Page 45 - MIN TTC 6jan,2016
P. 45

                                                                                                                                 Wednesday 6 January 2016

Friends forever: Scott and Beth Vanheer from Pennsylvania

PALM BEACH - They are from Punxsutawney,           den. Beth and Scott met Tim at Gusto and he          rants and kiosks, live music every night of the
Pennsylvania, but they have come home to           told them about fantastic Salt & Pepper, where       week and a piano bar to spend your late, late
Aruba, Scott and Beth Vanheer say. They love       tapas and a regular menu delight all guests. But     hours. Beth and Scott had the grouper sand-
the island and they want to come back every        more than that, the staff is one of the restau-      wich, which they enjoyed a lot. Next time, on
year to renew their fast friendship with Tim, who  rant’s selling points. Arawak Garden is located      their third trip to Aruba they will try many more
they met at Gusto and with Errol, who also works   across from the Occidental Resort on the hi-rise     dishes at Salt & Pepper. Tim and Errol can’t wait
at Salt & Pepper Restaurant in the Arawak Gar-     strip. It is a cozy plaza filled with great restau-  to see you again!q
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