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Wednesday 12 July 2023
Red Hot Chili Peppers, Ms. Lauryn Hill
will headline Global Citizen Festival
According to the United Nations Race to Zero to set up strengthening entire vil-
Nations Population Fund, targets for reducing their lages in her native Benin
257 million women around carbon emissions. Or urg- and throughout Africa.
the world want to avoid ing the governments of “Helping women in a com-
pregnancy, but don’t have the United States, United munity is like starting a roll-
access to modern contra- Kingdom, Italy and Austra- ing stone that never stops
ceptives. The fund’s part- lia to provide more funding rolling,” said Kidjo, adding
nership to provide repro- to vulnerable countries to that it was the women who
ductive health services is adapt to climate change. kept their villages safe dur-
currently underfunded by Global Citizen’s use of sup- ing the COVID-19 pandem-
Anthony Kiedis, from left, Flea, John Frusciante and Chad Smith, $100 million. porters to convince po- ic by making masks and
of Red Hot Chili Peppers, attend a ceremony honoring the band Education Cannot Wait, litical, business and philan- soap for hand-washing, as
with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on Thursday, March
31, 2022, in Los Angeles. the United Nations fund thropic leaders to tackle well as enforcing social dis-
Associated Press that helps ensure nearly 20 some of the world’s biggest tancing.
million children in crisis con- problems is designed to Not only will Hill and Megan
By GLENN GAMBOA Gen Z, to take action on tinue learning, needs $670 appeal to younger genera- Thee Stallion provide ex-
AP Business Writer gender inequality, climate million for its work. tions, Evans said. amples of female empow-
NEW YORK (AP) — Red Hot change and other issues. The Global Citizen Festival, “These are pillars of what we erment with their perfor-
Chili Peppers, Ms. Lauryn Studies show that half of which will also include per- know Gen Z cares about, mances, but Evans hopes
Hill and Megan Thee Stal- Gen Z “feel disillusioned formances from K-pop sen- but often they feel power- they will encourage their
lion will headline this year’s and powerless to make sation Stray Kids and singer- less because the data isn’t fans to take action dur-
Global Citizen Festival as a positive impact,” Evans songwriter Conan Gray, on their side,” Evans said. ing the event, which will
the anti-poverty nonprofit told The Associated Press in provides free tickets to “We’re talking to Gen Z in be streamed on numerous
looks to focus attention on an interview. the event in exchange for a way that they know their digital platforms.
increasing inequality for “As long as you and I have fans taking actions on the actions can have a scal- “For many decades, the
girls and young women been alive, there was al- group’s app and website able impact.” Red Hot Chili Peppers
around the world. most this sense of positive that support these goals. Singer Angelique Kidjo, who have occupied that space
Global Citizen CEO Hugh momentum in the world This year, that may mean was recently named to this where music and activism
Evans said the Sept. 23 that almost felt like the asking Canada, Norway year’s Great Immigrants list meet,” said Evans, add-
event at New York’s Cen- eradication of extreme and Japan to donate more by the Carnegie Corpora- ing that the band’s classic
tral Park will be the center- poverty could be inevita- to the United Nations Popu- tion of New York, said that “Under the Bridge” was the
piece of his group’s cam- ble,” he said. “But the data lation Fund. her Batonga Foundation first song he learned to play
paign to encourage sup- suggests the world is now It may mean pushing com- found that supporting girls on guitar. “We couldn’t be
porters, especially those in getting worse.” panies to join the United and young women ends happier with this lineup.”q
Leonardo DiCaprio to fund scholarships, climate education at his
former elementary school
By ANDREW DALTON who might otherwise miss DiCaprio, 48, has long been
AP Entertainment Writer out on this opportunity, and an outspoken advocate for
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Leon- to help create a program addressing the climate cri-
ardo DiCaprio will fund that will help guide the next sis.
scholarships and a climate generation of climate war- Esrailian said the program
education program at the riors.” “will position children —
UCLA-based elementary The school aims to provide both at the Lab School and
school where he was once innovative educational beyond — for a more sus-
himself a scholarship stu- techniques for its students tainable and healthy life
dent, the actor and the whose ages range from 4 for themselves and for our
college said Tuesday. to 12 that outside teachers planet.”
The Leonardo DiCaprio can come to study. “Expanding access to high-
Scholarship fund and the DiCaprio’s scholarship fund quality education and
Climate Justice Education will give its students who helping young people rec-
Program are set to begin need financial aid, which ognize the need to protect
in the forthcoming school he got as a child when he our planet are critical goals
year at the UCLA Lab went to the school in the Leonardo DiCaprio attends the world premiere of “Don’t Look for our institution,” UCLA
School. “I was fortunate 1980s, and will help the Up” in New York on Dec. 5, 2021. Chancellor Gene Block
enough to attend the Lab school to maintain the di- Associated Press said in a statement.
School due to the gener- versity it seeks. About 40% partment and a longtime icy and leadership needed DiCaprio, the Oscar-win-
ous contributions of UCLA of its students need finan- friend of DiCaprio. to address it. ning star of “Titanic,” “Once
donors, and my experience cial help. The new and separate cli- The school has sought to Upon a Time in Hollywood,”
profoundly transformed my “This scholarship fund will mate education program use its location, next to a “The Revenant” and “The
worldview,” DiCaprio said provide many children ac- will seek to teach students creek amid redwoods on Departed,” will next ap-
in a statement to The As- cess to UCLA Lab School, from pre-Kindergarten the Los Angeles univer- pear in “ Killers of the Flower
sociated Press. “I am proud just as Leo had,” said Dr. through sixth grade about sity campus, to become a Moon,” directed by his fre-
to have the chance to pass Eric Esrailian, a professor in the science behind climate hands-on site for environ- quent collaborator Martin
on my experience to those UCLA’s Health Sciences de- change and about the pol- mental teaching. Scorsese.q