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Friday 1 November 2019
Eagle Aruba Casino and Double Down Sports bar & Grill:
The place to be for this Saturday’s UFC event
livelihood, which explains the rea-
son he hunted Kelvin Gastelum ir-
respective of protests out of UFC
president Dana White.
UFC 244’s Andrei Arlovski vs. Jairz-
inho BIGY BOY Rozenstruik
Jairzinho Bigi Boy Rozenstruik look-
ing to climb rankings, open to Fran-
cis Ngannou fight.
The Surinamese heavyweight
EAGLE BEACH — We have the main ond struggle. When he receives his made quite the impression in his last Main Card and Prelims details
event Diaz vs Masvidal and among manner, Jorge Masvidal continues outing who knocked Allen Crowder Jorge Masvidal (34-13) vs. Nate
others on the undercard Arlo- adjacent. And there isn’t really an out cold in just nine seconds when Diaz (20-11) at 10PM
vski vs Rozenstruik. Nice to know: enticing struggle from the welter- they met at UFC Greenville back Derrick Lewis (21-7, 1NC) vs. Blagoy
Rozenstruik alias Bigy Boy from weight branch compared to battle in June. It was the second-fastest Ivanov (18-2, 1NC)
Surinam fighting in UFC 244 trains involving Diaz and also Masvidal. knockout in heavyweight history. Corey Anderson (12-4) vs. Johnny
in Aruba with our local champion Following 15 years since a special- That followed a TKO win over Ju- Walker (17-3)
Gregory Milliard. The UFC event ist with many conclusions in his own nior Albini earlier in the year as “Bigi Katlyn Chookagian (12-2) vs. Jen-
can be seen on 34 HDMI TV’s, 6 album, Masvidal (34-13) eventually Boy” is 2-0 in the UFC as well as 8-0 nifer Maia (17-5-1)
Giant Screens and heard through located himself first rapping out as a professional. Edmen Shahbazyan (10-0) vs. Brad
a surround sound system in a fully Jake Ellenberger along with Don- Bigy Boy Rozenstruik now faces Tavares (17-5)
air-conditioned comfortable bar. ald Cerrone after which very not former heavyweight champion Kelvin Gastelum (15-4, 1NC) vs.
Where? Eagle Casino and Double exactly out-grappling Brazilian jiu- Andrei Arlovski at UFC 244 on No- Darren Till (17-2-1)
Down Sports Bar & Grill of course. jitsu genius Demian Maia. Following vember 2 and is looking to make Lyman Good (20-5, 1NC) vs.
shedding to striker Stephen Thomp- yet another impression — this Chance Rencountre (14-3)
UFC 244 Combatants son, Masvidal accomplished his time, against someone he used to Stephen Thompson (14-4-1) vs. Vi-
transformation by journeyman to watch back in the day and in his cente Luque (17-6-1)
Diaz vs Masvidal (Main Event) super-star this past year. corner he will have Aruba’s own Julio Arce (16-3) vs. Hakeem Da-
Nate Diaz came back out of your a very accomplished local cham- wodu (10-1-1)
three-year-long lay-off in vogue Kelvin Gastelum vs Darren Till pion Gregory The Assassin Milliard Andrei Arlovski (28-18, 2NC) vs.
in UFC 241 at Anaheim. Diaz set Everybody else believed he had who is Aruba Spartacus MMA head Jairzinho Rozenstruik (8-0) at 6PM
it upon Anthony Pettis at the co- been also modest or way too huge, pro-am trainer and primary advo- Shane Burgos (12-1) vs. Malwan
main occasion in the Honda mid- as well out of form, overly un-moti- cate for Spartacus fighters when it Amirkhani (15-3)
dle in route to a unanimous con- vated, overly demanding from the comes to matchmaking with pro- Kevin Lee (17-5) vs. Gregor Gil-
clusion triumph. The audience was relevant skills essential to allow it to motions.
deafening for Diaz all day along be for being a UFC fighter. He had lespie (13-0)q
with also his reunite had been affir- been attracted together gradu- Should BIGY BOY defeat Arlovski,
mation he could be among those ally by UFC matchmakers, which the unbeaten heavyweight could Eagle Aruba Resort & Casino
UFC’s most significant celebrities. left him to struggle 14 days before potentially get a ranked opponent J.E. Irausquin Blvd. #248 • Eagle
Along with also, the pleasure didn’t committing him an opportunity a next. However, he doesn’t have Beach, Aruba
Direct: +297-527-9110 •
stop with all this struggle. From the title. Darren indefinitely does not any name in mind — he just wants Hotel: +297-587-9000
post-fight job interview, Diaz pre- rely on choosing an effortless route anyone he can get as per his cor- Website:
dicted his shooter to get his sec- together along with his struggle ner man Gregory Milliard.
Goodwill Ambassadors of Aruba!
PALM BEACH — Recently, Marouska
Heyliger of the aruba Tourism Authority
had the pleasure in honoring loyal visi-
tors of Aruba as Goodwill Ambassadors.
The honorary title which is presented on
behalf of the minister of Tourism is a way
to say “Masha Danki” for continuously
choosing Aruba as a favorite vacation
John and Louise Tilton from New Hamp-
shire were recently honored as Goodwill
Ambassadors. The lovely couple have
been coming to the island for 20 consec-
utive visits.
Heyliger representing the Aruba Tour-
ism Authority conducted the ceremony
which was held at the Aruba Marriott Re-
sort & Stellaris Casino.
The Tilton’s love coming back to Aruba
for the friendly people, safety of the is-
land and for relaxation. q