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                                                                                                           LOCAL Friday 26 august 2022

            Honoring of loyal visitors at Boardwalk Boutique Hotel Aruba

            EAGLE BEACH  ̶  Recently, Aruba Tourism  The  wonderful  visitor’s  top  reasons  pro-
            Authority had the great pleasure in honor-  vided for returning were the most vibrant
            ing many loyal Aruba visitors with their dis-  sunsets, the crystal clear water, shipwreck
            tinctive certificates. These certificates are  and underwater life that serves as the ide-
            a way to say “Masha Danki” for continu-    al diving destination in the Caribbean, the
            ously choosing Aruba as a favorite vaca-   local friendliness, the dreamy white sandy
            tion destination. The titles are as following:  beaches  and  the  array  of  food  options
            10+ years “Distinguished Visitor”, 20+ years  from authentic Caribbean dishes to Dutch
            “Goodwill  Ambassador”  and  36+  years  pancakes.
            “Emerald Ambassador”.
                                                       Ms.  Olga  Ruiz  &  Ms.  Kimberly  Richardson
            The  honorees  are  Sienna  Christine  Law-  representing  the  Aruba  Tourism  Authority
            rence who is resident of New York, United  and members of the Boardwalk Boutique
            States as a Goodwill Ambassador.           Hotel  Aruba  bestowed  the  certificate  of
                                                       the Goodwill Ambassador to the honoree,
            This symbolic honorary title is presented on  handed  some  presents  and  thanked  her
            behalf  of  the  Minister  of  Tourism  as  a  to-  for choosing Aruba as her vacation desti-
            ken of appreciation to the guests who visit  nation and as her home away from home
            Aruba  between  the  10-20-35  and  more  for so many years.q
            consecutive year mark.
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