Page 22 - ata 21jan,2016
P. 22

                                                                                                                                                                      Thursday 21 January 2016

Loyal Island Guests Enjoy the Welcome Cocktail Party at Divi

ORANJESTAD – Divi Resorts       greet some of the manag-      years. They look forward to   been coming to Aruba for
hosts a ‘Welcome Cocktail       ers and staff of the resort.  returning every year to Aru-  almost 30 years. They are
Party’ every Tuesday for        The guests this week have     ba to continue their friend-  a lovely couple form New
guests to enjoy. It’s not only  all been coming to Aru-       ships. They come from         England. They have been
an opportunity to enjoy the     ba for over 20 years. They    Iowa, Massachusetts, New      enjoying the hospitality of
lively entertainment, min-      are all friends and fam-      Hampshire and New York.       Divi and Aruba ever since
gle and have fun with oth-      ily that met here over the    The only “therapy” they       their first visit. They also
er island guests, but also an   years staying at the Divi     need is coming to Aruba!      enjoy snorkeling and div-
opportunity to meet and         and Dutch Village thru the    Also enjoying the party are   ing with Rene and Wyndie
                                                              Mr. & Mrs. Chan, who have     from Aqua Wyndies. q
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