cludes “Poeta di Patria”, panied by various artists in march of local girl and boy Raymond Hernandez, di- we see people from around
which takes place March the community and also scouts. After this, the public rector of the National Ar- the world who have immi-
15th, the cultural manifes- the Tumba and Soca Kings will continue their celebra- chives Aruba, informed grated here and that now
tation on March 17th and from this year’s carnival fes- tions with all sorts of activi- that March 18th is cel- form part of our country,”
the protocol performance tivities. ties around the island. ebrated every year (with he stated.
on March 18th. On March 18th, the activi- Junior Arends, vice-presi- the exception of the two They will also focus in the
In terms of the cultural ties will begin early in the dent of CCDN, expressed years of the pandemic). history of slavery starting
manifestation, Dirksz point- morning, where the pro- that the event for Poeta The activities organized by from March 18th to July
ed out that this will start tocol performance will di Patria will take place on them will include an exhibi- 1st, which will open the
from 6:30pm, where there take place at Plaza Betico March 15th at the Cas di tion where they will discuss commemoration of slavery
will be more than 40 tents Croes. There will be chil- Cultura in the down town various topics they feel are within the Dutch Kingdom.
that selling traditional food, dren’s choirs from schools area. There will also be a very important for the pub- March 18th will show the
sweets and art works. There in Santa Cruz, including Co- painting contest for prima- lic to know, especially on community the different
will also be live musical per- legio Laura Wernet Paskel, ry and elementary schools this celebratory day. facets that played a role in
formances by different art- Colegio San Hose and around the island. For this This year, the focus will be the migration of people to
ists and groups during this Maria School. They will be contest, there will be dif- on the descendents of the the island, as well as certain
activity, which is set to end accompanied by the Tuti- ferent categories, namely Aruban: where everyone moments where people
around 10:30pm. fruti choir, the youth band “primary schools”, “el- comes from. “That’s why have left the island. q
Origin of Papiamento- Aruba’s native language
ORANJESTAD — Papiamento, ly to Portuguese, Galician or Castil- originated in the Creole of Cabo speaking of our black-African an-
Creole language of ABC (Aruba, ian (see Papiamento, on Wikipedia Verde (Cape Verdean language), cestry.
Bonaire and Curacao) is from - Portuguese version and Spanish which was the French language
the Cape Verdean Creole fam- version, where the Portuguese and spoken in Portuguese feitories on We Cape Verdeans understand
ily (Cape Verdean language) and Spanish, each claim the direct ori- the coast of Africa (from Senegal each other very well with these
was taken to the Caribbean in the gin of Papiamento), in fact, this is to Sierra Leone), and which was Antillans and Easterns, whose
9th century by the Cape Verdeans not true. Papiamento is not direct taken east by the thousands of ca- language is from the same Cre-
of that time (linings and slaves), from Portuguese, Galician or Cas- ble - Verdeans (linings and slaves, ole family of Cape Verde (Cape
experts in cane culture and sugar tilian, it is from the Cape Verde already Christianized and speak- Verdean language), speaking their
production, and who were hired by Creole family (Cape Verdean ing Creole) who served as sailors Creole and we ours. Therefore, Pa-
Jewish entrepreneurs who went to language). You can see this best- and “slaves of arms′′ in Portuguese piamento, PapiCristang, PatuáMa-
invest in this business in the Carib- when it's saying obscene words caravels, demanding the east. I caense and the creoles, said of
bean. Cape Verdeans taught this and offending someone, precisely don't know why the official history Portuguese origin, Daman, India, Sri
pre-industrial revolution technol- as they say today in both ABC and of Portugal usually omits this fact, Lanka, Myanmar, some locations
ogy (planting cane and produc- Cape Verde islands. The obscene which is in the chronicles of the in the Philippines and some places
ing sugar, which they had learned words kept the original, had no quinrentist chroniclers, but which in Indonesia, are creoles of the lan-
from Madeirans) to slaves from lexical influence either from Castil- we never saw in the history of Por- guage family Cape Verde Creole
other African regions, and did so in ian or Dutch. Also the PapiCristang tugal that we study from primary (Cape Verdean language) and
their language, Cape Verde Cre- of Malacca, the Patuá of Macau, education to higher education. indirectly the Galaico-Duriense or
ole (Cape Verdean language) , and several creoles from the east However, it has always been tried Galaico-Portuguese, a language
hence the language implanted in (from Daman, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, to deceive us, in colonial time, that that the people spoke in Portugal
Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao. Philippines, Indonesia) and Africa we were descendants of Viriato in the 6th and 7th century.q
(Casamança, Guinea Bissau, Si- (Iberian hero in the fight against
Unlike many interesting stories, erra Leone and Nigeria, these last the Romans) and the pastors of the Anonymous
wanting to link Papiamento direct- two releases to the English), all Hermini Mountains, but not much Source: Dushi Aruba