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Pompeo: US. may hit
more Iranian Ieaders
if Iran retaliates
WASHINGTON (AP) — The leimani, the repercussions
U.S. military may strike more from that attack played
Iranian leaders if the Is- out: The Iraqi Parliamen
lamic Republic retaliates t called on the 5,200 U.S.
for the Trump administra- forces in the country to
tion's killing of Tehran's most leave; the U.S. military coa-
powerful general last week lition in Baghdad suspend-
by attacking Americans or ed training of Iraqi forces to
American interests, Secre- concentrate on defending
tary of State Mike Pompeo coalition troops; and in Bei-
said Sunday. rut, the Lebanese Hezbol-
As Pompeo conducted a lah chief said U.S. forces
round of TV interviews to throughout the Mideast are
explain President Donald fair targets for retaliation. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo delivers a statement on Iraq and Syria, at President Donald
Trump’s decision to target Trump's Mar-a-Lago property, Sunday, Dec. 29, 2019, in Palm Beach, Fla.
Iranian Gen. Qassem So- Continued on Next Page Associated Press