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                      Tuesday 17 July 2018

            Study finds rare gain for tough-to-treat pancreatic cancer

            By LINDSEY TANNER                                                                      ic cancer , an uncommon  in  the  study  from  spring
            Associated Press                                                                       disease  for  which  there  is  2012  through  fall  2016.
            CHICAGO  (AP)  —  Patients                                                             no screening. Symptoms in-   They  either  received  the
            with  pancreatic  cancer                                                               cluding fatigue, weight loss  four-drug  combo  through
            that  hadn’t  spread  lived                                                            and  abdomen  pain  often  an  IV  every  two  weeks  for
            substantially  longer  on  a                                                           don’t occur until late, after  about  six  months  or  Gem-
            four-drug  combo  than  on                                                             the disease has spread.      zar three times a month for
            a  single  standard  cancer                                                            About  330,000  cases  are  six  months.  The  study  was
            drug,  a  rare  advance  for                                                           diagnosed     each    year  funded  by  philanthropic
            a  tough-to-treat  disease,                                                            worldwide, including about  groups in France and Can-
            researchers  reported  Mon-                                                            55,000 in the United States.  ada. Participants had early
            day.                                                                                   About  half  are  diagnosed  ductal  tumors,  the  most
            The  results  indicate  the                                                            after   the   disease   has  common  kind  of  pancre-
            powerful    chemotherapy                                                               spread;  most  die  within  a  atic  cancer.  Side  effects
            treatment  known  as  fol-                                                             year of diagnosis and only  are common for both drugs
            firinox  will  likely  become                                                          about 6 percent survive for  including low blood counts,
            standard  of  care  for  the                                                           five years.                  fatigue  and  diarrhea,  and
            minority  of  patients  whose                                                          About  15  percent  of  pa-  they  occurred  more  often
            pancreatic  cancer  is  di-                                                            tients  are  candidates  for  in  folfirinox  patients.  There
            agnosed  early  enough  to                                                             surgery; generally their dis-  was one death in the study
            be  removed  by  surgery,                                                              ease  was  detected  early  in the Gemzar group.
            experts not involved in the                                                            and has not spread widely  Folfirinox  and  Gemzar  are
            study said.                  This  undated  microscope  image  from  USC  via  the  NIH  shows   beyond the pancreas.  available as generics. Schil-
            After  an  average  three    pancreatic  cancer  cells,  nuclei  in  blue,  growing  as  a  sphere   The  new  results  are  “reas-  sky  said  both  treatments
            years  of  follow-up,  almost   encased in membranes, red.                             suring  for  a  disease  where  are  “pretty  inexpensive”
            40  percent  of  the  folfirinox                                      Associated Press  unfortunately  on  average  since  the  drugs  are  avail-
            patients  were  disease-free  a  cancer  specialist  at  the  an  “immediately  practice-  people  only  live  several  able  as  generics.  Insur-
            compared      with   about  Cancer Institute of Lorraine  changing  study”  and  said  months rather than several  ance typically covers both
            20  percent  who  had  the  in  Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy,  it’s  the  biggest  advance  years.  This  is  a  new  stan-  for metastatic cancer and
            standard  drug,  Gemzar.  France.                         for pancreatic cancer in 25  dard of care for this illness,”  gemcitabine  for  operable
            Overall,  almost  two-thirds  Results   were   presented  years.                       said Dr. Andrew Epstein, an  cancer,  and  it’s  likely  it
            of  folfirinox  patients  were  Monday  at  an  American  Folfirinox  is  already  stan-  expert  at  Memorial  Sloan  would  cover  folfirinox  for
            still  alive  compared  with  Society of Clinical Oncolo-  dard treatment for patients  Kettering Cancer Center in  operable  cancer  if  guide-
            almost half of Gemzar pa-    gy conference in Chicago.    whose  pancreatic  cancer  New York.                      lines are revised and it be-
            tients,  unexpectedly good  Dr.  Richard  Schilsky,  the  has spread.                  Nearly  500  patients  at  77  comes  standard  of  care,
            results, said Dr. Thierry Con-  group’s  chief  medical  of-  The outlook has been bleak  centers  in  France  and  which several experts say is
            roy,  the  lead  author  and  ficer,  called  the  research  for patients with pancreat-  Canada   were   enrolled  expected.q

                                                                      California meets greenhouse

                                                                      gas reduction goal years early

                                                                      CHRISTOPHER WEBER            the  state’s  environment    The  Air  Resources  Board
                                                                       Associated Press            and its economy.”            has  broad  authority  to
                                                                      LOS  ANGELES  (AP)  —  Cali-  Greenhouse    gas   emis-   achieve those goals in the
                                                                      fornia   greenhouse    gas  sions  dropped  2.7  percent   nation’s  most  populous
                                                                      emissions  fell  below  1990  in  2016  —  the  latest  year   state.
                                                                      levels,  meeting  an  early  available  —  to  about  430   “California  set  the  tough-
                                                                      target  years  ahead  of  million  metric  tons,  the     est  emissions  targets  in
                                                                      schedule  and  putting  the  board  said.  That’s  just  be-  the  nation,  tracked  prog-
                                                                      state well on its way toward  low  the  431  million  metric   ress and delivered results,”
                                                                      reaching  long-term  goals  tons produced in 1990.        Governor Jerry Brown said
                                                                      to fight climate change, of-  California law requires that   Wednesday.

            In this Dec. 31, 2014, file photo, the snow-capped San Gabriel   ficials said Wednesday.  emissions return to 1990 lev-  The  decrease  is  partly  a
            Mountains provide a backdrop to the downtown Los Angeles   Chairwoman Mary D. Nich-    els  by  2020  and  reach  40   result  of  California’s  in-
            skyline  as  seen  from  Kenneth  Hahn  State  Recreation  Area  in   ols called it “great news for  percent below that marker   creased use of renewable
            Baldwin Hills.                            Associated Press  the  health  of  Californians,  by 2030.                power, the board said. So-
                                                                                                                                lar  electricity  generation
                                                                                                                                from  rooftop  arrays  and
                                                                                                                                power  plants  jumped  33
                                                                                                                                percent in 2016, according
                                                                                                                                to the new data.
                                                                                                                                Imports  of  hydroelectric
                                                                                                                                power  shot  up  39  per-
                                                                                                                                cent  that  year  as  rains
                                                                                                                                returned  to  the  Western
                                                                                                                                United States after years of
                                                                                                                                drought, officials said.q
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