Page 17 - ARUBA BANK
P. 17

                 Thursday 23 January 2020

            Clouds drift over the European Central Bank, right, in Frankfurt,
            Germany, Saturday, Jan. 18, 2020.
                                                     Associated Press
            Central banks

            join to study possible

            digital currencies                                        This Oct. 8, 2019, file photo shows the Netflix app on an iPhone in New York.   Associated Press

            FRANKFURT,  Germany  (AP)  the  issue  for  several  years   Netflix holds its own in the
            —  Major  central  banks  and  has  commissioned  a
            have joined together to ex-  pilot  project  as  the  use  of
            plore  whether  they  should  cash declines in that coun-  streaming wars - for now
            issue  digital  currencies  as  try.  No  decision  has  been
            the  use  of  cash  declines  made.  Existing  cryptocur-
            and  more  people  turn  to  rencies such as bitcoin are   SAN  FRANCISCO  (AP)  —  world  of  video  streaming.  which  makes  it  easier  for
            electronic forms of paying.   not  suited  for  paying  for   Netflix is holding its ground  The  fourth  quarter  was  an  them  to  create  hits  when
            The  study  group  is  made  things  because  they  can   in the streaming wars, pass-  important  milestone  for  compared  to  newcomers
            up of the European Central  fluctuate  sharply  in  value.   ing its first big test since Ap-  Netflix, as it was marked its  to  the  market,"  EMarketer
            Bank,  the  Bank  of  Japan,  Facebook has backed the     ple  and  Disney  launched  first head-to-head compe-     analyst   Eric   Haggstrom
            the  Bank  of  Canada,  the  Libra project for a so-called   rival services.           tition  with  Apple's  $5-per-  said.
            Bank of England, the Swed-   stablecoin, a digital curren-  The  company  added  8.8  month  streaming  service  Netflix's  most  popular  plan
            ish  Riksbank  and  the  Swiss  cy linked to existing curren-  million  worldwide  subscrib-  and Disney's instantly pop-  costs $13 a month, far more
            National Bank.  They said in  cies. Several major partners   ers during its fourth quarter,  ular $7-a-month option.  than competitors from Dis-
            a  statement  Tuesday  that  such  as  Visa,  Mastercard,   surpassing  expectations  at  Still,  it's  unlikely  to  be  a  ney,  Apple  and  Quibi.  But
            they  will  assess  the  poten-  PayPal and eBay have left   a time when it faces heat-  smooth  road  for  Netflix.  its  price  is  comparable  to
            tial case for digital curren-  the  association  set  up  to   ed competition.         NBC,  HBO  and  startup  HBO  Now,  and  it  boasts
            cies  in  their  home  jurisdic-  oversee  Libra  as  it  faces   Netflix had said it expected  Quibi  are  all  planning  to  one  of  the  largest  libraries
            tions.  The  Swedish  central  pushback  from  regulatory   to add 7.6 million subscrib-  launch  new  streaming  ser-  of  TV  shows  and  movies,
            bank  has  already  studied  authorities. q               ers,  and  analysts  thought  vices soon.                 not  to  mention  regularly
                                                                      the  service  would  fare  Two  big  questions  loom:  updated original shows.
                                                                      even  better.  The  increase  How  much  are  consumers  Hastings  reiterated  that
            U.S. official: China                                      pales  slightly  next  to  the  willing to pay for each vid-  Netflix  isn't  interested  in  in-
                                                                      8.9  million  subscribers  the  eo  streaming  option?  And  troducing ads. Noting that
            steals 'massive amounts'                                  service added in the fourth  how many will they pay for  the digital advertising mar-
                                                                      quarter of 2018.
                                                                                                   before  reaching  subscrip-
                                                                                                                                ket  is  dominated  by  com-
            of data in West                                           The  stock  dropped  about  tion fatigue?                 panies  such  as  Google,
                                                                                                   Netflix  CEO  Reed  Hastings  Amazon  and  Facebook,
                                                                      2.5%  immediately  in  after-
                                                                      hours trading, likely due to  acknowledged     the   in-  he  said,  "there's  not  easy
            PARIS (AP) — China is steal-  that to gain access to the   a cautious forecast for the  creased  competition  in  a  money there."
            ing  "massive  amounts"  of  corporate  databases  of     first  quarter.  But  shares  re-  call following earnings, but  It's  also  less  controversial
            data  from  Western  com-    major,  large  companies,"   bounded and later traded  said  he  believes  the  ser-   to avoid digital advertising
            panies and Iran has stolen  he told reporters.            up more than 2%.             vices  are  mostly  capturing  and  the  scrutiny  around
            data  from  some  200  uni-  The stolen data is "in some   The company — a pioneer  new viewers who are tran-       companies  making  cus-
            versities,  the  top  U.S.  cy-  cases"  given  to  private   in  producing  streaming  sitioning from traditional TV  tomers'  personal  informa-
            bersecurity  diplomat  said  industry  within  China  "to   media  and  binge-worthy  watching.                     tion that comes with it, he
            Wednesday .                  compete     against"   the   shows — now boasts more  "It  takes  away  a  little  bit  said.
            Robert  Strayer,  deputy  as-  companies they stole from,   than 167 million subscribers  from us," he said of the Dis-  In  its  quarterly  letter  to
            sistant  secretary  of  state  Strayer said.              worldwide,  bolstered  by  a  ney Plus launch. "But again,  shareholders,   Netflix   in-
            for cyber and international  "So that happens on a reg-   list of well-received movies  most  of  the  growth  in  the  cluded  a  chart  of  Google
            communications,  said  in  ular basis," he added.         and  shows  released  late  future  is  coming  out  of  lin-  search trends that showed
            Paris  that  the  data  theft  Strayer  was  in  Paris  along   last year. That includes the  ear TV."              people  searching  more
            "happens on a regular ba-    with a Justice Department    fantasy show "The Witcher"  Netflix  has  one  major  ad-  often  for  "The  Witcher"
            sis."                        official to convince France   and  Oscar  nominees  "The  vantage over competitors:  than  for  competing  shows
            Over the last few years, the  not to use Huawei technol-  Irishman"  and  "Marriage  it has been collecting data  including  "The  Mandalo-
            Chinese "compromised the  ogy from China, at least in     Story."                      on the shows viewers crave  rian,"  "The  Morning  Show"
            largest  of  the  global  ser-  the  sensitive  core  of  their   The  boost  helps  reaffirm  for years.           and "Jack Ryan," from Dis-
            vice  providers  and  cloud  networks,  due  to  security   Netflix's  strong  standing  in  "Netflix's  scale  allows  it  to  ney,  Apple  and  Amazon,
            providers  ...  and  they  use  risks.q                   the  increasingly  crowded  reach  mass  audiences,  respectively.q
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