Page 9 - AHATA
P. 9
LOCAL Monday 9 SepteMber 2024
Playa Linda provides poolside outing for ‘Ambiente Feliz’
PALM BEACH – Playa Lin-
da Beach Resort recently
opened its doors to the resi-
dents and clients of “Stich-
ting Ambiente Feliz” for a
morning of poolside fun.
“Ambiente Feliz” is a foun-
dation that works within the
community, providing essen-
tial support and services to
people with intellectual or
multiple disabilities. The out-
ing was planned as part of
their summer program, with
Playa Linda welcoming par-
ticipants and treating them ticipants cool and dry after of working with different, in- sure activities, establish and cious suites – with twelve dif-
to time at the Resort. some time in the pool. The valuable Aruba non-profits. maintain social contacts and ferent suite categories, each
morning wrapped up with a Hosting the recent visit was provide a regular round of with fully-equipped kitchens
The fun got off to an early warm farewell and goodie one example of Playa Lin- educational, sporting and – and offers resort amenities
start, with the group arriving bags passed out to all par- da’s ongoing efforts and social events. The recent including on-property laun-
at 8:30 and fueling up on a ticipants. emphasis on giving back to visit to Playa Linda was part dry facilities, two pools, two
delicious breakfast donat- the community. of a larger summer activity Jacuzzis, concierge services,
ed by Scotts Brats, an on- Playa Linda, which has al- program. daily activity program and
property restaurant, facing ways taken its dedication “Ambiente Feliz” is an es- varied dining and shop-
beautiful Palm Beach, and to hospitality to the highest pecially important NGO. It Playa Linda Beach Resort ping options. This intimate,
famous for its scrumptious levels, welcomes its members runs two residential homes Aruba sits beachside on community-centered resort
sausage sandwiches. After and guests to the Resort as -- ‘Cas Curason’ and ‘Cas world famous Palm Beach, creates an opportunity for
a hearty meal, it was time if they are family, and, simi- Briyante’ – as well as spear- and at the center of the is- memorable vacation expe-
to relax poolside with Playa larly, keeps close ties to the heads programs that focus land’s best selection of din- riences, and why your best
Linda providing chickees greater Aruba community. on developing life skills, of- ing, shopping and activity day in Aruba starts at the
and towels to keep par- The Resort has a long history fer meaningful daily and lei- options. It features 217 spa- Playa Linda. q
Aruba’s most family-friendly beaches
(Oranjestad)—One of the rentals, chairs, bathrooms Eagle Beach/Palm Beach may not be a very sandy Palm Island
biggest concerns that par- and a snack bar right at in the hotel area beach, it is relatively quiet Ok, this one is technically
ents have when travelling the far left of the beach. Yet another highly popular and tranquil. This is a great not a beach, but a must-
with their children is a guar- beach site, Eagle Beach place for family to lay down visit attraction for family fun.
antee of their safety and Mangel Halto in Pos and Palm Beach is where a big blanket and have a This small water park oasis is
healthy enjoyment. There- Chiquito most of our visitors go to little picnic. This is also one located further down the
fore, we thought it would Mangel Halto is situated tan, swim or play in the of the best places to snor- Mangel Halto Beach and
be a great help to travel- in the back streets of the white sand. Because they kel, as this area is filled with is reachable by boat. This
ling parents to list off some Pos Chiquito city. Though are near the low-rise and little fish and corals, even water park offers 6 hours of
the most family-friendly there are several stairs on high-rise hotel areas, these close to the shore. fun activities, food, drinks,
beaches around the island. the sides of the beach cliff beaches are the most ac- and a chance to see pink
leading you down, the best cessible for visitors on foot. flamingoes up close! q
Baby Beach in San Nicolas spot for families to hang These beaches also offer
Baby Beach is one Aruba’s out is across the bridge, many palapas free to use,
most popular and visited passed the mangrove trees but you can also rent chairs
beaches, and for good rea- near the entrance sign. and tents. Much like Baby
son: This sandy and quiet Here, there are small and Beach, these sites are one
lagoon is a great place for big palapas, perfect for of the best beaches for
parents to sit back and re- big and small families to your children to play and
lax while their children play set up their belongings. In build sand castles.
in the shallow shores of the this area, the shore is also
beach. Beside the relaxing shallow, falling right around Boca Catalina in Malmok
atmosphere, there are also your knee before slowly Boca Catalina is a small bay
several services that may getting deeper: perfect for beach near the Malmok
accommodate your stay, kids to safely play. beach area further down
like a parking lot, sun tent the hotel areas. Though it