Page 4 - DESPA 19 NOV 2015
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                                                                                                                  Thursday 19 November 2015

Professionals working together for better care on Aruba!

ORANJESTAD - The follow-      of the teeth; Behavioral       BETTER CARE:                on the island using this in-  how blending of two spe-
ing professionals, along      problems such as ADD and       On Friday 16-Oct-2015,      novative minimally invasive   cialists, ENT and orthodon-
with AZV, are working to-     ADHD; The root cause of        the operating team com-     technique (MIST). A total of  tics, leads to effective and
gether to improve the         these symptoms is sleep        posed of three ENT doctors  three adults and one child    optimal patient care.
quality of medical care for   disorder breathing.            namely, Dr. Catalano, Dr.   were treated by MIST. All     AZV would like to thank
the people of Aruba!                                         Cabenda, Dr. Raven, one     four operations were con-     the operating team as
--Prof. Dr. Peter Catalano    --CHILDREN:                    orthodontist and airway     ducted at Dr. Cabenda’s       well as the local hospital
is an ENT specialist gradu-   Dr. Catalano: In the past,     specialist Dr. Walker, and  operating room at his Pun-    for their willingness to work
ated from Mount Sinai         sinus and nasal operations     a local anesthesiologist,   ta Brabo office.              together to provide the lo-
School of Medicine and        were not done in children.     operated on four patients   This is a perfect example of  cal population with access
is currently a Professor at   With this new technique                                                                  to effective and innova-
Tufts University in Boston    (MIST) we have operated                                                                  tive techniques in the field
and has been in practice      in children as young as                                                                  of nasal obstruction, sinus
for 30 years.                 3-years-old. This minimally                                                              disorders and obstructive
--Dr. Steve Cabenda is an     invasive operation takes                                                                 sleep apnea. This multidis-
ENT specialist graduated      approximately 40-45 min-                                                                 ciplinary team approach
from the Free University      utes without the need or                                                                 of highly trained individuals
Amsterdam and has been        nasal packing or ban-                                                                    combined with the use of
working on the island of      dages. There is no external                                                              an effective and innova-
Aruba for the last 25 years.  evidence of surgery, and                                                                 tive technique are in line
--Dr. John Walker is an Or-   since it is minimally inva-                                                              with the strategic goals of
thodontist graduated from     sive, the recovery time is                                                               the AZV to provide quality
New Jersey School of Den-     significantly reduced with                                                               and effective care to the
tal Medicine and received     limited discomfort for the                                                               enrollees. q
his Certificate in Orthodon-  patient. Children are usu-
tics from Boston University   ally back to school, and
School of Dental Medicine.    adults return to work, in one
Dr. Walker is a part-time     day A prospective study
clinical professor of Ortho-  conducted in children has
dontics and Boston Univer-    shown great improvement
sity and has been in private  in symptoms
practice for 30 years in the  Dr. Cabenda: Up to now
USA and has been working      the commonly used tech-
for 17 years on the island.   nique used for the treat-
                              ment of nasal obstruction
--MIST                        and sinus disorders is the
The Minimally Invasive Sinus  functional sinus surgery
Technique (MIST) offers pa-   used in adults.
tients an innovative option
in the treatment of nasal     --WORKING TOGETHER FOR
obstruction, sinus disorders
and obstructive sleep ap-
nea. The focus is sleep dis-
order breathing which is
present 24-hours a day in
children, and more prob-
lematic in adults when
they are lying down.
Common symptoms of
sleep disorder breathing
in children are: Snoring;
Mouth breathing; Under-
development of the jaw
leading to overcrowding
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