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P. 28
A28 u.s. news
Diasabra 27 Maart 2021
Reopening hurdles linger for schools, despite rescue funding
the same guidance.
“If the guidance is permis-
sible, we are excited to be
able to do that,” said Jeffrey
Rabey, superintendent of De-
pew Public Schools in Buf-
falo’s suburbs, where schools
are operating with a hybrid
One of the biggest obstacles
remains parent fears about
the spread of the virus in
schools, said Andre Perry, a
senior fellow at the Brook-
ings Institution. He said
districts have to show par-
ents they are safe, especially
in traditionally underserved
schools where bathrooms
often lacked soap or working
sinks before the pandemic.
In Fairfax County, Virgin-
ia, where schools last week
completed the transition
from fully remote to a mix of
remote and in-person learn-
ing, surveys indicate many
families in the state's largest
district may not want more
time in classrooms.
(AP) — The latest fed- cause of guidelines on issues In Ohio’s Youngstown City doors.” The percentage of parents
eral coronavirus relief such as social distancing and School District, where about who say they prefer in-per-
package includes $81 bil- bus transportation, said Beth 40% of students are back in In Hartford, Connecticut, son learning over online has
lion that began flowing to Graser, a district spokesper- classrooms part-time, CEO Superintendent Leslie Tor- decreased in recent months,
states this week with the son. Justin Jennings doesn’t ex- res-Rodriguez said she ex- down to 47% this month
goal of helping schools re- pect the newest federal mon- pects the relief money will from 56% in October, ac-
open quickly — with one “There simply aren’t people ey to change those numbers help the district bring more cording to the district, which
problem being that many to hire to drive the buses we before the school year ends. students back by expanding said parents have to feel pre-
of the districts’ problems have, much less the fact that That’s partly because stu- efforts to connect with fami- pared and safe sending their
can’t be solved by money. we would need to go through dents already were offered lies of students who have kids back.
a purchasing process to se- the opportunity to return for been absent or disengaged.
Many parents want to keep cure additional buses if we in-person learning, and part- The district has done close to “We are still working on
their children home. Teach- were to increase our fleet to ly because the district doesn’t 4,400 home visits this school looking at factors that may be
ers have pushed back at re- the point where we could even expect to draw on the year but often has lacked the able to help bring back addi-
opening plans. And some dis- feasibly overcome the trans- latest funding until at least resources to address the root tional students in-person in
tricts say state guidelines on portation constraints,” Gras- the summer, Jennings said. causes of the problems, she the weeks ahead,” a district
social distancing keep them er wrote in an email. Then it may go to more pro- said. spokesperson said via email.
from bringing all students tective equipment, upgrading
back at once. The money released this schools’ air filtration systems “Additional social workers, In Ohio's largest school dis-
week is part of $122 billion and broadband access, and mental health and wellness trict, Columbus, most stu-
The money is welcome as- included for K-12 schools in investing in transportation supports would be so impor- dents are back in classrooms
sistance for districts that have the $1.9 trillion virus relief to allow for better social dis- tant and most immediately part time under a hybrid
had to spend enormous sums bill. Schools are strategizing tancing, he said. needed,” she said. schedule. Social distancing
on ventilation systems, lap- over how to use the money requirements that put capac-
tops and protective equip- over the next couple years to About 60 of the 77 large ur- Amid signs of slipping aca- ity on school buses is one
ment. With the end of the undo the pandemic's damage ban districts that make up the demic achievement, the hurdle, and it doesn't make
academic year approaching to the pace of learning and Council of the Great City school district in Connecti- sense to buy hundreds more
quickly, however, many are students’ mental well-being. Schools are at least partially cut’s capital is encouraging buses, officials said.
looking ahead to how to best open, Executive Director all students to return for in-
spend the new money next Nearly half of U.S. elementa- Michael Casserly said, and person learning on March Another hurdle, district trea-
fall. ry schools were open for full- most of the rest already had 29, including some 9,600 surer Stanley Bahorek said,
time classroom learning as plans to reopen by the middle students who have opted for is uncertainty about what’s
For some districts that have of last month, according to a of April. The new funding virtual learning. ahead and how schools might
yet to bring large number of survey by the administration will help with the return to have to adapt.
students back to classrooms, of President Joe Biden, who in-person learning, he said. The Centers for Disease
no amount of money can has pledged to have most K-8 “There’s a fair amount of Control and Prevention said “We’re in a situation where
help in the near term. schools open full time in his money that will go to just ef- last week that students can we don’t have a choice but to
first 100 days in office. While forts to reopen the buildings safely sit 3 feet, instead of 6 respond to an ever-changing
The Hillsboro School Dis- the administration touted the and make sure that everybody feet, apart inside classrooms environment,” Bahorek said.
trict, one of Oregon's larg- relief package as a way to help is safe,” he said. “Those will as long as they wear masks. “And that’s the perspective
est, plans to begin introduc- reopen schools, officials in be one-time expenditures But officials in some districts that I hope people on the
ing limited in-person learn- some districts say they won't that the school districts will say that won't allow them to outside consider when they
ing for some students this tap into the new funding for make that won’t necessarily increase the number of days say, ‘Well, why don’t they
month but cannot bring all months. build any long-term capacity, students learn in person un- just bring the kids back to
students back full time be- but they will help open the less state governments adopt school?’”