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                                                                                                                           Saturday 6 January 2018

            Sustainable Caribbean

            ORANJESTAD  -  The  Dutch  with  the  aid  of  sun  and
            foundation     WeConnect  ocean  water.”  The  Algae
            goes green. On Friday Jan-   PARC  Bonaire  project  will
            uary  12,  the  educational  be presented at the meet-
            foundation  is  organising  up.
            the  meet-up  ‘Sustainable
            Caribbean’  in  cooperation  Students  &  Young  Profes-
            with  Wageningen  Univer-    sionals:
            sity & Research (WUR). The  WeConnect          Manager
            focus is on green and sus-   Tanja  Fraai  was  pleasantly
            tainable  initiatives  on  the  surprised by the diversity of
            six  Caribbean  islands  and  students and young profes-
            on  how  to  liaise  Antillean  sionals  who  have  already
            and  Aruban  students  and  registered for the meet-up:
            young  professionals  with  “They  specialise,  among
            these  projects.  It  is  one  of  others,  in  chemistry,  food
            WeConnect’s  initiatives  to  technology,    hydrology,  ed by a group of Caribbe-     in touch with organizations  the  Ministry  of  Economic
            turn the brain drain on the  marine ecology and life sci-  an students from the tech-  that focus on sustainability.  Affairs  &  Climate,  and  the
            islands  into  a  brain  gain  ences.                     nical study association ABC  These organizations include  Ministry  of  Agriculture,  Na-
            and thus reinforcing the lo-  Additionally, they are com-  Compas.                     TNO  Caribbean,  national  ture  and  Food  Safety  will
            cal  employment  market  mitted to create a sustain-                                   parks  Stenapa  (Sint  Eusta-  be present in Wageningen
            with homegrown talents.      able future for their (home)  Organizations:              tius) and Stinapa (Bonaire)  to  showcase  their  projects
                                         islands.”  The  University  of  The  objective  is  to  inspire  and  energy  providers  on  on  the  islands  to  the  stu-
            Microalgae Project:          Delft will also be represent-  the students and put them  the  islands.  Furthermore,  dents.
            The  idea  for  a  thematic
            meet-up  on  sustainability                                                                                         Sustainable Future:
            developed  from  the  WUR                                                                                           WeConnect  is  an  edu-
            microalgae  project,  cur-                                                                                          cational  foundation  and
            rently  being  rolled  out  on                                                                                      therefore,  this  initiative  fits
            Bonaire.  A  collaborative                                                                                          perfectly  in  the  set  of  ac-
            team  from  Bonaire  and                                                                                            tivities.  Paul  Comenencia,
            Wageningen  led  by  René                                                                                           Chairman  of  WeConnect,
            Wijffels (Professor of Biopro-                                                                                      explains:  “The  meet-up  on
            cess  Technology)  is  study-                                                                                       January  12  will  help  facili-
            ing  the  deployment  of  al-                                                                                       tate  the  joining  of  forces
            gae as a resource for food,                                                                                         in  the  Kingdom:  WUR’s  in-
            cattle feed, fuel and chem-                                                                                         ternationally renowned ex-
            icals. René Wijffels: “Tourism                                                                                      pert knowledge in the field
            is  virtually  Bonaire’s  only                                                                                      of  agriculture  and  nature
            source  of  income.  Food                                                                                           management,  the  talents
            and energy have to be im-                                                                                           of our young professionals,
            ported nearly completely.                                                                                           and  the  ideal  conditions
            Together with people from                                                                                           of our islands for executing
            Bonaire, we want to under-                                                                                          innovative  economic  proj-
            take  innovative  research                                                                                          ects in the area of sustain-
            into  sustainable  ways  to                                                                                         ability.  The  outcome:  new
            develop  new  economic                                                                                              challenges for the university
            activities that will decrease                                                                                       and sustainable economic
            the import dependency of                                                                                            activities with employment
            the  island.”  The  professor                                                                                       opportunities on our islands
            explains  that  opportuni-                                                                                          is  a  win-win  combination.
            ties  are  being  looked  into                                                                                      WeConnect  happily  con-
            together  with  the  public                                                                                         tributes to this.”
            body of Bonaire to diversify
            the economy and develop                                                                                             The   meet-up     ‘Sustain-
            knowledge  and  infrastruc-                                                                                         able  Caribbean’  is  free  of
            ture  with  the  objective  of                                                                                      charge and is taking place
            creating  a  circular  econ-                                                                                        on  Friday  afternoon  Janu-
            omy.    Bonaire’s   climatic                                                                                        ary  12,  at  the  Campus  of
            conditions are ideal for ef-                                                                                        Wageningen  University  &
            ficiently  culturing  microal-                                                                                      Research,   building   115.
            gae.  Wijffels:  “We  want  to                                                                                      Compulsory      registration
            demonstrate that high-end                                                                                           via:
            sustainable  resources  can                                                                                         More information www.we-
            be produced on the island                                                                                           connectworks.nlq
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