Page 18 - MIN.TTC APRIL 20 2015
P. 18
Monday 20 April 2015

Loyal Guests Honored at the Divi Phoenix Beach Resort

of the Minister of Tourism as because of the friendly
a token of appreciation to people, the weather, the
guests who visit Aruba for beaches, the restaurants,
10-to-19 consecutive years. the stunning view from their
The honorees were Harley rooms, and because Aruba
McGowan from Massachu- feels like a second home
setts, Kevin and Heidi Free- where the people are like
man from New Jersey, and family to them.
Fred and Kathy Ely from The certificates were pre-
New Hampshire, all hon- sented by Mrs. Marouska
ored as Distinguished Visi- Heyliger representing the
tors. Aruba Tourism Authority, to-
All of the guests are loyal gether with Mrs. Avril Culley
members of the Divi Phoe- representing the Divi Phoe-
nix Beach Resort and they nix Beach Resort.q
love Aruba very much

PALM BEACH - Recently honoring a very nice group Beach Resort.
the Aruba Tourism Authority of guests as Distinguished The symbolic honorary title
had the great pleasure of Visitors at the Divi Phoenix is presented in the name
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