Page 17 - AAA FEB 26
P. 17


LOCALFriday 26 February 2016

With the International Hot Rod Association:

Team Aruba Drag Racing Heads Stateside to Start 2016 Tour!

ORANJESTAD/UNION, S.C.         nering with the Aruba Air-   ful for the confidence and       ease in traveling to and        sional category that most
- The International Hot Rod    port Authority in 2016,”     support we have received         from the island, including      closely resembles factory
Association (IHRA) will kick   stated Eman. “Our Aruba.     from the Aruba Airport Au-       nonstop flights, pre-clear-     made cars.
off their 2016 season with     com Mustang will proudly     thority and will be sure to      ance customs, and more.         “The crew is anxious to get
the Amsoil Nitro Nation-       display the Aruba Airport    carry them strongly into the     The Emans and Team Aru-         back at it,” Eman con-
als, March 4-6 at Orlando      Authority logo on its hood.  Winner’s Circle.”                ba crew are working to          tinued. “Just as we have
Speed World in Orlando,        Together with the Aruba      The Aruba Airport Author-        ready the all components        worked to improve our
Florida. The Pro Stock team    Tourism Authority we can     ity (AAA) is the first and last  of their operation this week    operation over the offsea-
from Aruba has been dili-      now talk to the fans and     round of friendly faces visi-    before heading south for a      son, the IHRA has done the
gently working toward this     racers at the track about    tors see when traveling to       test session in preparation     same. We look forward to
event all offseason long       not only the vacation as-    and from “The One Happy          for the Nitro Nationals. The    a great season. We cannot
and the time has almost        pect of Aruba, but also the  Island.” AAA receives flights    team plans to test for sev-     wait to see all our friends
come to see the fruit of       ‘travel to Aruba’ aspects.   from all major US airlines       eral days leading up to the     and fans at the race track
their efforts.                 We cannot be more grate-     and provides visitors with       event. This will be the first-  again after being away
Driver Trevor Eman, along                                                                    ever IHRA event at Orlan-       for so long. We hope to
with his father and team                                                                     do Speed World and fans         meet new fans at Orlando
patriarch, Ven Eman, have                                                                    and racers alike are excit-     Speed World, since it’s our
set aside the duties of their                                                                ed for the event to make        first trip there. Orlando is a
welding and machine                                                                          its debut. Professional cat-    worldwide vacation des-
shop businesses in Aruba to                                                                  egories will qualify on Fri-    tination, but the local resi-
return to the Team Aruba                                                                     day and Saturday before         dents need a special get-
race shop in Union, S.C.                                                                     final eliminations on Sun-      away of their own. Aruba is
where the crew is work-                                                                      day. The famed “Mountain        the perfect spot for Florid-
ing to prepare the Aruba.                                                                    Motor” Pro Stock category       ians to escape the hustle
com Mustang for its first                                                                    continues to gain popular-      and bustle of a tourist city
outing of the year. Both                                                                     ity with fans as the profes-    to relax on a pristine beach
the Jon Kaase engine and                                                                                                     with crystal blue water in a
the Jerry Haas chassis have                                                                                                  true paradise.
received performance up-                                                                                                     “We are also looking for-
dates during the offseason.                                                                                                  ward to having friends and
The team also made up-                                                                                                       family from Aruba join us at
grades to the race trailer                                                                                                   this event as it is the clos-
functionality.                                                                                                               est to fly to from Aruba. The
The most significant                                                                                                         invitation is extended to all
change for Team Aruba,                                                                                                       our fans from Aruba to hop
however, is the addition                                                                                                     on a plane and come join
of sponsor Aruba Airport                                                                                                     us in Orlando and watch us
Authority. “We have the                                                                                                      race.”
great opportunity of part-                                                                                                   For more on the event
                                                                                                                             visit Amsoil Nitro Nationals
                                                                                                                             event page.
                                                                                                                             Follow Team Aruba on
                                                                                                                             Facebook and Twitter. Find
                                                                                                                             race results, team updates,
                                                                                                                             videos and photos. Also
                                                                                                                             leave your comments to
                                                                                                                             cheer on Team Aruba!
                                                                                                                             For more on your Aruba
                                                                                                                             vacation visit www.Aruba.
                                                                                                                             com. Visit www.airporta-
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