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Diabierna, 22 di April 2022 |13

                                                                                        Abbreviated Corporate Financial Statements

           Recognition and Measurement                                        Reclassification
           Financial assets are initially recognized at fair value plus transaction costs for all financial assets not   The Bank reclassifies debt instruments when and only when its business model for managing those
           carried at fair value through profit or loss. Financial assets are recognized when the entity becomes   assets changes. The reclassification is applied prospectively from the reclassification date, which is
           a party to the contractual provisions of the instrument. Regular way purchases and sales of financial   the first day of the first reporting period following the change in business model that results in the
           assets are recognized on trade date.                               reclassification. Any previously recognized gains, losses or interest are not restated.
           Investment in Subsidiaries                                         De-recognition
           The Bank holds 100% of the shares in Capital Providers Group N.V. and Alicante Properties N.V., all   Financial assets are derecognized when the contractual rights to receive the cash flows from the
           domiciled in Aruba. The investments in subsidiaries are accounted for by applying the equity method,   financial assets have expired, or when they have been transferred and either:
           whereby the investment is initially recognized at cost and adjusted thereafter for the post-acquisition      •   The Bank transfers substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership; or
           change in the Bank’s share of the investee’s net assets. The Bank’s profit or loss includes its share of the      •   The Bank neither transfers nor retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership
           investee’s profit or loss and the Bank’s other comprehensive income includes its share in the investee’s   and the Bank has not retained control.
           other comprehensive income. Distributions received from an investee reduce the carrying amount of
           the investment. Investment in subsidiaries is outside the scope of IFRS 9.
                                                                              -   Financial Liabilities
           Debt Instruments Measured at Amortized Cost
           Debt instruments are measured at amortized cost if they are held within a business model whose   Classification, Recognition and Subsequent Measurement
           objective is to hold for collection of contractual cash flows, and where those cash flows represent   The Bank classifies its financial liabilities as being measured at amortized cost unless it has designated
           solely payments of principal and interest (SPPI). After initial measurement, debt instruments in this   liabilities at fair value through profit or loss or is required to measure liabilities mandatorily at fair
           category are carried at amortized cost using the effective interest rate method. The amortized cost is   value  through  profit  or  loss.  Financial  liabilities  are  initially  recognized  at  fair  value,  (normally  the
           the amount at which the financial asset or financial liability is measured at initial recognition amount   issued proceeds, that is, the fair value of consideration received) less, in the case of financial liabilities
           minus the principal repayments, plus or minus the cumulative amortization using the Effective Interest   subsequently carried at amortized cost, transaction costs. For financial liabilities carried at amortized
           Rate (EIR) method of any difference between the initial amount and the maturity amount and, for   cost,  any  difference  between  the  proceeds,  net  of  transaction  costs,  and  the  redemption  value  is
           financial assets, adjusted for any loss allowance.                 recognized  in  the  Statement  of  Comprehensive  Income  through  profit  or  loss  using  the  effective
                                                                              interest method.
           Purchases and sales of debt instruments at amortized cost are recognized at trade date – the date on
           which the Bank commits to purchase or sell the asset – and are measured at amortized cost when   A financial liability may be designated as at fair value through profit or loss only when:
           cash is advanced to the borrowers.                                     •   It  eliminates  or  significantly  reduces  a  measurement  or  recognition  inconsistency  (an
                                                                                      ‘accounting mismatch’) that would otherwise arise from measuring assets or liabilities or
           Debt instruments of the Bank comprise loans and investment securities that are sovereign bonds. After   recognizing the gains and losses on them on different basis; or
           assessing its business model for loans and sovereign bonds, which are held to collect the contractual      •   A group of financial assets, financial liabilities or both is managed and its performance
           cash  flows,  and  where  the  cash  flows  represent  solely  payments  of  principal  and  interest,  these         is evaluated on a fair value basis in accordance with documented risk management or
           instruments were measured at amortized cost.                               investment strategy; or
                                                                                  •   A contract contains one or more embedded derivatives that significantly change the cash
           Interest income using the effective interest rate method is recognized in the Statement of         flows of the contract and the separation of the embedded derivative(s) is not prohibited.
           Comprehensive Income through profit or loss. Impairment on debt instruments measured at amortized
           cost is calculated using the expected credit loss (ECL) approach. Loans and debt securities measured at   The movement in own credit risk related to financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit
           amortized cost are presented net of allowance for credit losses in the Statement of Financial Position.  or loss is recorded in other comprehensive income unless this would create or enlarge an accounting
                                                                              mismatch in profit or loss for the Bank (in which case all gains or losses are recognized through profit
           Debt Instruments Measured at FVOCI                                 or loss).
           Debt instruments are measured at FVOCI if they are held within a business model whose objective
           is to hold both for collection of contractual cash flows and for the sale of financial assets, where the   Derecognition
           financial assets’ cash flows represent payments that are solely payments of principal and interest, and   Financial liabilities are derecognized when they are extinguished, for instance, when the obligation
           that are not designated FVPL. Subsequent to initial recognition, unrealized gains and losses on debt   specified in the contract is discharged, cancelled or expires.
           instruments measured at FVOCI are taken through other comprehensive income (OCI) in full, unless
           the instrument is designated in a fair value hedge relationship.
