Page 2 - Oduber Agencies 20 March'15
P. 2
Friday 20 March 2015

Special Attention of the Kiwanis Club of Aruba for Our Elderly

ORANJESTAD - The Kiwanis containing various prod- dedication of this Day.
Club of Aruba which re- ucts. The Kiwanis Club of Aruba
cently celebrated its 50th A special Thank you goes hereby thanks the staff and
Anniversary, has always to Manrique Capriles, Moi- personnel of Huize Maris
been very active with proj- ses de Marchena, Oduber Stella for their cooperation
ects for the Aruban com- Agencies, Compra, Mar- and in particular Mrs. Ca-
munity. This time we cel- tijn Trading, Botica Aloe, lixsta from the Activity De-
ebrated with the elderly Botica Santa Anna, DA partment of the home. q
community in Savaneta. and Maggy’s which com-
Sunday, March 8th, some panies donated the prod-
members of the Club sur- ucts for these care pack-
prised the residents of Huize ages. A total of 125 care
Maris Stella in Savaneta packages where donated
with a visit. The Organizing to the citizens of Huize
Committee of the Kiwanis Maris Stella and to the in-
Club of Aruba in coopera- habitants of the adjacent
tion with Huize Maris Stella homes of Huize Maris Stel-
had on that special Sunday la.
As that Sunday was also In-
a nice program put togeth- ternational Women’s Day,
er, that started from 9am Mrs. Filomena Wong re-
until 1 pm. The elderly en- cited a beautiful poem in
joyed an authentic Aruban
breakfast followed with a
delicious lunch. Mr. Nelson
Sprock with his “Caja di Or-
gel” together with Mr. Etty
Toppenberg provided the
entertainment so that the
elder citizens could sing
and dance. Meanwhile,
some other members of
the Kiwanis Club visited
the Department of Anglo,
Aloe and Izora where the
inhabitants of the home
received a ‘care package
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