Page 5 - ATA Feb 25, 2015
P. 5
Wednesday 25 February
Rebranding Arke Travel Agencies Curaçao and Aruba
WILLEMSTAD/ORANJESTAD Curaçao, is increased by agency has a more mod-
- Two completely refur- twelve square meters. The ern design and contains
nished Arke shops on Cura- store now has three coun- a table for reading. Also,
çao and Aruba open their ters with a chair and couch by placing a secured ad-
doors this week. Entirely in and a fourth counter which ministration office – where
line with the rebranding of can be used for multiple customers can pay – the
Arke, the agencies are pro- purposes. The travel host- waiting time is reduced.
vided with a new look and esses can welcome tourists Marlow de la Fuente, Sales
a new name. The typical or- here who have questions supervisor of Arke Curaçao:
ange Arke color has been and it’s possible to put a ‘The rebranding makes the
replaced by a fresh blue screen at this counter, cre- travel agency more cus-
color, the shops are more ating an extra workspace tomer-friendly, more mod-
customer-friendly designed in case it gets crowded ern and more social. We
and will be provided with in the travel agency. The are very proud of the result
the most advanced tech- and would like to invite ev-
nologies. This also includes eryone to come and take a
that the agencies will no look.’
longer operate under the The reopening of Arke
name ofArkefly, but un- Aruba:
der the name of Arke. The The in 2010 founded Arke
services, products and the travel agency on the LG
team will remain the same. Smith boulevard on Aru-
The reopening of Arke Cu- ba has also completely
raçao: been restyled. The entire
The space of the Arke trav- new look & feel makes the
el agency, located at the agency a lot more custom-
SchottegatwegOost on er-friendly. It is now possible
to use three counters in-
stead of two. Through a big informed about the book- sists of a dark blue dress, a
screen - which still has to be ings and the services pro- dark blue jacket and trou-
placed-customers can be vided by Arke. sers in the same color, with
Consistent look & feel: a light blue blouse and a
In order to present Arke striped shawl with the TUI-
everywhere with the same smile. The men wear a dark
look & feel, the employees blue jacket and trousers in
wear the same new uniform the same color, with a light
as the flight crew ofArke. blue shirt and a striped tie
For ladies this uniform con- with the TUI-smile.q
Wednesday 25 February
Rebranding Arke Travel Agencies Curaçao and Aruba
WILLEMSTAD/ORANJESTAD Curaçao, is increased by agency has a more mod-
- Two completely refur- twelve square meters. The ern design and contains
nished Arke shops on Cura- store now has three coun- a table for reading. Also,
çao and Aruba open their ters with a chair and couch by placing a secured ad-
doors this week. Entirely in and a fourth counter which ministration office – where
line with the rebranding of can be used for multiple customers can pay – the
Arke, the agencies are pro- purposes. The travel host- waiting time is reduced.
vided with a new look and esses can welcome tourists Marlow de la Fuente, Sales
a new name. The typical or- here who have questions supervisor of Arke Curaçao:
ange Arke color has been and it’s possible to put a ‘The rebranding makes the
replaced by a fresh blue screen at this counter, cre- travel agency more cus-
color, the shops are more ating an extra workspace tomer-friendly, more mod-
customer-friendly designed in case it gets crowded ern and more social. We
and will be provided with in the travel agency. The are very proud of the result
the most advanced tech- and would like to invite ev-
nologies. This also includes eryone to come and take a
that the agencies will no look.’
longer operate under the The reopening of Arke
name ofArkefly, but un- Aruba:
der the name of Arke. The The in 2010 founded Arke
services, products and the travel agency on the LG
team will remain the same. Smith boulevard on Aru-
The reopening of Arke Cu- ba has also completely
raçao: been restyled. The entire
The space of the Arke trav- new look & feel makes the
el agency, located at the agency a lot more custom-
SchottegatwegOost on er-friendly. It is now possible
to use three counters in-
stead of two. Through a big informed about the book- sists of a dark blue dress, a
screen - which still has to be ings and the services pro- dark blue jacket and trou-
placed-customers can be vided by Arke. sers in the same color, with
Consistent look & feel: a light blue blouse and a
In order to present Arke striped shawl with the TUI-
everywhere with the same smile. The men wear a dark
look & feel, the employees blue jacket and trousers in
wear the same new uniform the same color, with a light
as the flight crew ofArke. blue shirt and a striped tie
For ladies this uniform con- with the TUI-smile.q