                                                                              -   Impairment of Financial Assets
           When the asset is derecognized, the cumulative gain or loss previously recognized in OCI is reclassified
           from equity to profit or loss and recognized in ‘Net Investment Income’. Foreign exchange gains and   Scope
           losses that relate to the amortized cost of the debt instrument are recognized through profit or loss.
                                                                              The Bank recognizes impairment loss allowances for expected credit losses (ECL) for the following
                                                                              categories of financial instruments, unless measured at fair value through profit or loss:
           Impairment on debt instruments measured at FVOCI is calculated using the expected credit loss      •   Financial assets that are debt instruments;
           approach. The expected credit loss on debt instruments measured at FVOCI does not reduce the      •   Loan commitments;
           carrying amount of the asset in the Statement of Financial Position, which remains at its fair value.      •   Financial guarantee contracts issued and not accounted for under IFRS 4  Insurance
           Instead, an amount equal to the allowance that would arise if the financial assets were measured at         Contracts; and
           amortized cost is recognized in OCI with a corresponding amount taken to Credit Impairment Losses      •   Receivables and contract assets recognized under IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with
           in the Statement of Comprehensive Income. The accumulated amount recognized in OCI is recycled
           through profit or loss upon derecognition of the debt instrument.          Customers.
                                                                              Expected Credit Loss (ECL) Model
           Debt Instruments Measured at FVPL                                  The determination of impairment losses and allowance moves from an incurred credit loss model
           Financial assets that do not meet the criteria for amortized cost or FVOCI are measured at fair value   whereby credit losses are recognized when a defined loss event occurs under IAS 39, to an expected
           through profit or loss.
                                                                              credit loss model under IFRS 9, where credit losses are taken upon initial recognition of the financial
                                                                              asset, based on expectations of potential credit losses at the time of initial recognition. Under IFRS 9,
           Financial Assets Mandatorily Measured at FVPL                      the Bank first evaluates individually whether objective impairment exists for financial assets that are
           Financial assets meeting either of the conditions below are mandatorily measured at fair value through   individually significant. It then collectively assesses financial assets that are not individually significant
           profit or loss (other than in respect of an equity investment designated as at fair value through other   and loans which are significant but for which there is no objective evidence of impairment.
           comprehensive income):
               •   Financial assets with contractual terms that do not give rise on specified dates to cash
                  flows  that  are  solely  payments  of  principal  and  interest  on  the  principal  amount  The Bank uses an ECL model developed to meet the requirements of IFRS 9. The allowance for credit
                  outstanding; and                                            losses calculations are outputs of models with a number of underlying assumptions regarding the
               •   Financial  assets  held  within  a  business  model  whose  objective  is  achieved  neither  by  choice of variable inputs and their interdependencies. This model measures credit loss allowances
                                                                              using a three-stage approach based on the extent of credit deterioration since origination.
                  collecting  contractual  cash  flows  nor  by  both  collecting  contractual  cash  flows  and
                  selling financial assets. This includes financial assets held within a portfolio that is managed  New models and systems were developed to meet the requirements of IFRS 9. The Bank assesses on
                  and whose performance is evaluated on a fair value basis. It further includes portfolios of
                  financial assets that are ‘held for trading’.               a forward-looking basis, the expected credit losses (ECL) associated with its debt instrument assets
                                                                              carried at amortized cost and FVOCI and with the exposure arising from loan commitments and
                                                                              financial guarantee contracts. The Bank recognizes a loss allowance for such losses at each reporting
           Financial Assets Designated as Measured at FVPL                    date. The measurement of ECL reflects:
           A financial asset may be designated at fair value through profit or loss only if doing so eliminates      •   An unbiased and probability-weighted amount that is determined by evaluating a range of
           or significantly reduces measurement or recognition inconsistencies (an ‘accounting mismatch’) that   possible outcomes;
           would otherwise arise from measuring financial assets or liabilities or recognizing gains and losses on
           them on different basis. They are carried in the Statement of Financial Position at fair value, with all      •   The time value of money; and
           changes in fair value recorded in the Statement of Comprehensive Income.      •   Reasonable and supportable information that is available without undue cost or effort at
                                                                                      the reporting date about past events, current conditions and forecasts of future economic
           Equity Instruments
           Equity instruments are measured at FVPL, unless an election is made to designate them at FVOCI   Presentation of Allowance for Credit Losses in the Statement of Financial Position
           upon purchase. For equity instruments measured at FVPL, changes in fair value are recognized in the
           Statement of Comprehensive Income as part of net gain/loss from other financial instruments carried      •   Financial assets measured at amortized cost: presented as a deduction from the gross
           at fair value. Instruments elected to be classified as non-trading equity instruments at FVOCI are made            •   carrying amount of the financial assets;
                                                                                      Debt instruments measured at FVOCI: no allowance is recognized in the Statement of
           upon initial recognition, on an instrument-by-instrument basis and once made, is irrevocable. Gains         Financial Position because the carrying value of these assets is their fair value. However,
           and losses on these instruments including when derecognized/sold are recorded in OCI and are not         the allowance determined is presented in the accumulated other comprehensive income; and
           subsequently reclassified to profit or loss. Dividend received is recorded in the income statement.
                                                                                  •   Off-balance  sheet  credit  risks  including  undisbursed  loan  commitments  and  financial
                                                                                      guarantees:  presented  as  a  provision  within  the  liabilities  section  of  the  Statement  of
                                                                                      Financial Position.
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