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                 Monday 30 deceMber 2019
            'Tough year' for measles and other infectious diseases in US

            By MIKE STOBBE                                                                                                      was Scott Mosman, an out-
            AP Medical Writer                                                                                                   doors-loving   mechanical
            NEW YORK (AP) — This year,                                                                                          engineer  in  Taunton,  Mas-
            the germs roared back.                                                                                              sachusetts.
            Measles  tripled.  Hepatitis                                                                                        It's not clear when Mosman
            A mushroomed. A rare but                                                                                            was  bitten  by  a  mosquito,
            deadly     mosquito-borne                                                                                           but it likely happened while
            disease increased.                                                                                                  working  in  his  yard,  said
            And that was just the Unit-                                                                                         Sami Fam, a friend and for-
            ed States.                                                                                                          mer colleague.
            Globally, there was an ex-                                                                                          "He's kind of a big kid who
            plosion of measles in many                                                                                          always  thought  he  was  in-
            countries,  an  unrelenting                                                                                         vincible," said Fam.
            Ebola  outbreak  in  Africa                                                                                         The  58-year-old  Mosman
            and a surge in dengue fe-                                                                                           died in October.
            ver in Asia. There were also                                                                                        Better   diagnosing   may
            backslides  in  some  diseas-                                                                                       be a contributor to the in-
            es, like polio, that the world                                                                                      crease in reports of eastern
            was close to wiping out.                                                                                            equine encephalitis and a
            "It's been a tough year for   In this Aug. 26, 2019, file photo, Salt Lake City Mosquito Abatement District biologist Nadja Reissen   few  other  diseases  spread
            infectious  diseases,"  said   examines a mosquito in Salt Lake City.                                               by  bites  from  mosquitoes
            Dr.  Jonathan  Mermin  of                                                                          Associated Press  or ticks. Some also ebb and
            the U.S. Centers for Disease                                                                                        flow in cycles. But research-
            Control and Prevention.      But it was a shock to learn   A  vaccine  for  hepatitis  A  The  virus  is  spread  to  peo-  ers say larger increases also
            A  look  back  at  some  U.S.  how low they had dipped    is  now  included  in  routine  ple  through  mosquitoes  may be related to climate
            disease trends in 2019:      in  some  places,  said  Dr.   childhood  vaccines,  but  that mostly feed on infect-  change, as warmer weath-
            MEASLES                      Patricia   Schnabel   Rup-   most  adults  are  too  old  to  ed birds but sometimes bite  er can contribute to booms
            There  were  nearly  1,300  pert,  health  commissioner   have gotten it as children.  humans.  Few  people  who  in insects and a northward
            cases  of  measles  in  the  in  Rockland  County,  north   Attempts  to  give  the  vac-  are  infected  get  sick  but  expansion  of  where  they
            U.S.  through  November,  of New York City. Distrust of   cine  to  vulnerable  adults  those  who  do  can  devel-  live.
            That's  the  largest  number  vaccines had taken root in   met  resistance,  said  the  op  a  dangerous  infection  THE GOOD NEWS
            in 27 years. There were no  segments  of  the  Orthodox   CDC's Dr. Neil Gupta, who  of the brain, spinal cord or  This  year,  some  infectious
            deaths but about 120 peo-    community.  The  county      tracks the outbreaks.        surrounding  tissues.  There  diseases  did  trend  down.
            ple ended up in the hospi-   took  the  unusual  step  of   Public  health  workers  took  is a vaccine for horses, not  Preliminary  reports  show
            tal.                         barring  thousands  of  un-  the  shots  out  to  people  in  people                   Legionnaires' disease down
            This  from  a  disease  that  vaccinated  children  from   drug rehab centers and to  The  numbers  remain  very  by  about  20%.  West  Nile
            vaccines  had  essentially  dozens of schools.            shelters  and  the  streets  to  low  —  just  38  cases  this  virus  cases  fell  two-thirds,
            purged  from  the  country  HEPATITIS A                   reach  the  homeless.  Gup-  year.                        compared to 2018.
            for a decade.                Hepatitis  A  tends  to  be   ta  said  he's  optimistic  that  But  that's  more  than  dou-  And  some  other  infectious
            "How  can  we  have  gone  thought of as a kind of food   cases may drop in 2020.      ble  the  annual  number  in  terrors  of  the  past,  includ-
            from  eliminating  the  dis-  poisoning,  often  traced   EASTERN EQUINE ENCEPHA-      the  past  decade,  and  it  ing tuberculosis, continued
            ease to reviving a disease?  to  an  infected  restaurant   LITIS                      included  15  deaths.  That  to recede.
            It's mind-shattering that we  worker  with  poor  hygiene.   This rare and deadly illness  prompted  health  warnings  And the nation is a far cry
            would go in that direction,"  But the latest wave began   saw a small but worrisome  in  some  places  and  even  from  where  it  was  at  the
            said U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLau-   in San Diego among home-     increase last summer. East-  calls  to  cancel  outdoor  beginning of the 20th cen-
            ro,  D-Conn.,  who  heads  a  less  people  and  people   ern equine encephalitis got  events scheduled for dusk,  tury,  when  roughly  50%  of
            congressional  subcommit-    who use illicit drugs. In 2017,   its  name  because  it  was  when mosquitoes are most  U.S. deaths were attributed
            tee  that  oversees  public  there  were  1,500  cases  in   first seen in horses in Massa-  active.                to  infectious  diseases.  To-
            health spending.             four states tied to the out-  chusetts.                   Among  those  who  died  day, it's more like 5%.q
            Three-quarters of this year's  break. This year, it boomed
            Jewish  communities  in  or  Florida  and  Tennessee  the  Science teachers, students get Times
            cases  were  in  Orthodox  to  17,000  in  30  states,  with
            near New York City. As do  hardest hit.
                                         Hepatitis  A  usually  is  not  Square New Year’s stage
            most U.S. outbreaks, it start-
            ed  with  travelers  infected  considered a fatal disease,
            overseas  who  spread  it  to  but  it  can  be  for  people   Associated Press                      Jared  Fox,  who  teaches  at  the  Wash-
            people who hadn't gotten  whose  livers  are  already       NEW YORK (AP) — This year's New Year's  ington  Heights  Expeditionary  Learning
            a measles vaccine.           damaged  by  hepatitis  C      Eve celebration in Times Square will spot-  School, and seniors Ricardo Herrera and
            Vaccination  rates  in  New  or longtime drinking. Nearly   light efforts to combat climate change  Diane Arevalo are working on a clean-
            York  are  good,  overall.  200 died this year.             when high school science teachers and  air and greening project in the school's
                                                                        students press the button that begins the  Upper Manhattan neighborhood.
                                                                        famous 60-second ball drop and count-    Aida  Rosenbaum,  a  Bronx  Latin  School
                                                                        down to next year.                       teacher,  and  seniors  Daniel  Soto  and
                                                                        "On New Year's Eve, we look back and  Van Troy Ulloa led a fundraising walk to
                                                                        reflect  on  the  dominant  themes  of  the  raise  money  for  places  without  clean
                                                                        past  year,  and  seek  hope  and  inspira-  water.
                                                                        tion  as  we  look  forward,"  Times  Square  Young  climate  activists  gained  new
                                                                        Alliance  President  Tim  Tompkins  said  in  prominence  this  year,  when  Swed-
                                                                        a  statement  Saturday  announcing  the  ish  teenager  Greta  Thunberg  sparked
                                                                        plan. The honorees, he said, "are work-  school strikes around the world after she
                                                                        ing to solve this global problem through  began  skipping  class  to  press  for  more
                                                                        science."                                action on fighting global warming. q
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