Page 22 - bon-dia-aruba-20230721
P. 22
Diabierna 21 Juli 2023 OBITUARIO
“Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin
falta di nada.
Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta
ponemi sosega.
E ta hibami na awa trankil,
pa mi bolbe haña forsa”. “The wisest people are not the ones with the most Laga tur loke ta spera mi ta bunita
Salmo: 23 years in their life, but the ones with the most life Laga tur locual cu mi encontra na caminda ta
in their years.” bunita
Cu dolor na nos curason, nos ta participa fayecimento inespera Laga tur locual cu mi laga atras keda bunita y
di nos ser stima: It is with the saddest regret that we announce the Laga esakinan termina den tur buniteza.
passing of my beloved husband, our loving father Cado Wever.
Nayibe Isabel Herrera and greatest grandfather.
Cariñosamente yama “Nayi” Cu dolor na nos curason, nos ta participa
*22-09-1991 - †18-07-2023 fayecimento di nos ser stima:
Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues
Donny Bryson
Passed July 16th, 2023.
Left to mourn are his:
Wife: Bernie Bryson
Children: David Bryson and family Julius Egbert Lampe (Bert)
Daniel Bryson and family
Siblings: *November 8, 1945 – †Juli 18, 2023
Julia Rekwest-Bryson and family
Sheila Bryson and family Yiu: Julisa M. Lampe
Anthony Smith and family
Senaida Tejeda-Bryson and family Nieta: Sarah M. Ocampo-Lampe
Pamela Bryson and family
Sonia Bryson and family Rumannan:
Ignacio Bryson and family Johanna M. Pavlis – Lampe (Mimi)
Robert Bryson and family H. Yolanda Lampe (Hetty)
Leroy Bryson and family
Odessio Bryson Sobrinanan: Angela Nyland, Paul Gielen y Sam
Celenia Tromp and family Natascha y Schack von Rumohr, Laurence y
Enrique Ras and family Michael
Julia Ras and family
Yolanda Ras and family Primanan: Sheila Lampe y yiunan
Elma Dabian and family Vivian Lampe y yiunan
Ruthlin Dijkhoff and family Johnny van Meeteren y yuinan
Family and relatives: Bryson, Blijden, Ras, Rich- Iha: Rocheline Roos y Famia
ardson, Romney, Stoorvogel, Sunbul, Viotty, Shira Essed y Famia
Tromp, Singh, Maduro, and Kruythoff.
Ex Sra: Ruth Roos, Rumannan y famia
Cousins, nieces and nephews: too many to men-
tion. Bon Amigo: Karel (Lito) Arends y Famia
Oswald Wever y Famia
In laws: Arrindell, Holiday, Haddocks, Quandt, Harold Essed y Famia
Wilson, Peter, Baynes, Simmons, Alvares, Eustace Eloy Ras
and Wanga. Errol Every y Famia
Ex-colleagues of Excelsior Casino, friends, and Fredi Rafini y Famia
good neighbors from Sabana Basora. Eric de Cuba y Famia
Paola Goede-Kock y famia
The opportunity to give condolences will be held Liliana, Louisa y Jason Smith
on Friday 21st of July, from 7.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. Mervis Rodriguez
at Pray Funeral Home and Crematory at San
Nicolas. Tur Amigo, Amiga y Ex-Colega di Elmar unda
Bert a traha 38 anja cu hopi amor y placer.
The farewell ceremony will take place on Saturday Demas Famia: Lampe, Roos, van Meeteren,
July 22nd at Pray Funeral Home and Crematory at Brezovar, van Veen, Anaya, Mol, Pape, Sales,
San Nicolas from 9.00 a.m. till 11.00 a.m. Beaujon, Every, Solognier, Salas, Fort, Barbour,
After which the cremation will follow in a closed Goede-Kock, Boulton, Guacaneme y Farro
family setting. Ta invita pa acto di despedida cual lo tuma lugar
na Aurora Funeral Home diasabra 22 di juli
Instead of flowers or wreaths, a donation for Cas 2023 di 7or pa 9or di anochi.
Marie will be highly appreciated.
Danki na Dr. A. Wever, Dr. Becker, Dr. Kock,
After the funeral service we will not be receiving Dr. Da Silva, Dr. Kordes, Dr. Ladenius y tur
any condolences at home. verpleegsters di Dr. Horacio Oduber Hospital
We apologize if in our moments of sorrow, we for-
got to mention anyone. Si den nos immenso tristeza nos a lubida
cualkier persona nos ta pidi disculpa.
Dress code: happy colors. Y demas famia na Hulanda, Merca y St.