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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 12 July 2023
            EPA sets stricter limits on hydrofluorocarbons used in refrigerators,

            air conditioners

            By MATTHEW DALY              bipartisan action Congress                                                             rule as we prepare for the
            Associated Press             took in 2020 to approve the                                                            next  HFC  reduction  step-
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The  American  Innovation  and                                                                 down  next  January,”  said
            Environmental  Protection  Manufacturing  Act,  which                                                               AHRI president & CEO Ste-
            Agency is enforcing stricter  phased  out  domestic  HFC                                                            phen Yurek.
            limits  on  hydrofluorocar-  manufacturing.  The  AIM                                                               WHAT HAPPENS IF INDUSTRY
            bons, highly potent green-   Act  has  accelerated  an                                                              DOES NOT COMPLY?
            house gases used in refrig-  industry  shift  from  HFCs  to                                                        The  EPA  rule  includes  a
            erators and air conditioners  alternative refrigerants that                                                         range  of  administrative
            that  contribute  to  global  use less harmful chemicals                                                            penalties, including license
            warming.                     and  are  widely  available                                                            revocation and retirement
            A rule announced Tuesday  throughout  the  country.                                                                 of  allowances  for  compa-
            will  impose  a  40%  overall  The  law  also  averts  a  pre-                                                      nies  that  don’t  comply.
            reduction  in  HFCs  starting  vious  patchwork  of  state                                                          Fines  and  criminal  penal-
            next  year,  part  of  a  glob-  laws  and  regulations  that                                                       ties  also  can  be  imposed.
            al  phaseout  designed  to  govern HFCs.                                                                            EPA said it has finalized ad-
            slow  climate  change.  The  WHAT DOES THE LATEST RULE                                                              ministrative  consequences
            rule aligns with a 2020 law  DO?                                                                                    retiring  more  than  6.5  mil-
            that calls for an 85% reduc-  The  new  rule  announced                                                             lion  metric  tons  of  carbon
            tion in production and use  Tuesday  builds  on  a  10%                                                             dioxide equivalent for 2022
            of  the  climate-damaging    Ed Newby, owner of All Star A/C and Heating, works on an air conditioning unit on June 26, 2023,   and  2023  for  companies
            chemicals by 2036.           in Houston.                                                                            that  misreported  data  or
            Here’s a look at HFCs and                                                                          Associated Press   imported  HFCs  without  re-
            what the United States and                                                                                          quired allowances. q
            other  countries  are  doing  reduction  required  by  the
            to limit their use.          end of this year. It requires
            WHAT ARE HFCs?               a  40%  overall  reduction
            Hydrofluorocarbons     are  from 2024 through 2028.
            highly  potent  greenhouse  Companies  that  produce,
            gases  commonly  used  in  import,  export,  destroy,
            refrigerators  and  air  con-  use,  process  or  recycle
            ditioners.  HFCs  produce  HFCs  are  subject  to  the
            greenhouse gases that are  rule.  EPA  officials  said  the
            thousands  of  times  more  rule would help ensure the
            powerful  than  carbon  di-  U.S. leads the way as coun-
            oxide.  They  often  leak  tries  around  the  world  im-
            through pipes or applianc-   plement the Kigali Amend-
            es  that  use  compressed  ment. The HFC phasedown,
            refrigerants  and  are  con-  “bolstered  by  domestic
            sidered  a  major  driver  of  innovation  to  develop  al-
            global warming.              ternative  chemicals  and
            WHAT  IS  BEING  DONE  TO  equipment,  is  paving  the
            LIMIT HFCs?                  way  for  the  United  States
            More  than  130  countries,  to  tackle  climate  change
            including the United States,  and   strengthen   global
            have signed a 2016 global  competitiveness,” said Joe
            agreement  to  greatly  re-  Goffman, principal deputy
            duce  use  and  production  assistant  administrator  of
            of HFCs by 2036.             EPA’s Office of Air and Ra-
            The  Senate  ratified  the  so-  diation.  White  House  cli-
            called  Kigali  Amendment  mate  adviser  Ali  Zaidi  said
            to  the  1987  Montreal  Pro-  the  rule  will  help  develop
            tocol  on  ozone  pollution  next-generation  technolo-
            last  year  in  a  rare  biparti-  gies  for  refrigeration,  “en-
            san  vote.  The  measure  re-  suring that American work-
            quires participating nations  ers  reap  the  benefits  of  a
            to phase down production  growing  global  market  for
            and  use  of  HFCs  by  85%  HFC alternatives.”
            over  the  next  13  years,  as  WHAT DOES INDUSTRY SAY?
            part  of  a  global  phaseout  The Air Conditioning, Heat-
            intended  to  slow  climate  ing  and  Refrigeration  Insti-
            change.                      tute,  which  represents  air
            Scientists  said  the  agree-  conditioning,  heating  and
            ment,  reached  in  Kigali,  commercial     refrigeration
            Rwanda,  could  help  the  manufacturers,  called  the
            world avoid a half-degree  rule a crucial step to imple-
            Celsius of global warming.   ment the AIM Act.
            Ratification of the amend-   “Our  industry  appreciates
            ment,  signed  last  year  by  the  work  of  the  EPA  and
            President Joe Biden, follows  the  timely  issuance  of  this
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